Case number: 1:13-bk-72188 - Hands of Love, Inc. - Arkansas Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of Arkansas (El Dorado)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 1:13-bk-72188

Assigned to: Judge Richard D. Taylor
Chapter 11

Debtor disposition:  Discharge Not Applicable
Date filed:  06/21/2013
Date terminated:  10/18/2016
Plan confirmed:  10/28/2014
341 meeting:  08/14/2013


Hands of Love, Inc.

302 Chestnut Street
Warren, AR 71671
Tax ID / EIN: 58-2024474

represented by
Kevin P. Keech

2011 S. Broadway St.
Little Rock, AR 72206
(501) 221-3200
Fax : 501-221-3201

O. Rusty Sparks

ABC Law Center
1818 N. Taylor Street
Suite B - PMB 326
Little Rock, AR 72207
Fax : 501-421-0212
TERMINATED: 10/14/2014

U.S. Trustee

U.S. Trustee (ust)

Office Of U. S. Trustee
200 W Capitol, Ste. 1200
Little Rock, AR 72201

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
10/18/2016104Bankruptcy Case Closed. The Trustee Has Performed All Duties Required and is Discharged From and Relieved of His Trust. (Fiallos-Flores, Jessica) (Entered: 10/18/2016)
09/14/2016103BNC Certificate of Mailing(RE: related document(s) 102
Order Granting Motion For Final Decree (Related Doc 98) Entered on Docket 9/12/2016 (Fiallos-Flores, Jessica)
) No. of Notices: 9. Notice Date 09/14/2016. (Admin.) (Entered: 09/14/2016)
Order Granting Motion For Final Decree (Related Doc # 98) Entered on Docket 9/12/2016 (Fiallos-Flores, Jessica)
(Entered: 09/12/2016)
09/09/2016101BNC Certificate of Mailing(RE: related document(s) 100
Order to Submit Order(RE: related document(s) 98
Motion for Final Decree with Notice of Opportunity to Object
Filed by Kevin P. Keech on behalf of Hands of Love, Inc. filed by Debtor Hands of Love, Inc.) Entered on 9/7/2016 (Fiallos-Flores, Jessica)
) No. of Notices: 0. Notice Date 09/09/2016. (Admin.) (Entered: 09/09/2016)
Order to Submit Order(RE: related document(s) 98
Motion for Final Decree with Notice of Opportunity to Object
Filed by Kevin P. Keech on behalf of Hands of Love, Inc. filed by Debtor Hands of Love, Inc.) Entered on 9/7/2016 (Fiallos-Flores, Jessica)
(Entered: 09/07/2016)
04/28/201699Certificate of Service (RE: related document(s) 98 Final Decree filed by Debtor Hands of Love, Inc.) filed by Kevin P. Keech Debtor Hands of Love, Inc.. (Keech, Kevin) (Entered: 04/28/2016)
Motion for Final Decree with Notice of Opportunity to Object
Filed by Kevin P. Keech on behalf of Hands of Love, Inc. (Keech, Kevin) (Entered: 04/27/2016)
02/25/201697BNC Certificate of Mailing(RE: related document(s) 96
Order Withdrawing Motion To Compel (Related Doc 93) Entered on Docket 2/23/2016 (Fiallos-Flores, Jessica)
) No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 02/25/2016. (Admin.) (Entered: 02/25/2016)
Order Withdrawing Motion To Compel (Related Doc # 93) Entered on Docket 2/23/2016 (Fiallos-Flores, Jessica)
(Entered: 02/23/2016)
01/27/201695BNC Certificate of Mailing - Hearing(RE: related document(s) 94 Hearing SCHEDULED(RE: related document(s) 93
Motion to Compel or Enforce Motion to Compel Debtor to Submit Reports and Pay Quarterly Fees
) Hearing scheduled for 2/25/2016 at 09:30 AM at El Dorado.) No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 01/27/2016. (Admin.) (Entered: 01/27/2016)