Unconditional Love Inc.
Mary F. Walrath
PlnDue, DsclsDue, SealedDoc(s), STANDOrder, MEGA, LEAD, CLMSAGNT |
Assigned to: Mary F. Walrath Chapter 11 Voluntary Asset |
Debtor Unconditional Love Inc.
17383 Sunset Boulevard Suite B200 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 LOS ANGELES-CA Tax ID / EIN: 82-4725895 aka Hello Bello |
represented by |
John L Brennan
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP 787 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10019 212-728-8000 Email: jbrennan@willkie.com Carol E Cox
Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP Rodney Square 1000 North King Street Wilmington, DE 19801 302-571-6600 Email: CCox@ycst.com Jessica D. Graber
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP 787 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10019 212-728-8000 Fax : 212-728-8111 Email: jgraber@willkie.com Laura Davis Jones
Pachulski, Stang, Ziehl & Jones LLP 919 North Market St, 17th Floor Wilmington, DE 19801 302-778-6401 Email: ljones@pszjlaw.com Brian S Lennon
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP 787 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10019 212-728-8295 Fax : 212-728-8000 Email: blennon@willkie.com Stuart R. Lombardi
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP 787 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10019 212-728-8000 Fax : 212-728-8111 Email: slombardi@willkie.com Matthew Barry Lunn
Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor LLP 1000 North King Street Wilmington, DE 19801 302-571-6600 Email: mlunn@ycst.com Edmon L. Morton
Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP Rodney Square 1000 North King Street Wilmington, DE 19801 302 571-6600 Fax : 302-571-1253 Email: emorton@ycst.com Erin Ryan
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP 787 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10019 Email: eryan@willkie.com Richard L. Schepacarter
Office of the United States Trustee U. S. Department of Justice 844 King Street, Suite 2207 Lockbox #35 Wilmington, DE 19801 usa 302-573-6491 Fax : 302-573-6497 Email: richard.schepacarter@usdoj.gov Debra McElligott Sinclair
Willkie Farr & Gallagher 787 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10019 212-728-8000 Email: dsinclair@willkie.com Heather P. Smillie
Troutman Pepper Sanders Hamilton LLP 1313 N. Market Street Suite 5100 Wilmington, DE 19899 302-777-6553 Email: heather.smillie@troutman.com Elizabeth A Wayne
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP 300 North LaSalle Dr Chicago, IL 60654 312-728-9000 Email: ewayne@willkie.com |
U.S. Trustee U.S. Trustee
Office of the United States Trustee J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building 844 King Street, Suite 2207 Lockbox 35 Wilmington, DE 19801 (302)-573-6491 |
| |
Claims Agent Stretto
www.stretto.com 410 Exchange, Ste 100 Irvine, CA 92602 855-812-6112 |
| |
Transcriber Reliable Companies
Attn: Gene Matthews 1007 North Orange Street Suite 110 Wilmington, DE 19801 302-654-8080 |
| |
Creditor Committee Committee of Unsecured Creditors |
represented by |
Laura Davis Jones
(See above for address) |
Creditor Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors |
represented by |
Edward A. Corma
Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones 919 North Market Street, 17th Floor Wilmington, DE 19801 302-652-4100 Fax : 302-652-4400 Email: ecorma@pszjlaw.com Laura Davis Jones
(See above for address) Katherine M. Lynn
Hogan Lovells US LLP 390 Madison Avenue New Yorkk, NY 10017 (212) 918-3000 Fax : (212) 918-3100 Email: katherine.lynn@hoganlovells.com Edward J McNeilly
Hogan Lovells US LLP 1999 Avenue of the Stars Suite 1400 Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-785-4600 Fax : 310-785-4601 Email: edward.mcneilly@hoganlovells.com David P Simonds
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP 1999 Avenue of the Stars Suite 600 Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-552-6692 Email: dsimonds@akingump.com Richard L. Wynne
Hogan Lovells US LLP 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1400 Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-785-4600 Fax : 310-785-4601 Email: richard.wynne@hoganlovells.com |
Date Filed | # | Docket Text |
03/12/2025 | 561 | Chapter 11 Post-Confirmation Report for Case Number 23-11761 for the Quarter Ending: 12/31/2024 Filed by Hello Bello Litigation Trust. (Augustine, Mary) |
03/12/2025 | 560 | Chapter 11 Post-Confirmation Report for Case Number 23-11760 for the Quarter Ending: 12/31/2024 Filed by Hello Bello Litigation Trust. (Augustine, Mary) |
03/12/2025 | 559 | Chapter 11 Post-Confirmation Report for the Quarter Ending: 12/31/2024 Filed by Hello Bello Litigation Trust. (Augustine, Mary) |
03/11/2025 | 558 | Withdrawal of Claim(s): Claim No. 185 filed by Illinois Department of Employment Security. Filed by Stretto. (Betance, Sheryl) |
02/10/2025 | 557 | Withdrawal of Claim(s): Claim No. 167 filed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Filed by Stretto. (Betance, Sheryl) |
01/24/2025 | 556 | HEARING CANCELLED. Notice of Agenda of Matters not going forward. The following hearing has been cancelled. Filed by Hello Bello Litigation Trust. Hearing scheduled for 1/28/2025 at 11:30 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 5th Fl., Courtroom #4, Wilmington, Delaware. (Augustine, Mary) |
01/24/2025 | 555 | Order Extending Claims Disgorgement Deadline (Related Doc [550], [554]) Signed on 1/24/2025. (LMC) |
01/23/2025 | 554 | Certificate of No Objection regarding Hello Bello Litigation Trust's Motion to Extend Disgorgement Claims Deadline (related document(s)[550]) Filed by Hello Bello Litigation Trust. (Augustine, Mary) |
01/22/2025 | 553 | Order Approving Stipulation in Furtherance of the Stipulated Confidentiality Agreement and Protective Order (related document(s)[266], [552]) Signed on 1/22/2025. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A) (LMC) |
01/21/2025 | 552 | Certification of Counsel Certification of Counsel Regarding Stipulation in Furtherance of the Stipulated Confidentiality Agreement and Protective Order (related document(s)[266]) Filed by Hello Bello Litigation Trust. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Form of Order # (2) Exhibit A) (Augustine, Mary) |