Case number: 3:23-bk-01689 - Watkins Landmark Construction - California Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Watkins Landmark Construction

  • Court

    California Southern (casbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    J. Barrett Marum

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of California (San Diego)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 23-01689-MM7

Assigned to: Judge Margaret M. Mann
Chapter 7
No asset

Date filed:  06/12/2023
341 meeting:  10/19/2023


Watkins Landmark Construction

5441 Avenida Encinas
Suite A
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Tax ID / EIN: 20-1786993

represented by
Ajay Gupta

Gupta, Evans and Ayres, PC.
5353 Mission Center Road
Suite 215
San Diego, CA 92108
Fax : 619-330-2055

Petitioning Creditor

Lendspark Corporation

2554 Gateway Road
Carlsbad, CA 92009
TERMINATED: 09/19/2023

represented by
Steven T. Gubner

21650 Oxnard Street
Suite 500
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Fax : 818-827-9099
TERMINATED: 09/19/2023


Leonard J. Ackerman

6977 Navajo Road, Suite 124
San Diego, CA 92119

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
09/27/2024120BNC Court Certificate of Notice. (related documents [119] Order re: Notice of Intended Action) Notice Date 09/29/2024. (Admin.)
09/27/2024119Order Regarding Trustee's Notice of Intended Action re: Not to Prosecute and to Abandon Indemnity Claims against Subcontractors, Inc. and Rancho West Landscape, Inc.; with BNC Service (Related Doc # [116]) signed on 9/27/2024. (Lewis, L.)
09/06/2024118Court Notice Served On: 09/08/2024. Opposition due by: 09/23/2024 unless an objector is entitled to additional time under FRBP 9006. (related document [117] Notice of Intended Action and Opportunity for Hearing) (Admin)
09/06/2024117BNC Court Certificate of Notice. (related documents [116] Notice of Intended Action and Opportunity for Hearing) Notice Date 09/08/2024. (Admin.)
09/06/2024116Trustee's Notice of Intended Action and Opportunity for Hearing Re: Approval Not to Prosecute, and to Abandon Indemnity Claims Against Subcontractors Vision Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc., RAP Engineering, Inc., Koloa Pacific Construction, Inc., and Rancho West Landscape, Inc.,. filed by Christin A. Batt on behalf of Leonard J. Ackerman. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Leonard J. Ackerman # (2) Proof of Service) (Batt, Christin)
09/04/2024115Notice of Change in Assigned Judge and Number. Assigned to Judge J. Barrett Marum. You are further notified that the case number and judges initials (JBM) MUST appear on all papers in connection with the subject case. (Emery, JC)
08/01/2024114Request to be Removed from the Court's Electronic Filing Service Notification related to the case 3:23-bk-1689. Haeji Hong 198503, . Involvement of Haeji Hong Terminated and no longer holds an interest in the proceedings filed by Haeji Hong on behalf of United States Trustee. (Hong, Haeji)
05/23/2024113BNC Court Certificate of Notice. (related documents [112] Order to Employ with Application) Notice Date 05/25/2024. (Admin.)
05/23/2024112Order On Ex Parte Application For Authority to Employ Alan Myers As Accountant for Trustee. with Service by BNC (related documents [109] Application to Employ) signed on 5/23/2024. (Slaughter, S.)
05/22/2024111Statement of Position: The U.S. Trustee has no objection to the application. filed by Haeji Hong on behalf of United States Trustee. (related documents [109] Application to Employ) (Hong, Haeji)