Case number: 1:00-bk-37405 - Outboard Marine Corporation - Illinois Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Outboard Marine Corporation

  • Court

    Illinois Northern (ilnbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Michael B. Slade

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of Illinois (Eastern Division)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 00-37405

Assigned to: Honorable Judge A. Benjamin Goldgar
Chapter 7
Previous chapter 11

Date filed:  12/22/2000
Date converted:  08/20/2001
341 meeting:  10/23/2001

Debtor 1

Outboard Marine Corporation

100 Sea Horse Drive
Waukegan, IL 60085
Tax ID / EIN: 36-1589715

represented by
Patrick A Clisham

Shaw Gussis Fishman Glantz Wolfson
321 North Clark Street
Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60610
312 980-3836
Fax : 312 275-0584

Robert M Fishman

Fox Rothschild LLP
321 N Clark Street
Suite 1600
Chicago, IL 60654
Fax : 312-517-9201

David S Kurtz

Skadden Arps Slate Meagher
333 W Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606

Mark L Radtke

Fox Rothschild LLP
321 N Clark Street, 16th Floor
Chicago, IL 60654
312- 276-1325
Fax : 312 275-0566

Marylynne K Schwartz

Shaw Gussis
321 N. Clark St., Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60654
(312) 980-3805
TERMINATED: 08/17/2012

Ann E Stockman

Shaw, Gussis, Fishman, Glantz, etal
321 N. Clark Street
Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60610
312 541-0151
Fax : 312 275-0562


Alex D Moglia, ESQ

Moglia Advisors
1325 Remington Rd, Ste H
Schaumburg, IL 60173
847 884-8282

represented by
Janice A Alwin

Oak Point Partners
PO Box 1033
Northbrook, IL 60065
Fax : 847-655-2746

Terence G Banich

Fox Rothschild LLP
321 N. Clark St.
Suite 1600
Chicago, IL 60654
Fax : 312-517-9201

Patrick A Clisham

(See above for address)

Michael Gallinar

Adams Gallinar & Iglesias PA

Vipin R Gandra

Chicago, IL

John W Guzzardo

Horwood Marcus & Berk Chartered
500 West Madison Street
Suite 3700
Chicago, IL 60661
(312) 606-3200
Fax : (312) 606-3232

Melanie Junginger

Melanie Junginger Law Firm
91 Blvd Carnot
Le Mallory
06400 Cannes

Kathleen H Klaus

Shaw Gussis Fishman Glantz Wolfson
321 N Clark St
Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60610
Fax : 312-276-1335
TERMINATED: 08/03/2004

Eduardo Martinez

Mayer Brown LLP

Mayer Brown LLP
71 South Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606
Fax : 312-701-7711

Novack & Macy LLP

Michael J Quinn

D'ancona & Pflaume
111 E Wacker Dr Ste 2800
Chicago, IL 60601

Mark L Radtke

D'ancona & Pflaum Llc
111 East Wacker Drive Suite 2800
Chicago, IL 60601

Mark L Radtke

(See above for address)

Charles S Riecke

Seyfarth Shaw
131 S. Dearborn Street
Suite 4200
Chicago, IL 60603
312 460-5987
Fax : 312 460-7987

Christina Sanfelippo

Fox Rothschild LLP
321 N Clark Street, Ste 800
Chicago, IL 60654
(312) 980-3849

Marylynne K Schwartz

(See above for address)
TERMINATED: 08/17/2012

Shaw Gussis Fishman Glantz Wolfson & Towbin LLC

Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP

Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP
TERMINATED: 04/06/2005

Brian J Stack

Stack Fernande Anderson & Harris PA

Ann E Stockman

(See above for address)

Matthew A. Swanson


Steven B Towbin

Fox Rothschild LLP
321 N Clark St
Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60654
Fax : 312-980-3888

U.S. Trustee

Patrick S Layng

Office of the U.S. Trustee, Region 11
219 S Dearborn St
Room 873
Chicago, IL 60604

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
03/03/20254979(E)Post-Confirmation Status Hearing Continued. Status hearing to be held on 04/07/2025 at 10:00 AM at Appear in Courtroom 642, 219 S. Dearborn St, Chicago, IL 60604, or Using Zoom - Judge Slade. (Utter, Matthew)
01/27/20254978Post-Confirmation Status Hearing Continued. Status hearing to be held on 3/3/2025 at 10:00 AM at Appear In Courtroom 642, 219 S. Dearborn St, Chicago, IL 60604 or Using Zoom - Judge Slade. (Patterson, Carlos)
11/24/20244977Order Case Reassigned. Judge Michael B. Slade added to case. Involvement of Calendar ABG terminated. Signed on 11/06/2024 (ilnbadi)
11/19/20244976(E)Post-Confirmation/Conversion Status Hearing. Hearing to be held on 01/27/2025 at 10:00 AM at Appear In Crtroom 615, 219 S Dearborn, Chicago, IL 60604 or Using Zoom- ABGCook7/11 Judge Baer. (Dragonetti, Alex)
08/31/20244975Order Case Reassigned. Judge Calendar ABG added to case. Involvement of Judge A. Benjamin Goldgar terminated. Signed on 8/30/2024 (ilnbadi)
08/26/20244974Post-Confirmation/Conversion Status Hearing Continued . Post-Confirmation/Conversion Status hearing to be held on 11/19/2024 at 10:30 AM at *Appear In Crtroom 615, 219 S Dearborn, Chicago, IL 60604 or Using Zoom- ABGCook7/11 Judge Baer. (Castellano, Nancy)
05/08/20244973Amended Final Consolidated Numerical Claim Register (RE: [4971] Final Consolidated Numerical Claim Register). (Burton, Shenitha)
05/08/20244972Amended Final Consolidated Alphabetical Claim Register (RE: [4970] Final Consolidated Alphabetical Claim Register). (Burton, Shenitha)
04/30/20244971Final Consolidated Numerical Claim Register. (Burton, Shenitha)
04/30/20244970Final Consolidated Alphabetical Claim Register. (Burton, Shenitha)