Case number: 4:24-bk-40213 - Ariel LLC - Massachusetts Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Ariel LLC

  • Court

    Massachusetts (mabke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Elizabeth D. Katz

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
Repeat-MAB, SmBus, PlnDue, DsclsDue, Subchapter_V, NTCAPR, CredAdd

United States Bankruptcy Court
District of Massachusetts (Worcester)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 24-40213

Assigned to: Chief Judge Elizabeth D. Katz
Chapter 11

Date filed:  03/05/2024
341 meeting:  04/03/2024


Ariel LLC

151 Hampshire Street
Lawrence, MA 01840
Tax ID / EIN: 90-0907834

represented by
Louis S. Robin

Law Offices of Louis S. Robin
1200 Converse Street
Longmeadow, MA 01106
(413) 567-3131

Assistant U.S. Trustee

Richard King

Office of US. Trustee
446 Main Street
14th Floor
Worcester, MA 01608

represented by
Stephen E. Meunier

Department of Justice
U.S. Trustee's Office
446 Main Street , 14th Floor
Worcester, MA 01608
(508) 793-0555


David B. Madoff

Madoff & Khoury LLP
124 Washington Street - Suite 202
Foxborough, MA 02035
represented by
David B. Madoff

Madoff & Khoury LLP
124 Washington Street - Suite 202
Foxborough, MA 02035
Fax : 508-543-0020

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
11/27/2024Receipt of filing fee for Motion for Relief From Stay( 24-40213) [motion,mrlfsty] ( 199.00). Receipt Number A20740842, amount $ 199.00 (re: Doc# 167) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 11/27/2024)
11/27/2024167Motion filed by Creditor Harvest Now, LLC for Relief from Automatic Stay Re: 151 Hampshire Street, Lawrence, Massachusetts with certificate of service Fee Amount $199, Objections due by 12/11/2024. (Weiss, Steven) (Entered: 11/27/2024)
11/01/2024Hearing Held and Continued to 02/13/2025 at 02:00 PM at Worcester Courtroom 3 Re: 117 Motion of Debtor for Authority to Compromise Controversies and Approve Stipulation with RD DRB SPV LLC. (pf) (Entered: 11/01/2024)
11/01/2024166Proceeding Memorandum and Order dated 11/1/2024 Re: 117 Motion of Debtor for Authority to Compromise Controversies and Approve Stipulation with RD DRB SPV LLC. THIS HEARING IS CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 13, 2025 AT 2:00 PM AT THE HAROLD DONOHUE FEDERAL BUILDING AND COURTHOUSE, 595 MAIN STREET, THIRD FLOOR COURTROOM 3, WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. (pf) (Entered: 11/01/2024)
11/01/2024165Proceeding Memorandum and Order dated 11/1/2024 Re: 82 Motion filed by Debtor Ariel LLC for Scheduling Order. THIS HEARING IS CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 13, 2025 AT 2:00 PM AT THE HAROLD DONOHUE FEDERAL BUILDING AND COURTHOUSE, 595 MAIN STREET, THIRD FLOOR COURTROOM 3, WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. (pf) (Entered: 11/01/2024)
11/01/2024164Proceeding Memorandum and Order dated 11/1/2024 Re: 119 Motion of EF Mortgage LLC to Approve Compromise. THIS HEARING IS CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 13, 2025 AT 2:00 PM AT THE HAROLD DONOHUE FEDERAL BUILDING AND COURTHOUSE, 595 MAIN STREET, THIRD FLOOR COURTROOM 3, WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. (pf) (Entered: 11/01/2024)
11/01/2024163Final Pretrial Order (Contested Matter) dated 11/1/2024 Re: 86 Motion of United States Trustee to Convert case to Chapter 7, or alternatively, to Dismiss case. AN EVIDENTIARY HEARING ON THE MOTION OF UNITED STATES TRUSTEE TO CONVERT CASE TO CASE UNDER CHAPTER 7, OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, TO DISMISS CASE [DOCKET #86], AS SUPPLEMENTED BY DOCKET #160, IS SET FOR FEBRUARY 13, 2025 AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE FEDERAL BUILDING AND COURTHOUSE, COURTROOM 3, 595 MAIN STREET, WORCESTER, MA. See Order for Full Text. (pf) (Entered: 11/01/2024)
11/01/2024162Proceeding Memorandum and Order dated 11/1/2024 Re: 57 Motion of EF Mortgage LLC for Relief from Stay In Rem (re: 230 Merrimack Street, Methuen, MA). THIS HEARING IS CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 13, 2025 AT 2:00 PM AT THE HAROLD DONOHUE FEDERAL BUILDING AND COURTHOUSE, 595 MAIN STREET, THIRD FLOOR COURTROOM 3, WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. (pf) (Entered: 11/01/2024)
10/31/2024Hearing Held and Continued to 02/13/2025 at 02:00 PM at Worcester Courtroom 3 Re: 117 Motion of Debtor for Authority to Compromise Controversies and Approve Stipulation with RD DRB SPV LLC. (pf) (Entered: 11/01/2024)
10/31/2024Hearing Held and Continued to 02/13/2025 at 02:00 PM at Worcester Courtroom 3 Re: 82 Motion of Debtor for Scheduling Order. (pf) (Entered: 11/01/2024)