Case number: 1:22-bk-11907 - FREON LOGISTICS - California Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of California (Fresno)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 22-11907

Assigned to: Hon. Rene Lastreto II
Chapter 7
Previous chapter 11
Original chapter 11

Date filed:  11/08/2022
Date converted:  12/14/2022
341 meeting:  03/29/2023
Deadline for filing claims:  04/26/2023
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  05/08/2023
Deadline for objecting to discharge:  02/13/2023



8200 North Laurelglen Blvd., No. 1906
Bakersfield, CA 93311
Tax ID / EIN: 81-2139355

represented by
Leonard K. Welsh

1800 30th Street, Fourth Floor
Bakersfield, CA 93301


Jeffrey M. Vetter

PO Box 2424
Bakersfield, CA 93303
(661) 809-6806

represented by
D. Max Gardner

930 Truxtun Ave., Suite 203
Bakersfield, CA 93301

U.S. Trustee

Office of the U.S. Trustee

United States Courthouse
2500 Tulare Street, Room 1401
Fresno, CA 93721

U.S. Trustee

Tracy Hope Davis

Attn: Jorge A. Gaitan
501 I St #7-500
Sacramento, CA 95814
represented by
Jorge A. Gaitan

501 I St #7-500
Sacramento, CA 95814

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
12/12/20241288On 12/12/2024; an electronic notification sent to Russell W. Reynolds at was returned to the Court as undeliverable. As a result; the Clerks Office deleted this email from our e-Filing system; and; on 12/12/2024; mailed the attached letter to Russell W. Reynolds at his/her primary postal address. (auto)
11/26/20241287Order Granting [1280] Motion/Application for Compensation [DMG-21] (vmcf)
11/14/20241286Civil Minutes -- Motion Granted; Resolved without Oral Argument Re: [1280] - Motion/Application to Employ Watson Realty as Realtor(s) [DMG-21] [1280] - Motion/Application for Compensation [DMG-21] for Watson Realty; Realtor(s) (auto)
10/21/20241285Report of Sale/Return on Sale by Trustee [DMG-8] (Vetter; Jeffrey)
10/21/20241284Report of Sale/Return on Sale by Trustee [DMG-2] (Vetter; Jeffrey)
10/17/20241283Certificate/Proof of Service of [1280] Motion/Application to Employ Watson Realty as Realtor(s) [DMG-21]; [1280] Motion/Application for Compensation [DMG-21] for Watson Realty; Realtor(s); [1281] Notice of Hearing; [1282] Declaration (vmcf)
10/17/20241282Declaration of Paula Vargas in support of [1280] Motion/Application to Employ Watson Realty as Realtor(s) [DMG-21]; [1280] Motion/Application for Compensation [DMG-21] for Watson Realty; Realtor(s) (vmcf)
10/17/20241281Notice of Hearing Re: [1280] Motion/Application to Employ Watson Realty as Realtor(s) [DMG-21]; [1280] Motion/Application for Compensation [DMG-21] for Watson Realty; Realtor(s) to be held on 11/14/2024 at 01:30 PM at Fresno Courtroom 13; Department B. (vmcf)
10/17/20241280Motion/Application for Compensation [DMG-21] for Watson Realty; Realtor(s) Filed by Trustee Jeffrey M. Vetter (vmcf)
10/15/20241279Order Granting [1259] Motion/Application for Relief from Stay [HBB-4] (vmcf)