Case number: 6:23-bk-01333 - Commercial Express, Inc. - Florida Middle Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Commercial Express, Inc.

  • Court

    Florida Middle (flmbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Tiffany P. Geyer

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
ADV, FeeDeferred, MEDIAT

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Middle District of Florida (Orlando)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 6:23-bk-01333-TPG

Assigned to: Tiffany P. Geyer
Chapter 7

Date filed:  04/11/2023
341 meeting:  09/11/2023
Deadline for filing claims:  07/31/2023


Commercial Express, Inc.

335 W. Lakeview Ave.
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Tax ID / EIN: 59-3264495

represented by
Stephen R Caplan

Caplan & Associates PA
31 N Hyer Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801
(407) 872-6249
Fax : (407) 425-1501


Arvind Mahendru

Arvind Mahendru, Chapter 7 Trustee
5717 Red Bug Lake Rd #284
Winter Springs, FL 32708

represented by
Ryan E Davis

Winderweedle Haines Ward & Woodman P.A.
329 Park Avenue North, Second Floor
Winter Park, FL 32789
(407) 423-4246
Fax : (407) 645-3728

Feibai Ma

Winderweedle, Haines, Ward & Woodman, P.A.
329 Park Avenue North
Second Floor
Winter Park, FL 32789

Arvind Mahendru

Arvind Mahendru, Chapter 7 Trustee
5717 Red Bug Lake Rd #284
Winter Springs, FL 32708

C Andrew Roy

Winderweedle, Haines, Ward & Woodman, PA
Post Office Box 880
Winter Park, FL 32790-0880
(407) 423-4246
Fax : (407) 645-3728

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee - ORL7/13

Office of the United States Trustee
George C Young Federal Building
400 West Washington Street, Suite 1100
Orlando, FL 32801
represented by
Scott E Bomkamp

United States Trustee
400 W. Washington St.
Ste 1100
Orlando, FL 32801

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
12/11/2024177Motion to Approve Compromise of Controversy or Settlement Agreement. Related Case and Parties: Related to Adversary Proceeding No. 6:24-ap-00099-TPG. Parties to the Compromise are: ARVIND MAHENDRU, as Chapter 7 Trustee for the Estate of Commercial Express, Inc.; and AGC SOLUTIONS, LLC. Contains negative notice. Fees and expenses requested for Ryan E Davis, Special Counsel, Fee: $5600.00, Expenses: $0.00, for the period of 7/3/2023 to 12/11/2024. Filed by Attorney Ryan E Davis (Entered: 12/11/2024)
12/08/2024176BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. (related document(s) (Related Doc # 175)). Notice Date 12/08/2024. (Admin.) (Entered: 12/09/2024)
Order Directing Mediation Judge Jacob A. Brown Appointed as Mediator
(related document(s)129). Service Instructions: Clerks Office to serve. (Megan B.) (Entered: 12/06/2024)
11/25/2024174Proof of Service of Order Granting Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement Pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9019 and for Payment of Contingency Fee to Counsel for Trustee (Doc. No. 172). Filed by Ryan E Davis on behalf of Trustee Arvind Mahendru (related document(s)172). (Davis, Ryan) (Entered: 11/25/2024)
Order Granting Motion to Approve Compromise or Settlement Pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9019 and for Payment of Contingency Fee to Counsel for Trustee (Related Doc # 159). Related to Adversary Proceeding 6:24-ap-00111-TPG. Fees awarded to Ryan E Davis in the amount of $117489.09, expenses awarded: $0.00
Service Instructions: Ryan Davis is directed to serve a copy of this order on interested parties and file a proof of service within 3 days of entry of the order. (Nadia) (Entered: 11/21/2024)
Hearing Proceeding Memo: Hearing Held -
Arvind Mahendru, Trustee, Scott Bomkamp (UST), C. Andrew Roy (Trustee), Daniel Hirschman (Fortegra Specialty Insurance), Andrew Ballentine (Bradley & Moseley Creditors),
Trial is Reset to 2/5/2025 at 11:30 am, if matter is not resolved.
Trial on Contested Munford Issues: Trustee's Motion to Approve Compromise of Controversy or Settlement Agreement in 6:23-ap-81 Fortegra Specialty Insurance Company v. Mahendru et al (Doc #129), Fortegra's Objection (Doc #146), Trustee's Reply in Support (Doc #148), Bradley Defendants' Joinder in 9019 Motion (Doc #150), U.S. Trustee's Opposition to 9019 Motion (Doc #160), Trustee's Reply to U.S. Trustee (Doc #161), Stipulation Between Trustee, Progressive Express Insurance Company, and Underlying Plaintiffs in Connection with 9019 Motion (Doc #168), -Stipulation of Facts (Doc #169), -Fortegra's Amended Exhibit List (Doc #171), -Trustee's Exhibit List (Doc #166), -Trustee's Witness List (Doc #170), -Bradley Defendants' Joinder in Trustee's Witness and Exhibit List (Doc #167),
Note: Parties have requested Judicial Settlement Conference with Judge Brown on Munford Issue.
(NH) Proposed Orders, if applicable, should be submitted within three days after the date of the hearing - Local Rule 9072-1(c).
This docket entry/document is not an official order of the Court
. (Bill) (Entered: 11/21/2024)
11/18/2024171Amended Exhibit List Filed by Daniel M Hirschman on behalf of Interested Party Fortegra Specialty Insurance Company. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exh. 1) (Hirschman, Daniel) (Entered: 11/18/2024)
11/14/2024170Witness List **CORRECTIVE ENTRY as to event** Filed by Feibai Ma on behalf of Trustee Arvind Mahendru (related document(s)156, 129, 165). (Ma, Feibai) (Entered: 11/14/2024)
11/14/2024169Stipulation of Facts for November 20, 2024 Trial on Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement with Progressive **CORRECTIVE ENTRY as to filer** Filed by Feibai Ma on behalf of Trustee Arvind Mahendru (related document(s)164, 129). (Ma, Feibai) (Entered: 11/14/2024)
11/14/2024168Stipulation Between Trustee, Progressive Express Insurance Company, and Underlying Plaintiffs in Connection with 9019 Motion (Doc. No. 129) **CORRECTIVE ENTRY as to filer** Filed by Feibai Ma on behalf of Trustee Arvind Mahendru (related document(s)129, 162). (Ma, Feibai) (Entered: 11/14/2024)