Case number: 6:16-bk-14273 - Allied Injury Management, Inc. - California Central Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Allied Injury Management, Inc.

  • Court

    California Central (cacbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Mark D. Houle

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Central District of California (Riverside)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 6:16-bk-14273-MH

Assigned to: Mark D. Houle
Chapter 11

Date filed:  05/11/2016
Plan confirmed:  08/19/2021
341 meeting:  07/20/2016


Allied Injury Management, Inc.

PO Box 1368
San Bernardino, CA 92402
Tax ID / EIN: 90-0141008

represented by
Alan W Forsley

FLP Law Group LLP
1875 Century Park East
Suite 2230
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Fax : 310-432-5999


David M Goodrich (TR)

Golden Goodrich LLP
3070 Bristol Street, Suite 640
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

represented by
Jason Balitzer

SulmeyerKupetz APC
333 S Hope St 35th Fl
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Fax : 213-629-4520

Mark S Horoupian

Greenspoon Marder LLP
1875 Century Park East
Suite 1900
Los Angeles, CA 90067

Victor A Sahn

Greenspoon Marder LLP
1875 Century Park East
Suite 1900
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Fax : 213-629-4520

Steven Werth

Greenspoon Marder LLP
1875 Century Park East
Suite 1900
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Fax : 213-629-4520

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee (RS)

3801 University Avenue, Suite 720
Riverside, CA 92501-3200
(951) 276-6990
represented by
Michael J Bujold

Executive Office for U.S. Trustees
441 G St. NW
Suite 6150
Washington, DC 20530
TERMINATED: 11/16/2018

Abram Feuerstein, esq

Office of US Trustee
3801 University Avenue
St 720
Riverside, CA 92501
Fax : 951-276-6973

Everett L Green

Office of the US Trustee
3801 University Avenue
Ste 720
Riverside, CA 92501
Fax : 951-276-6973

Cameron C Ridley

Office of the United States Trustee
3801 University Ave Ste 720
Riverside, CA 92501
Fax : 951-276-6973

Mohammad Tehrani

865 S. Figueroa St.
Suite 3100
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Fax : 213-689-7401
TERMINATED: 11/16/2018

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
01/15/2025662Hearing Held (RE: related document(s)[1]CONT Order (1) Setting Scheduling Hearing And Case Management Conference And (2) Requiring Status Report) ORDER GRANTING FINAL DECREE ENTERED 11/7/24 (JL)
12/26/2024661Bankruptcy Case Closed - FINAL DECREE. The plan of reorganization in the above referenced bankruptcy case has been fully implemented. An application for a Final Decree closing this case was granted by the Court and it is ordered that the Trustee is discharged, the bond is exonerated, and this case is therefore closed. (RE: related document(s) Set Case Commencement Deficiency Deadlines (ccdn), [8] Hearing Set (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [30] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [48] Trustee's Notice of Continued Meeting of Creditors (Rule 2003(e)) (No PDF) filed by U.S. Trustee United States Trustee (RS), [68] Transcript, [71] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [77] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [104] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [112] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Motion) (BK Case - BNC Option), Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Motion) (BK Case - BNC Option), [160] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Motion) (BK Case - BNC Option), [175] Transcript, [229] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Motion) (BK Case - BNC Option), [250] Notice of Hearing (BK Case) filed by Trustee David M Goodrich (TR), [254] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Motion) (BK Case - BNC Option), [265] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Motion) (BK Case - BNC Option), Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Motion) (BK Case - BNC Option), [290] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [291] Notice of Hearing (BK Case) filed by Trustee David M Goodrich (TR), [333] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [334] Notice of Hearing (BK Case) filed by Trustee David M Goodrich (TR), [350] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [367] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [379] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [393] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [407] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [422] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [426] Declaration filed by Trustee David M Goodrich (TR), [434] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [440] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [452] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [467] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [474] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [480] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [488] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [501] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [519] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [520] Hearing Set (Motion) (BK Case - BNC Option), [534] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [540] Amended Disclosure Statement filed by Trustee David M Goodrich (TR), [545] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [560] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Motion) (BK Case - BNC Option), Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Motion) (BK Case - BNC Option), Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Motion) (BK Case - BNC Option), [615] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [622] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [626] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [634] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [639] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [647] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option), [654] Hearing Rescheduled/Continued (Other) (BK Case - BNC Option)) (JC6)
11/09/2024660BNC Certificate of Notice - PDF Document. (RE: related document(s)[659] Order on Final Decree and Order Closing Case or for an Order Closing Case on Interim Basis - Chapter 11 (BNC-PDF)) No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 11/09/2024. (Admin.)
11/07/2024659Order Granting Motion For Final Decree and Order Closing Case. (BNC-PDF) (Related Doc # [652]) Signed on 11/7/2024. (JC6)
11/06/2024658Declaration That No Party Requested a Hearing on Motion (LBR 9013-1(o)(3)) (with Proof of Service) Filed by Trustee David M Goodrich (TR) (RE: related document(s)[652] Motion For Final Decree and Order Closing Case. Notice of Motion and Motion in Chapter 11 Case For the Entry of a Final Decree and Order Closing Case (with Proof of Service)). (Horoupian, Mark)
11/03/2024657BNC Certificate of Notice - PDF Document. (RE: related document(s)[656] Order on Generic Motion (BNC-PDF)) No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 11/03/2024. (Admin.)
11/01/2024656Order Granting Liquidating Trustee's Motion for Autority to Cancel Bond (BNC-PDF) (Related Doc # [649]) Signed on 11/1/2024 (JC6)
10/31/2024655Notice of lodgment with proof of service Filed by Trustee David M Goodrich (TR) (RE: related document(s)[649] Motion Liquidating Trustee's Motion for Authority to Cancel B; Declaration of David M. Goodrich in Support Thereof with proof of service Filed by Trustee David M Goodrich (TR) (Goodrich (TR), David)). (Goodrich (TR), David)
10/30/2024654Hearing Rescheduled/Continued re [7] Status hearing to be held on 1/15/2025 at 02:00 PM at Crtrm 301, 3420 Twelfth St., Riverside, CA 92501. No status report due. The case judge is Mark D. Houle (JC6)
10/29/2024653Hearing Held (RE: related document(s)[649] Motion Liquidating Trustee's Motion for Authority to Cancel Bond filed by Trustee David M Goodrich (TR))- Motion Granted. Order by attorney. (JC6)