Case number: 6:17-bk-04444 - The Gardens, LLC - Florida Middle Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    The Gardens, LLC

  • Court

    Florida Middle (flmbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Grace E. Robson

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Middle District of Florida (Orlando)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 6:17-bk-04444-GER

Assigned to: Grace E. Robson
Chapter 11

Debtor disposition:  Discharge Not Applicable
Date filed:  07/03/2017
Date reopened (2):  06/08/2023
Plan confirmed:  11/27/2018
341 meeting:  07/31/2017


The Gardens, LLC

c/o Don Granatstein
9668 Camberley Circle
Orlando, FL 32836
Tax ID / EIN: 90-0259457

represented by
The Gardens, LLC


R Scott Shuker

Shuker & Dorris, P.A.
121 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1120
Orlando, FL 32801
(407) 337-2060
Fax : (407) 337-2060
TERMINATED: 08/15/2023

Daniel A Velasquez

(See above for address)
TERMINATED: 08/04/2023

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee - ORL

Office of the United States Trustee
George C Young Federal Building
400 West Washington Street, Suite 1100
Orlando, FL 32801
represented by
Audrey M Aleskovsky

Office of the United States Trustee
George C. Young Federal Building
400 West Washington St, Suite 1100
Orlando, FL 32801
407-648-6301 Ext 130
Fax : 407-648-6323

Scott E Bomkamp

United States Trustee
400 W. Washington St.
Ste 1100
Orlando, FL 32801

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
09/29/2023220Trial Brief Filed by L William Porter III on behalf of Commercial Mortgage Managers Inc, Garden Recovery Partners, LLC (related document(s)214, 215). (Porter, L) (Entered: 09/29/2023)
09/22/2023219Certificate of Service Re: ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO STRIKE DECLARATION OF DON GRANATSTEIN. (to Non-CM/ECF User) Filed by L William Porter III on behalf of Commercial Mortgage Managers Inc, Garden Recovery Partners, LLC (related document(s)218). (Porter, L) (Entered: 09/22/2023)
Order Granting Motion to Strike Declaration of Donald Granatstein (Related Doc # 213).
Service Instructions: Robert Higgins is directed to serve a copy of this order on interested parties and file a proof of service within 3 days of entry of the order. (Kerkes, Deborah) (Entered: 09/21/2023)
09/21/2023217Annotated Exhibit List of Lions Garden from Hearing Held on September 18, 2023 . (Whitsett, Gena) (Entered: 09/21/2023)
09/21/2023216Annotated Exhibit List of CMM/GRP from Hearing Held on September 18, 2023 . (Whitsett, Gena) (Entered: 09/21/2023)
09/20/2023215Trial Brief Filed by Michele A Cavallaro on behalf of Interested Party Lion Gardens, LLC (related document(s)214). (Cavallaro, Michele) (Entered: 09/20/2023)
Hearing Proceeding Memo: Hearing Held -
William Porter (Debtor Atty); David Rentz (corporate rep); Michele Cavallaro (Lion Gardens Atty); Ron Simpkins (corporate rep);
Ronald Simpkins; Ronald Smith; David Rentz;
GRP Exhibits 2, 4-7, 13, 16, 18; Lion Gardens Exhibits: 5, 11-13,18 (relabeled Declaration of Brian Jones as part of notice for judicial notice at doc #197);
cont. to Oral Ruling October 24, 2023 at 9:30 am. (AOCNFNG);
1) (Lion Gardens) Motion for Contempt (
Doc #146) - Under Advisement:
(Lion Gardens) Notice of Filing (Doc #199) (CMM/GRP) Objection to Declaration of Donald Granatstein
(Doc #213) - Sustained:Order by Chambers;
2) (Lion Gardens) Motion in Limine (
Doc #207) - Under Advisement;
Note: Lion may file a post trial briefing with GRP response by 9/29/23
(gww). Proposed Orders, if applicable, should be submitted within three days after the date of the hearing - Local Rule 9072-1(c).
This docket entry/document is not an official order of the Court
. (Miguenes, Bill) (Entered: 09/18/2023)
09/17/2023213Motion to Strike DECLARATION OF DONALD GRANATSTEIN FILED BY LION GARDEN, LLC Filed by L William Porter III on behalf of Commercial Mortgage Managers Inc, Garden Recovery Partners, LLC (related document(s)199). (Entered: 09/17/2023)
09/17/2023212Response to MOTION IN LIMINE FILED BY LION GARDEN, LLC Filed by L William Porter III on behalf of Commercial Mortgage Managers Inc, Garden Recovery Partners, LLC (related document(s)207). (Porter, L) (Entered: 09/17/2023)
09/16/2023211Joint Stipulation of Facts Filed by Michele A Cavallaro on behalf of Interested Party Lion Gardens, LLC (related document(s)174). (Cavallaro, Michele) (Entered: 09/16/2023)