Case number: 1:22-bk-10416 - KR Citrus, Inc., a California corporation - California Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    KR Citrus, Inc., a California corporation

  • Court

    California Eastern (caebke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Jennifer E. Niemann

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of California (Fresno)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 22-10416

Assigned to: Hon. Jennifer E. Niemann
Chapter 11

Date filed:  03/18/2022
Plan confirmed:  03/30/2023
341 meeting:  04/18/2022
Deadline for filing claims:  05/27/2022
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  09/14/2022
Deadline for objecting to discharge:  06/17/2022


KR Citrus, Inc., a California corporation

PO Box 835
Three Rivers, CA 93271
Tax ID / EIN: 45-1285336
Gateway Organic Packers

represented by
Riley C. Walter

265 E. River Park Circle Suite 310
Fresno, CA 93720


David M. Sousa

4112 S Demaree St
Visalia, CA 93277

U.S. Trustee

Office of the U.S. Trustee

United States Courthouse
2500 Tulare Street, Room 1401
Fresno, CA 93721

U.S. Trustee

Tracy Hope Davis
represented by
Loris L. Bakken

2715 W Kettleman Ln
Ste. 203-334
Lodi, CA 95242-9289
TERMINATED: 11/02/2022

Jorge A. Gaitan

501 I St #7-500
Sacramento, CA 95814

Justin C. Valencia

2500 Tulare St #1401
Fresno, CA 93721
TERMINATED: 08/11/2022

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
05/24/2023438Civil Minutes -- Motion Dropped from calendar, Resolved without Oral Argument Re: 14 - Motion/Application to Use Cash Collateral [WJH-1] (auto) (Entered: 05/24/2023)
05/12/2023437Certificate/Proof of Service of 436 Order on Motion/Application for Compensation [WJH-16] (ltrf) (Entered: 05/12/2023)
05/10/2023436Order Granting 428 Motion/Application for Compensation [WJH-16] (ltrf) (Entered: 05/11/2023)
05/10/2023435Civil Minutes -- Motion Granted, Resolved without Oral Argument Re: 428 - Motion/Application for Compensation [WJH-16] by the Law Office of Wanger Jones Helsley PC for Riley C. Walter, Debtors Attorney(s). Filed by Riley C. Walter (auto) (Entered: 05/10/2023)
04/20/2023434Certificate/Proof of Service of 433 Support Document [WJH-16] (ltrf) (Entered: 04/20/2023)
04/20/2023433Support Document/Client Approval of Final Fee Application Re: 428 Motion/Application for Compensation [WJH-16] by the Law Office of Wanger Jones Helsley PC for Riley C. Walter, Debtors Attorney(s). Filed by Riley C. Walter Filed by Debtor KR Citrus, Inc., a California corporation (ltrf) (Entered: 04/20/2023)
04/12/2023432Certificate/Proof of Service of 428 Motion/Application for Compensation [WJH-16] by the Law Office of Wanger Jones Helsley PC for Riley C. Walter, Debtors Attorney(s). Filed by Riley C. Walter, 429 Notice of Hearing, 430 Declaration, 431 Exhibit(s) (ltrf) (Entered: 04/13/2023)
04/12/2023431Exhibit(s) Re: 428 Motion/Application for Compensation [WJH-16] by the Law Office of Wanger Jones Helsley PC for Riley C. Walter, Debtors Attorney(s). Filed by Riley C. Walter (ltrf) (Entered: 04/13/2023)
04/12/2023430Declaration of Riley C. Walter in support of 428 Motion/Application for Compensation [WJH-16] by the Law Office of Wanger Jones Helsley PC for Riley C. Walter, Debtors Attorney(s). Filed by Riley C. Walter (ltrf) (Entered: 04/13/2023)
04/12/2023429Notice of Hearing Re: 428 Motion/Application for Compensation [WJH-16] by the Law Office of Wanger Jones Helsley PC for Riley C. Walter, Debtors Attorney(s). Filed by Riley C. Walter to be held on 5/10/2023 at 09:30 AM at Fresno Courtroom 11, Department A. (ltrf) (Entered: 04/13/2023)