Case number: 3:23-bk-70668 - Elmer Buchta Trucking, LLC - Indiana Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Elmer Buchta Trucking, LLC

  • Court

    Indiana Southern (insbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Andrea K. McCord

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
PlnDue, DsclsDue
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of Indiana (Evansville)
Bankruptcy Petition #:

Assigned to: Andrea K. McCord
Chapter 11
Creditors: 45

Date filed:  09/08/2023
341 meeting:  10/10/2023 02:00 PM
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  03/06/2024


Elmer Buchta Trucking, LLC

330 Cross Point Blvd.
Evansville, IN 47715
Tax ID / EIN: 35-2039591

represented by
Anthony Thomas Carreri

Kroger Gardis & Regas LLP
111 Monument Circle
Suite 900
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Jason T. Mizzell

Kroger Gardis & Regas, LLP
111 Monument Circle
Suite 900
Indianapolis, IN 46204-5125
Fax : 317-264-6832

Weston Erick Overturf

Kroger Gardis & Regas, LLP
111 Monument Circle
Suite 900
Indianapolis, IN 46204

U.S. Trustee

U.S. Trustee

Office of U.S. Trustee
46 E Ohio Street, Room 520
Indianapolis, IN 46204
represented by
Harrison Edward Strauss

101 W. Ohio Street
Suite 1000
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
12/19/2024101Chapter 11 Report of Operations for November 2024 filed by Anthony Thomas Carreri on behalf of Debtor Elmer Buchta Trucking, LLC. (Attachments: (1) Exhibit AR Report (2) Exhibit P&L (3) Exhibit Bank Statement (4) Exhibit Bank Reconciliation (5) Exhibit 7a) (Carreri, Anthony)
12/13/2024100Certificate of Service re: Order on Motion to Refer to Mediation, filed by Weston Erick Overturf on behalf of Debtor Elmer Buchta Trucking, LLC (re: Doc # [97]). (Overturf, Weston)
12/13/202499Notice of Withdrawal as Attorney filed by Deborah Caruso on behalf of Creditor Peapack Capital Corporation. (Caruso, Deborah)
12/13/202498Declaration of the Honorable James M. Carr (re: Doc # [97]). (lad)
12/12/202497CORRECTED ENTRY: Order Granting Motion to Refer to Mediation and Appointing Hon. James M Carr (re: Doc # [96]). ORIGINAL ENTRY: Order Granting Motion to Refer to Mediation (re: Doc # [96]). Notice of Selection of Mediator or Motion to Select Panel of Mediator Candidates due by 12/27/2024. Attorney for the debtor must distribute this order. (kmc) Modified on 12/13/2024. (kmc)
12/11/202496Joint Motion for Authority to Refer to Mediation Objections Claim No. 10 and Claim No. 11 filed by Chacey R. Malhouitre, Anthony Thomas Carreri on behalf of Debtor Elmer Buchta Trucking, LLC, Creditors Spectrum Logistics, Inc., J. Kirk Wright. (Carreri, Anthony)
11/25/202495Certificate of Service re: Order on Motion to Continue Hearing, Trial, Pretrial Conference or Status Conference, filed by Weston Erick Overturf on behalf of Debtor Elmer Buchta Trucking, LLC (re: Doc # [94]). (Overturf, Weston)
11/22/202494Order Granting Motion to Continue Hearing on Disclosure Statement (re: Doc # [93]). Hearing to be held on 2/6/2025 at 01:30 PM Eastern via Zoom. Participation by video is limited to parties, counsel of record, and witnesses. Any other individual who wishes to listen to the hearing must do so by phone at 551-285-1373 or 646-828-7666, Meeting ID 161 7849 4825. In the event of testimony, audio-only remote access to the hearing shall terminate for members of the public prior to presentation of testimony, with the continued access permitted only for parties, counsel of record, and witnesses. Attorney for the debtor must distribute this order. (amb)
11/22/202493Motion to Continue Hearing filed by Weston Erick Overturf on behalf of Debtor Elmer Buchta Trucking, LLC (re: Doc # [82]). (Overturf, Weston)
11/20/202492Order on Objection to Claim # 5 for Scroggins Design (re: Doc # [78]). The trustee must distribute this order. (kmc)