Case number: 6:12-bk-31642 - Steno Enterprises, Inc. - California Central Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Docket Header
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Central District Of California (Riverside)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 6:12-bk-31642-MJ

Assigned to: Meredith A. Jury
Chapter 7

Date filed:  09/20/2012
341 meeting:  05/02/2013
Deadline for filing claims:  05/06/2013
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  03/19/2013


Steno Enterprises, Inc.

8560 Vineland Ave. #209
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tax ID / EIN: 90-0106741

represented by
Andrew A Goodman

Greenberg & Bass
16000 Ventura Blvd Ste 1000
Encino, CA 91436
Fax : 818-986-6534


Helen R. Frazer (TR)

Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & R
12800 Center Court Drive, Suite 300
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 653-3200

represented by
Franklin J Contreras

8105 Irvine Ctr Dr Ste 600
Irvine, CA 92618
Fax : 949-340-3000

Helen R. Frazer (TR)

Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & R
12800 Center Court Drive, Suite 300
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 653-3200

Rika Kido

Shulman Hodges & Bastian LLP
8105 Irvine Center Dr Ste 600
Irvine, CA 92618
Fax : 949-340-3000

Leonard M Shulman

Shulman Hodges & Bastian LLP
8105 Irvine Ctr Dr Ste 600
Irvine, CA 92618
Fax : 949-340-3000

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee (RS)

3801 University Avenue, Suite 720
Riverside, CA 92501-3200
(951) 276-6990
represented by
Michael J Bujold

Office of the US Trustee
3801 University Avenue
Ste 720
Riverside, CA 92501
Fax : 951-276-6973

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
02/25/2016152Bankruptcy Case Closed - CHAPTER 7 ASSET. Pursuant to the Trustee's Final Account and Distribution Report Certification that the Estate has been Fully Administered and Application to be Discharged, it is ordered that the above case be closed. No objections having been made by the United States Trustee, the trustee is discharged and the bond is exonerated. (RE: related document(s)[23] Notice of Assets filed by trustee and court's notice of possible dividend (BNC) filed by Trustee Helen R. Frazer (TR), [111] Notice of Hearing filed by Trustee Helen R. Frazer (TR), [113] Notice of Hearing filed by Trustee Helen R. Frazer (TR), [114] Hearing (Bk Motion) Set, [130] Notice of Hearing filed by Trustee Helen R. Frazer (TR), [145] Notice of Trustee's Final Report and Applications for Compensation (NFR) (BNC-PDF)) (Hawkinson, Susan)
02/25/2016151Chapter 7 Trustee's Final Account, Certification that the Estate has been Fully Administered and Application of Trustee to be Discharged filed on behalf of Trustee Helen Frazer. The United States Trustee has reviewed the Final Account, Certification that the Estate has been Fully Administered and Application of Trustee to be Discharged. The United States Trustee does not object to the relief requested. Filed by United States Trustee. (united states trustee (tjf))
12/18/2015150BNC Certificate of Notice - PDF Document. (RE: related document(s)[148] Order of Distribution (BNC-PDF) filed by Trustee Helen R. Frazer (TR), Accountant Hahn Fife & Company) No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 12/18/2015. (Admin.)
12/16/2015148Order of Distribution for Helen R. Frazer (TR), Trustee Chapter 7, Fees awarded: $30375.00, Expenses awarded: $105.20; for Hahn Fife & Company, Accountant, Fees awarded: $3349.50, Expenses awarded: $454.60; Awarded on 12/16/2015 (BNC-PDF) Signed on 12/16/2015. (Hawkinson, Susan)
12/15/2015149Document / Hearing Held - fees approved (RE: related document(s)[145] Notice of Trustee's Final Report and Applications for Compensation (NFR) (BNC-PDF)) (Hawkinson, Susan)
11/11/2015147BNC Certificate of Notice - PDF Document. (RE: related document(s)[145] Notice of Trustee's Final Report and Applications for Compensation (NFR) (BNC-PDF)) No. of Notices: 17. Notice Date 11/11/2015. (Admin.)
11/06/2015146Hearing Set (RE: related document(s)[145] Notice of Trustee's Final Report and Applications for Compensation (NFR) (BNC-PDF)) Status hearing to be held on 12/15/2015 at 11:00 AM at Crtrm 301, 3420 Twelfth St., Riverside, CA 92501. The case judge is Meredith A. Jury (Tolleson, Janna)
11/06/2015145Notice of Trustee's Final Report and Applications for Compensation (BNC-PDF) Filed by United States Trustee (RE: related document(s)[144]). (united states trustee (tjf))
11/06/2015144Chapter 7 Trustee's Final Report, Application for Compensation and Application(s) for Compensation of Professionals filed on behalf of Trustee Helen Frazer. The United States Trustee has reviewed the Chapter 7 Trustee's Final Report. Filed by United States Trustee. (united states trustee (tjf))
11/03/2015143Declaration re: Trustee's Final Report; Application for Compensation; and Non-Opposition to Professional Fees and Expenses Filed by Trustee Helen R. Frazer (TR). (Frazer (TR), Helen)