Case number: 6:24-bk-04923 - TAG FL, LLC - Florida Middle Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title


  • Court

    Florida Middle (flmbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Lori V. Vaughan

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
DsclsDue, PlnDue

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Middle District of Florida (Orlando)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 6:24-bk-04923-LVV

Assigned to: Lori V. Vaughan
Chapter 11

Date filed:  09/13/2024
341 meeting:  10/21/2024
Deadline for filing claims:  11/22/2024



13202 Triphammer Way
Orlando, FL 32828
Tax ID / EIN: 85-0536685

represented by
Kenneth D Herron, Jr

Herron Hill Law Group, PLLC
P. O. Box 2127
Orlando, FL 32802

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee - ORL

Office of the United States Trustee
George C Young Federal Building
400 West Washington Street, Suite 1100
Orlando, FL 32801
represented by
Jill E Kelso

Office of the United States Trustee
400 W. Washington Street
Suite 1100
Orlando, FL 32801
(407) 648-6301
Fax : (407) 648-6323

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
12/20/202449Order Sustaining in Part Objection to Claim(s) No 1 of Tareq Issa and Objection to Tareq Issas Ability to Credit Bid at Auction (Related Doc [36]). Service Instructions: Bradley Saxton is directed to serve a copy of this order on interested parties and file a proof of service within 3 days of entry of the order. (Bonilla, Adrienne)
12/20/202448Order Vacating Order Disapproving Application for Compensation . Service Instructions: Clerks Office to serve. (Festekjian, Andre)
12/19/202447Order Disapproving Application For Compensation (Related Doc [44]). Disapproving for Robert H Ewald Service Instructions: Clerks Office to serve. (Kerkes, Deborah)
12/19/202446Order Directing Mediation (related document(s)[45]). Service Instructions: Clerks Office to serve. (Morrow, Penny)
12/18/202445Hearing Proceeding Memo: Hearing Held - APPEARANCES: Northpoint Commercial Finance LLC RULING: 1) Debtor's Motion to Sell Property Free and Clear of Liens. Property description: 200 N. Harper St., Laurens, S.C. 29360. (Doc #20) ~2 ) Creditor Northpoint Commercial Finance LLC's Objection to Claim No. 1 of Tareq Issa (Doc #36)- Response by Creditor Tareq Issa (Doc #37) - Continued on preliminary basis to 2/4/2025 at 1:30pm (AOCNFNG) A Pretrial Conference will be scheduled 2/4/2025 at 1:30pm in the related adversary proceeding when filed. Parties ordered to mediation, mediation to be completed on or before 1/31/2025. Order by Court. 3) Application for Compensation and Auctioneer's Affidavit for Robert H Ewald, Auctioneer, Fee: $49000, Expenses: $5000, for the period of 10/15/2024 to 12/12/2024; filed 12/17/24 (Doc #44) - Approved; order by Herron. (aj) Proposed Orders, if applicable, should be submitted within three days after the date of the hearing - Local Rule 9072-1(c). This docket entry/document is not an official order of the Court . (Miguenes, Bill)
12/17/202444Application for Compensation and Auctioneer's Affidavit for Robert H Ewald, Auctioneer, Fee: $49000, Expenses: $5000, for the period of 10/15/2024 to 12/12/2024. Filed by Auctioneer Robert H Ewald. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A # (2) Exhibit B # (3) Exhibit C) (Herron, Kenneth)
12/17/202443PDF with attached Audio File. Court Date & Time [12/10/2024 02:56:33 PM]. File Size [ 23536 KB ]. Run Time [ 00:49:27 ]. (admin).
12/11/202442Amended Statement/Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney Filed by Kenneth D Herron Jr on behalf of Debtor TAG FL, LLC. (Herron, Kenneth)
12/11/202441Hearing Proceeding Memo: Hearing Held - APPEARANCES: Chip Herron: Debtor (with Mr. Ali); Brad Saxton: Northpoint Commercial Finance; Keenan Smith: Tareq Issa EVIDENCE: Northpoint Commercial Finance Exhibits 1-4 Admitted w/out Objection RULING: 1) Creditor Northpoint Commercial Finance LLC's Objection to Claim No. 1 of Tareq Issa and Objection to Tareq Issa's Ability to Credit Bid at Auction; filed w/ neg ntc 12/3/24 (Doc #36) - Response by Creditor Tareq Issa (Doc #37) - Sustained in part as to credit bid; to be set for further hearing on objection to claim; order by Saxton. Continued to 12/18/2024 at 10:00am (AOCNFNG) (aj) Proposed Orders, if applicable, should be submitted within three days after the date of the hearing - Local Rule 9072-1(c). This docket entry/document is not an official order of the Court . (Miguenes, Bill)
12/11/202440Annotated Exhibit List of Northpoint Commercial Finance LLC from Hearing Held on December 10, 2024 . (Johnson, Aimee)