Case number: 1:23-bk-10736 - Wipe-Out Logistics, LLC - Kentucky Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Wipe-Out Logistics, LLC

  • Court

    Kentucky Western (kywbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Joan A. Lloyd

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
Subchapter_V, SmBus

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of Kentucky (Bowling Green)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 23-10736-jal

Assigned to: Joan A. Lloyd
Chapter 11

Date filed:  09/29/2023
341 meeting:  12/19/2023


Wipe-Out Logistics, LLC

166 Cooper Dearing Road
Alvaton, KY 42122
Tax ID / EIN: 81-2189491

represented by
Robert C. Chaudoin

519 E. 10th Street
P.O. Box 390
Bowling Green, KY 42102-0390
(270) 842-5611


Charity S. Bird

710 W. Main Street, 4th Floor
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 540-8285

US Trustee

U.S. Trustee

Asst. U.S.Trustee
601 West Broadway #512
Louisville, KY 40202
represented by
Jamie Lynn Harris

Office of the United States Trustee
601 W Broadway
Suite 512
Louisville, KY 40202

Tim Ruppel

601 W. Broadway
Room 512
Louisville, KY 40202

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
02/21/2025201BNC Certificate of Mailing - Hearing (related document(s)[199] Notice of Hearing regarding Amended Motion/Application (related document(s)[193] Application for Payment of Administrative Expenses in the amount of 222,000.00 to be paid to Truist Bank filed by Creditor Truist Bank, Inc., formerly Branch Banking and Trust Company) Filed by Creditor Truist Bank, Inc., formerly Branch Banking and Trust Company. [194] and the response filed thereto. ANY PARTY WISHING TO APPEAR BY VIDEO CONFERENCE AT ONE OF THE VIDEO CONFERENCE SITES IN THE WESTERN DISTRICT MUST CONTACT THE COURT NO LATER THAN TWO BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED HEARING. THE PREFERRED METHOD IS BY EMAIL TO KRISTIN GOSS, COURTROOM DEPUTY FOR JUDGE JOAN A. LLOYD AT KRISTIN_GOSS@KYWB.USCOURTS.GOV, AND THEN IF NO RESPONSE PROVIDED, CONTACT THE COURT AT 502-627-5600 AND LEAVE A MESSAGE. THE COURT IS UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO MAKE SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR ANY ATTORNEY WHO CANNOT ATTEND A HEARING IN EITHER BOWLING GREEN OR LOUISVILLE OR DUE TO STAFFING AND TECHNICAL ISSUES BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE COURT. Hearing scheduled for 3/20/2025 at 10:00 AM at Bowling Green Courthouse, 241 East Main St, 3rd Fl, Bowling Green, KY 42101 (CENTRAL TIME). cc: parties of record (KG)). Notice Date 02/21/2025. (Admin.)
02/21/2025200Order of the Court DENYING Application for Compensation for Robert C. Chaudoin, Debtor's Attorney, Period: 10/19/2024 to 1/20/2025, Fee: $8230.50, Expenses: $58.08.[195] for failure to for failure to comply with the Court's Notice of Deficiency #196, to perfect the pleadings and/or to provide information sufficient for the Court to consider, so ORDERED by /s/ Judge Lloyd. The matter may be reconsidered upon the filing of a renewed motion and proposed order, along with all other previously submitted attachments. (LH) This Notice of Electronic Filing is the Official ORDER for this entry. No document is attached.
02/19/2025199Notice of Hearing regarding Amended Motion/Application (related document(s)[193] Application for Payment of Administrative Expenses in the amount of 222,000.00 to be paid to Truist Bank filed by Creditor Truist Bank, Inc., formerly Branch Banking and Trust Company) Filed by Creditor Truist Bank, Inc., formerly Branch Banking and Trust Company. [194] and the response filed thereto. ANY PARTY WISHING TO APPEAR BY VIDEO CONFERENCE AT ONE OF THE VIDEO CONFERENCE SITES IN THE WESTERN DISTRICT MUST CONTACT THE COURT NO LATER THAN TWO BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED HEARING. THE PREFERRED METHOD IS BY EMAIL TO KRISTIN GOSS, COURTROOM DEPUTY FOR JUDGE JOAN A. LLOYD AT KRISTIN_GOSS@KYWB.USCOURTS.GOV, AND THEN IF NO RESPONSE PROVIDED, CONTACT THE COURT AT 502-627-5600 AND LEAVE A MESSAGE. THE COURT IS UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO MAKE SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR ANY ATTORNEY WHO CANNOT ATTEND A HEARING IN EITHER BOWLING GREEN OR LOUISVILLE OR DUE TO STAFFING AND TECHNICAL ISSUES BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE COURT. Hearing scheduled for 3/20/2025 at 10:00 AM at Bowling Green Courthouse, 241 East Main St, 3rd Fl, Bowling Green, KY 42101 (CENTRAL TIME). cc: parties of record (KG)
02/18/2025198Objection to Amended Motion/Application filed by Creditor Truist Bank, Inc., formerly Branch Banking and Trust Company[194]. Filed by Debtor Wipe-Out Logistics, LLC (Chaudoin, Robert)
02/12/2025197BNC Certificate of Mailing - Notice Request (related document(s)[195] Application for Compensation for Robert C. Chaudoin, Debtor's Attorney, Period: 10/19/2024 to 1/20/2025, Fee: $8230.50, Expenses: $58.08. filed by Debtor Wipe-Out Logistics, LLC). Notice Date 02/12/2025. (Admin.)
02/10/2025196Notice of Deficiency regarding [195] Application for Compensation. The dates stated in the Proposed Order do not match the dates stated in the application and docket text (see paragraph #1 in the Proposed Order) Must be corrected by filing a corrected Proposed Order only using the event "Proposed Order" from the Miscellaneous category and linking it back to the Application. Compliance due by 2/20/2025. (LH)
02/07/2025195Application for Compensation for Robert C. Chaudoin, Debtor's Attorney, Period: 10/19/2024 to 1/20/2025, Fee: $8230.50, Expenses: $58.08.. Filed by Attorney Robert C. Chaudoin. Objections due by 02/28/2025. Any objection must be typewritten and in proper pleading form as required by Federal and Local Rules. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Invoice- A # (2) Proposed Order) (Chaudoin, Robert)
02/03/2025194Amended Motion/Application (related document(s)[193] Application for Payment of Administrative Expenses in the amount of 222,000.00 to be paid to Truist Bank filed by Creditor Truist Bank, Inc., formerly Branch Banking and Trust Company) Filed by Creditor Truist Bank, Inc., formerly Branch Banking and Trust Company. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Proposed Order) (Hitchcock, Daniel)
01/28/2025193Application for Payment of Administrative Expenses in the amount of 222,000.00 to be paid to Truist Bank. Filed by Creditor Truist Bank, Inc., formerly Branch Banking and Trust Company. Objections due by 02/18/2025. Any objection must be typewritten and in proper pleading form as required by Federal and Local Rules.(Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Proposed Order) (Hitchcock, Daniel)Modified on 1/29/2025 (LH).
01/24/2025192BNC Certificate of Mailing - Order Confirming Plan (related document(s)[191] Order Confirming Chapter 11 Plan (related document(s)[160] Amended Chapter 11 Plan filed by Debtor Wipe-Out Logistics, LLC). Entered on 1/22/2025 (LH)). Notice Date 01/24/2025. (Admin.)