Case number: 1:24-bk-10230 - 700 Trust - Florida Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    700 Trust

  • Court

    Florida Northern (flnbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Karen K. Specie

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
AddRmvCreds, APPEAL, MDSM_P, No_Subchapter_V, PlnDue

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of Florida (Gainesville)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 24-10230-KKS

Assigned to: Judge Karen K. Specie
Chapter 11
Unknown assets

Case Manager:  
Latonia Isom
Date filed:  11/08/2024
341 meeting:  12/09/2024
Deadline for filing claims:  01/17/2025
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  05/07/2025


700 Trust

700 Gulf Shore Boulevard North
Naples, FL 34102

represented by
Michael Alan Gort

Gort Law, PA
601 Heritage Dr.
Suite 457
Jupiter, FL 33458
Fax : 561-900-3213

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

110 E. Park Avenue
Suite 128
Tallahassee, FL 32301
represented by
Jason H. Egan

Office of the U. S. Trustee
110 E. Park Avenue
Suite 128
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 942-1664
Fax : (850) 942-1669

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
12/19/202477Amended Schedules/Statements filed : Schedule E/F; (Schedules D, E/F, and/or matrix amended to:Add name and address of an attorney for a previously listed creditor(s);) Filed by Michael Alan Gort on behalf of 700 Trust. (Gort, Michael) (Entered: 12/19/2024)
12/19/202476Notice of Docketing Record on Appeal. Civil Action Number: 1:24cv237-MW/ZCB (Re: 67 Notice of Appeal) Filed by (Isom, L.) (Entered: 12/19/2024)
12/18/202475Acknowledgement of filing appeal in the U.S. District Court. District Court Case Number 1:24cv237-MW/ZCB filed on 12/19/2024 (Re: 67 Notice of Appeal.) (Isom, L.) (Entered: 12/19/2024)
12/18/202474SUBMISSION ERROR NOTIFICATION: Please take immediate action to correct the error(s) noted below:

- Attachments Missing
: Document references attachments which are not included. Must be refiled in its entirety as an amended document.
(Re: 67 Notice of Appeal.) (Isom, L.) (Entered: 12/18/2024)
12/18/202473Request for transcript of hearing held 12/18/2024 before the Honorable Karen K. Specie regarding Doc. 53 - Expedited Motion for Clarification . Filer to contact Court Reporter directly to place order. Filed by Drew Michael Dillworth on behalf of NBC Club Owner, LLC, Naples Beach Club Land Trust Trustee, LLC, as Trustee, Naples Beach Club Phase II and III Land Trust Trustee, LLC, as Trustee, Naples Property Holding Company, LLC, Tides Note on Note Lender I, LLC [Re: 72 Proceeding Memo - Hearing Held]. (Dillworth, Drew) (Entered: 12/18/2024)
Hearing Held 56 Order To Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Transferred To The Bankruptcy Court For The Middle District Of Florida - Order to Show Cause is not Satisfied. Case is TRANSFERRED as Announced to Middle District, Fort Myers Division; Order/Court; 53 Motion for Clarification - GRANTED in Part; Order/Dillworth. Further Order/Court; 55 Order and Notice of Chapter 11 Status Conference - Moot; 64 Motion to Strike - GRANTED in Part as Announced; Order/Gort; Appear.: Gort w/Mr. Myers (D), Dillworth/Burhans (Cred: NBC). (Weems-Cainion, Janet)
Court Reporter: Sierra Lafferty (Lexitas Reporting, 888-811-3408). (Entered: 12/18/2024)
12/18/202471Clerk's Notification re Appeal (Re: 67 Notice of Appeal.) Service by the Court pursuant to applicable Rules. (Isom, L.). (Entered: 12/18/2024)
12/18/202470Service to All Parties Completed by CM/ECF Notice of Electronic Filing , Certificate of Service/Mailing Filed by Michael Alan Gort on behalf of 700 Trust [Re: 64 Motion to Strike, 65 Notice of Hearing, 66 Case Status Report, 67 Notice of Appeal]. (Gort, Michael) (Entered: 12/18/2024)
No Certificate of Service
- Document does not include a Certificate of Service as required by Section III. B. of the Administrative Procedures and N.D. Fla. Loc. R. 5.1(F). For more information, see Administrative Procedures and N.D. Fla. LBR 1009-1 for service requirements of amended schedules and Social Security or Taxpayer Identification Numbers, if applicable. Local Form 4 (LF-4), Certificate of Service, and instructions for completing a Certificate of Service (5-Inst), are available on our website at
You must file a proper certificate of service as soon as possible
. (Re: 64 Motion to Strike.) (Isom, L.) (Entered: 12/18/2024)
12/17/202468Receipt of Notice of Appeal( 24-10230-KKS) [appeal,ntcapl31] ( 298.00) filing fee. Receipt number A5446004, amount $ 298.00 (re: 67) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 12/17/2024)