Case number: 3:24-bk-11202 - R.L. Broughton Inc. - Georgia Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    R.L. Broughton Inc.

  • Court

    Georgia Northern (ganbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Paul Baisier

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of Georgia (Newnan)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 24-11202-pmb

Assigned to: Judge Paul Baisier
Chapter 7
No asset

Date filed:  09/04/2024
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  03/03/2025


R.L. Broughton Inc.

902 Kite Lake Trail
Fayetteville, GA 30214
Tax ID / EIN: 56-2358916
Broughton Heat Air Electric

represented by
William A. Rountree

Rountree Leitman Klein & Geer, LLC
Century Plaza I, Suite 350
2987 Clairmont Road
Atlanta, GA 30329


Griffin E. Howell, III

Griffin E. Howell III & Associates, Ltd
127 1/2 East Solomon Street
PO Box 2271
Griffin, GA 30224

U.S. Trustee

Office of the United States Trustee

362 Richard Russell Building
75 Ted Turner Drive, SW
Atlanta, GA 30303

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
02/20/20257Order Approving Account, Discharging Trustee and Closing Estate. Service by BNC Entered on 2/20/2025. (kdh)
02/20/2025Case Closed. (kdh)
12/15/20246Trustee Certification of Services Rendered Under 11 U.S.C. Section 330(e). I rendered the following service in the case and am eligible for payment under 11 U.S.C. Section 330(e): Filed a Report of No Distribution. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. (Executed on 12/15/2024). filed by Trustee. (related document(s) ) (Howell, Griffin)
12/15/2024Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution: I, Griffin E. Howell, III, having been appointed trustee of the estate of the above-named debtor(s), report that I have neither received any property nor paid any money on account of this estate; that I have made a diligent inquiry into the financial affairs of the debtor(s) and the location of the property belonging to the estate; and that there is no property available for distribution from the estate over and above that exempted by law. Pursuant to Fed R Bank P 5009, I hereby certify that the estate of the above-named debtor(s) has been fully administered.. I request that I be discharged from any further duties as trustee. No party in interest has filed a request for an order of dismissal pursuant to 11 USC 521(i)(2).. Key information about this case as reported in schedules filed by the debtor(s) or otherwise found in the case record: This case was pending for 3 months. Assets Abandoned (without deducting any secured claims): $ 486.92, Assets Exempt: $ 0.00, Claims Scheduled: $ 245394.14, Claims Asserted: Not Applicable, Claims scheduled to be discharged without payment (without deducting the value of collateral or debts excepted from discharge): $ 245394.14. filed by Trustee. (Howell, Griffin)
12/15/2024Continued section 341(a) meeting was concluded on 12/13/2024 filed by Trustee. (Howell, Griffin)
11/18/2024Section 341(a) meeting held 11/15/2024 but continued for production of additional documents or information filed by Trustee. 341 Meeting to be held on 12/13/2024 at 03:00 PM via Zoom (Howell): Meeting ID 473 944 5715, Passcode 6766095751, Phone 1 (470) 317-4036. (Howell, Griffin)
10/08/2024Section 341(a) meeting held 10/07/2024 but continued for production of additional documents or information filed by Trustee. 341 Meeting to be held on 11/15/2024 at 02:00 PM via Zoom (Howell): Meeting ID 473 944 5715, Passcode 6766095751, Phone 1 (470) 317-4036. (Howell, Griffin)
09/24/20245Notice Rescheduling Meeting of Creditors filed by Trustee. 341 Meeting to be held on 10/7/2024 at 01:00 PM via Zoom (Howell): Meeting ID 473 944 5715, Passcode 6766095751, Phone 1 (470) 317-4036. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service) (Treace, R.)
09/07/20244Certificate of Mailing by BNC of Notice of Meeting of Creditors Notice Date 09/07/2024. (Admin.)
09/05/20243Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case and Meeting of Creditors. 341 Meeting to be held on 10/4/2024 at 01:00 PM via Zoom (Howell): Meeting ID 473 944 5715, Passcode 6766095751, Phone 1 (470) 317-4036. (Admin)