Case number: 8:23-bk-01586 - Southern Clearing & Grinding, Inc - Florida Middle Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Southern Clearing & Grinding, Inc

  • Court

    Florida Middle (flmbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Catherine Peek McEwen

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
MotDismissPend, Subchapter_V, SmBus, PriorCase

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Middle District of Florida (Tampa)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 8:23-bk-01586-CPM

Assigned to: Catherine Peek McEwen
Chapter 11

Date filed:  04/21/2023
341 meeting:  05/31/2023
Deadline for filing claims:  06/30/2023


Southern Clearing & Grinding, Inc

1820 NE Jensen Beach Blvd, PMB 601
Jensen Beach, FL 34957
Tax ID / EIN: 20-8296087

represented by
Jeffrey Ainsworth

BransonLaw PLLC
1501 E. Concord Street
Orlando, FL 32803
(407) 894-6834
Fax : (407) 894-8559

Robert B Branson

BransonLaw PLLC
1501 E. Concord Street
Orlando, FL 32803
(407) 894-6834
Fax : (407) 894-8559

Jacob D Flentke

Flentke Legal Consulting, PLLC
1501 E. Concord Street
Orlando, FL 32803

Jacob D Flentke

BransonLaw, PLLC
1501 East Concord Street
Orlando, FL 32803
Fax : 407-894-8559


Amy Denton Mayer

110 East Madison Street, Suite 200
Tampa, FL 33602

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee - TPA

Timberlake Annex, Suite 1200
501 E Polk Street
Tampa, FL 33602
represented by
Nicole Peair

Timberlake Annex
501 E Polk Street, Suite 1200
Tampa, FL 33602

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
12/20/2024244Notice of Change of Address As to Payment Address and Noticing Address Filed by Creditor Ford Motor Credit Company, LLC, c/o AIS Portfolio Services, LLC. (Ais Portfolio Services, LLC (SHG))
12/20/2024243Notice of Change of Address As to Payment Address and Noticing Address Filed by Creditor Ford Motor Credit Company, LLC, c/o AIS Portfolio Services, LLC. (Ais Portfolio Services, LLC (SHG))
12/20/2024242Notice of Change of Address As to Payment Address and Noticing Address Filed by Creditor Ford Motor Credit Company, LLC, c/o AIS Portfolio Services, LLC. (Ais Portfolio Services, LLC (SHG))
12/20/2024241Notice of Change of Address As to Payment Address and Noticing Address Filed by Creditor Ford Motor Credit Company, LLC, c/o AIS Portfolio Services, LLC. (Ais Portfolio Services, LLC (SHG))
12/20/2024240Notice of Change of Address As to Payment Address and Noticing Address Filed by Creditor Ford Motor Credit Company, LLC, c/o AIS Portfolio Services, LLC. (Ais Portfolio Services, LLC (SHG))
12/20/2024239Notice of Change of Address As to Payment Address and Noticing Address Filed by Creditor Ford Motor Credit Company, LLC, c/o AIS Portfolio Services, LLC. (Ais Portfolio Services, LLC (SHG))
12/10/2024238Notice of Withdrawal of Motion to Compel Payment Pursuant to Plan Filed by Eric B Zwiebel on behalf of Creditor North Mill Credit Trust (related document(s)[235], [234]). (Zwiebel, Eric)
11/26/2024237Proof of Service of Order Approving Third Interim Application of Subchapter V Trustee for Allowance and Payment of Compensation for Services Rendered and Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred for the Period of May 24, 2024 Through October 31, 2024. Filed by Trustee Amy Denton Mayer (related document(s)[236]). (Mayer, Amy)
11/26/2024236Order Granting Application For Compensation (Related Doc [232]). Fees awarded to Amy Denton Mayer in the amount of $1260.00, expenses awarded: $35.73 Service Instructions: Amy Mayer is directed to serve a copy of this order on interested parties and file a proof of service within 3 days of entry of the order. (Pierce, Brenton)
11/26/2024235Notice of Preliminary Hearing on Motion to Compel Payment Pursuant to Confirmed Plan Filed by Eric B Zwiebel on behalf of Creditor North Mill Credit Trust (related document(s)227, 182, 225). Filed by Eric B Zwiebel on behalf of Creditor North Mill Credit Trust (related document(s)[234]). Hearing scheduled for 12/12/2024 at 02:30 PM at Tampa, FL - Courtroom 8B, Sam M. Gibbons United States Courthouse, 801 N. Florida Avenue. (Zwiebel, Eric)