Case number: 8:24-bk-00794 - AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc. - Florida Middle Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc.

  • Court

    Florida Middle (flmbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Catherine Peek McEwen

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Middle District of Florida (Tampa)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 8:24-bk-00794-CPM

Assigned to: Catherine Peek McEwen
Chapter 11

Date filed:  02/16/2024
341 meeting:  03/20/2024
Deadline for filing claims:  04/26/2024


AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc.

600 34th Street S.
Saint Petersburg, FL 33711
Tax ID / EIN: 05-0562494

represented by
Marshall G Reissman

The Reissman Law Group
1700 66th Street N., Suite 405
St. Petersburg, FL 33710
Fax : 727-327-7999


Amy Denton Mayer

110 East Madison Street, Suite 200
Tampa, FL 33602

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee - TPA

Timberlake Annex, Suite 1200
501 E Polk Street
Tampa, FL 33602
represented by
Nicole Peair

Timberlake Annex
501 E Polk Street, Suite 1200
Tampa, FL 33602

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
12/17/202496Notice of Application for Compensation and Opportunity to Object and Request a Hearing Filed by Trustee Amy Denton Mayer (related document(s)95). (Mayer, Amy) (Entered: 12/17/2024)
12/17/202495Second Application for Interim Compensation for Amy Denton Mayer, Trustee Chapter 11, Fee: $3,465.00, Expenses: $23.79, for the period of 8/1/2024 to 12/4/2024. Contains negative notice. Filed by Trustee Amy Denton Mayer. (Mayer, Amy) (Entered: 12/17/2024)
12/12/202494Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 11/30/2024 Filed by Marshall G Reissman on behalf of Debtor AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Bank Stmt - Redacted # 2 Exhibit C Cash Receipts - filed 12.12.24 # 3 Exhibit D Cash Disbursements - filed 12.12.24) (Reissman, Marshall) (Entered: 12/12/2024)
11/26/202493Notice of Filing Amended Exhibit A to Second Amended Plan of Reorganization for Small Business Under Chapter 11 Filed by Marshall G Reissman on behalf of Debtor AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc. (related document(s)[92]). (Attachments: # (1) Mailing Matrix) (Reissman, Marshall)
11/25/202492Second Amended Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization with Exhibits A & B. Filed by Marshall G Reissman on behalf of Debtor AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc. (related document(s)[38], [76]). (Attachments: # (1) Mailing Matrix)(Reissman, Marshall)
11/19/202491Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 10/31/2024 Filed by Marshall G Reissman on behalf of Debtor AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit C Cash Receipts - filed 11.19.24 # 2 Exhibit D Cash Disbursements - filed 11.19.24 # 3 Exhibit Bank Stmt - Redacted) (Reissman, Marshall) (Entered: 11/19/2024)
11/08/202490Certificate of Service Re: Order Granting Motion to Continue Confirmation Hearing. Filed by Marshall G Reissman on behalf of Debtor AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc. (related document(s)89). (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Matrix) (Reissman, Marshall) (Entered: 11/08/2024)
Order Granting Motion To Reschedule Hearing to Continue Confirmation Hearing (Related Doc # 87).
Hearing scheduled for 1/16/2025 at 02:00 PM at Tampa, FL - Courtroom 8B, Sam M. Gibbons United States Courthouse, 801 N. Florida Avenue
. Service Instructions: Marshall Reissman is directed to serve a copy of this order on interested parties and file a proof of service within 3 days of entry of the order. (Lidia) (Entered: 11/07/2024)
Hearing Proceeding Memo: Hearing Held -
APPEARANCES via zoom: Marshall Reissman, Walter Kyles, Amy Denton Mayer, Nicole Peair, Christopher Emden, Peter Kelly, Skylar Pollocl
1. (SubV) Confirmation of Chapter 11 Small Business Subchapter V Plan Filed by Marshall G Reissman on behalf of Debtor AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc. Doc#38 2. Objection to Confirmation of Plan - Subchaper V Trustee's Objection to Confirmation Filed by Trustee Amy Denton Mayer (related document(s)38). (Mayer, Amy) Doc #51 3. Objection to Confirmation of Amended Plan Filed by Michael S Hoffman on behalf of Creditor JDP Ventures, LLC (related document(s)76). (Hoffman, Michael) Doc #82 4. Objection to Debtor's Amended Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization Filed by Christopher J Emden on behalf of Creditor Internal Revenue Service (related document(s)76). (Emden, Christopher) Doc #83 5. Objection to Claim(s). Claim No. 1 of William J. Crafton. with Exhibit A Filed by Marshall G Reissman on behalf of Debtor AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc. Doc #57 6. Objection to Claim(s). Claim No. 2 of Black Cub LLC. with Exhibit A Filed by Marshall G Reissman on behalf of Debtor AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc. Doc #58 7. Objection to Claim(s). Claim No. 4 of JPL Investments Corp. with Exhibit A Filed by Marshall G Reissman on behalf of Debtor AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc. Doc #59 8. Objection to Claim(s). Claim No. 5 of Blue Mountain Holdings, LLC. Filed by Marshall G Reissman on behalf of Debtor AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Matrix) Doc #60... - Response to Objection to Claim No. 5 of Blue Mountain Holdings, LLC Filed by Michael S Hoffman on behalf of Creditor JDP Ventures, LLC (related document(s)60). (Hoffman, Michael) Doc #80 9. Objection to Claim(s). Claim No.6-1 of Department of Treasury - Internal Revenue Service. Filed by Marshall G Reissman on behalf of Debtor AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc. Doc #61... - Response to Debtor's Objection to Claim No. 6-1 Of Department of Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Filed by Christopher J Emden on behalf of Creditor Internal Revenue Service (related document(s)61). (Emden, Christopher) Doc #84 NOTE: - Objection to Claim(s). Amended Claim No. 5-2 of JDP Ventures, LLC. Filed by Marshall G Reissman on behalf of Debtor AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc. Doc #86 - Motion to Reschedule Hearing On to Continue Confirmation Hearing Filed by Marshall G Reissman on behalf of Debtor AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc. Doc # 87
...Granted (continued to 1/16/2025 at 2:00 p.m. and all confirmation related deadlines); Amended Plan to be filed by 11/24/2024 - Order by Reissman...
All parties may attend the hearing in person. Parties are directed to review Judge McEwens Procedures Governing Court Appearances (available at
) for her policies and procedures for remote attendance at hearings by video or telephone via Zoom.. Proposed Orders, if applicable, should be submitted within three days after the date of the hearing - Local Rule 9072-1(c).
This docket entry/document is not an official order of the Court
. (Bill) (Entered: 10/25/2024)
10/23/202487Motion to Reschedule Hearing On to Continue Confirmation Hearing Filed by Marshall G Reissman on behalf of Debtor AAA Kyle's Kwik Bail Bonding Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Matrix) (Entered: 10/23/2024)