Case number: 6:20-bk-02871 - Cruz Trucking, Inc. - Florida Middle Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Cruz Trucking, Inc.

  • Court

    Florida Middle (flmbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Grace E. Robson

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
Subchapter_V, MotDismissPend, SmBus

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Middle District of Florida (Orlando)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 6:20-bk-02871-GER

Assigned to: Grace E. Robson
Chapter 11

Date filed:  05/22/2020
Plan confirmed:  12/23/2020
341 meeting:  06/15/2020
Deadline for filing claims:  07/31/2020


Cruz Trucking, Inc.

10531 Bronson Street
Clermont, FL 34711
Tax ID / EIN: 59-3622712

represented by
Kenneth D Herron, Jr

Herron Hill Law Group, PLLC
P. O. Box 2127
Orlando, FL 32802


L. Todd Budgen

Budgen Law
Post Office Box 520546
Longwood, FL 32752

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee - ORL

Office of the United States Trustee
George C Young Federal Building
400 West Washington Street, Suite 1100
Orlando, FL 32801
represented by
Audrey M Aleskovsky

400 W. Washington St.
Ste 1100
Orlando, FL 32828

Miriam G Suarez

Office of the United States Trustee
George C. Young Federal Building
400 West Washington Street, Suite 1100
Orlando, FL 32801
(407) 648-6301, Ext. 126
Fax : (407) 648-6323

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
02/06/2025Change of Law Firm and Address submitted to the Court on February 4, 2025, by Attorney Anthony J. Aragona, III, who was formerly associated with Block & Scarpa and is now associated with Global Legal Law Firm, PLLC with an address of 200 W Palmetto Park Road, Suite 302 - Boca Raton, FL 33432. (Mason, Sara)
12/26/2024259Notice to Transferor of Filing of Transfer of Claim with BNC Certificate of Mailing (related document(s) (Related Doc [258])). Notice Date 12/25/2024. (Admin.)
12/20/2024Receipt of Filing Fee for Transfer of Claim( 6:20-bk-02871-GER) [claims,trclm] ( 28.00). Receipt Number A77963416, Amount Paid $ 28.00 (U.S. Treasury)
12/20/2024258Notice of Transfer/Assignment of Claim. Filed by Creditor Ford Motor Credit Company, LLC. (Ais Portfolio Services, LLC (SHG))
11/21/2024A properly docketed and related Proof or Certificate of Service for Order 257 is not indicated on the docket. L. Budgen is reminded to serve the order and to file a properly docketed and related Proof of Service indicating service or contact the Court if this reminder entry appears to be entered in error. Failure to do so may result in further action. (ADIclerk)
11/15/2024257Order Granting Application For Compensation (Related Doc [252]). Fees awarded to L. Todd Budgen in the amount of $6160.00, expenses awarded: $0.00 Service Instructions: L. Budgen is directed to serve a copy of this order on interested parties and file a proof of service within 3 days of entry of the order. (Harden, Nadia)
09/19/2024Change of Law Firm and Address submitted to the Court on September 6, 2024, by Attorney Jon E. Kane who was formerly associated with South Milhausen and is now associated with Nardella & Nardella PLLC which has an address of 135 W Central Blvd, Ste 300 - Orlando, FL 32801. (Mason, Sara)
09/19/2024Change of Law Firm and Address submitted to the Court on September 6, 2024, by Attorney Jon E. Kane who was formerly associated with South Milhausen and is now associated with Nardella & Nardella PLLC which has an address of 135 W Central Blvd, Ste 300 - Orlando, FL 32801. (Sara M.) (Entered: 09/19/2024)
09/11/2024256Hearing Proceeding Memo: Hearing Held - APPEARANCES: Kenneth Herron (Debtor Atty); Todd Budgen (Sub V Trustee); Audrey Aleskovsky (US Trustee Atty); RULING: Cont. Post Confirmation Hearing - No Further Hearing; Note: Motion for final decree will be filed; final decree can be entered after order on fee app entered; (gww). Proposed Orders, if applicable, should be submitted within three days after the date of the hearing - Local Rule 9072-1(c). This docket entry/document is not an official order of the Court . (Miguenes, Bill)
09/10/2024255Amended Certificate of Substantial Consummation Filed by Kenneth D Herron Jr on behalf of Debtor Cruz Trucking, Inc. (related document(s)[254]). (Herron, Kenneth)