Case number: 1:22-bk-11457 - Rive Gauche Television - California Central Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Rive Gauche Television

  • Court

    California Central (cacbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Martin R. Barash

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
Repeat-cacb, DsclsDue, PlnDue, JNTADMN, MEMBER

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Central District of California (San Fernando Valley)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 1:22-bk-11457-MB

Assigned to: Martin R. Barash
Chapter 11

Date filed:  12/19/2022
341 meeting:  02/23/2023
Deadline for objecting to discharge:  03/20/2023


Rive Gauche Television

15030 Ventura Blvd. #587
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tax ID / EIN: 95-4467168

represented by
Jeffrey S Kwong

Levene, Neale, Bender, Yoo & Golubchik L.L.P.
2818 La Cienega Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90034

David L. Neale

Levene, Neale, Bender, Yoo & Golubchik L.L.P.
2818 La Cienega Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90034

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee (SV)

915 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1850
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 894-6811
represented by
Russell Clementson

915 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1850
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Fax : 213-894-0276

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
11/29/202446BNC Certificate of Notice - PDF Document. (RE: related document(s)[45] Order on Motion to Redact (for Protective Order to Restrict Access Pers. ID (LBR Form F9037-1.1) (Fee) (BNC-PDF)) No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 11/29/2024. (Admin.)
11/27/202445Order Granting Motion to Redact (for Protective Order to Restrict Access to Filed Document Containing Personal Data Identifiers per LBR 9037-1(a)) (BNC-PDF) (Related Doc # [1]) Signed on 11/27/2024 (JC)
11/27/202444Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 1:22-bk-11457-MB for the Month Ending: 10/31/2024 Filed by Debtor Rive Gauche Television. (Kwong, Jeffrey)
11/22/202443Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 1:22-bk-11457-MB for the Month Ending: 09/30/2024 Filed by Debtor Rive Gauche Television. (Kwong, Jeffrey)
11/19/202442Notice of motion/application - Notice of Motion for Order Without a Hearing [LBR 9013-1(p) or (q)] - Filed by Debtor Rive Gauche Television (RE: related document(s)[41] Motion to Redact (for Protective Order to Restrict Access to Filed Document Containing Personal Data Identifiers per LBR 9037-1(a)) - Motion for Protective Order Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 107(c) and FRBP 9037 to Restrict Access to Filed Documents Containing Personal Data Identifiers -. Fee Amount $28 Filed by Debtor Rive Gauche Television). (Kwong, Jeffrey)
11/19/202441Restricted. Please log into CM/ECF to access this information.
10/18/202440Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 1:22-bk-11457-MB for the Month Ending: 08/31/2024 Filed by Debtor Rive Gauche Television. (Kwong, Jeffrey)
09/05/202439Notice - Notice of Submission of: (1) Amendments to Monthly Operating Reports Filed Since the Petition Date; and (2) Schedule of Back Pay Amounts Owed to Employees - Filed by Debtor Rive Gauche Television. (Kwong, Jeffrey)
09/05/202438Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 1:22-bk-11457-MB for the Month Ending: 07/31/2024 Filed by Debtor Rive Gauche Television. (Kwong, Jeffrey)
08/02/202437Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 1:22-bk-11457-MB for the Month Ending: 06/30/2024 Filed by Debtor Rive Gauche Television. (Kwong, Jeffrey)