Case number: 2:24-bk-51134 - Oakland Physicians Medical Center, L.L.C. - Michigan Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Oakland Physicians Medical Center, L.L.C.

  • Court

    Michigan Eastern (miebke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Maria L. Oxholm

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of Michigan (Detroit)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 24-51134-mlo

Assigned to: Judge Maria L. Oxholm
Chapter 11

Date filed:  11/23/2024
341 meeting:  12/19/2024
Deadline for filing claims:  03/19/2025
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  06/17/2025

Debtor In Possession

Oakland Physicians Medical Center, L.L.C.

461 West Huron
Pontiac, MI 48341
Tax ID / EIN: 26-2512084
Pontiac General Hospital

Aster Behavioral Hospital

Atlas Behavioral Hospital

Behavioral Hospital of Pontiac

represented by
Robert N. Bassel

Robert Bassel, Attorney at Law
Pobox T
Clinton, MI 49236
Fax : 248-928-0656


Richardo I. Kilpatrick

Kilpatrick & Asoociates, P.C.
903 N. Opdyke Rd.
Suite C
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
(248) 377-0700

U.S. Trustee

Andrew R. Vara
represented by
Jill M. Gies (UST)

211 W. Fort St.
Suite 700
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 226-7999

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
12/19/202445Summary of Assets and Liabilities Codebtors for Non-Individual , Statement of Financial Affairs Codebtors , Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors , Schedule A/B: Codebtors , Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims , Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases , Schedule H: Codebtors Filed by Debtor In Possession Oakland Physicians Medical Center, L.L.C.. (Attachments: # 1 Part 2 # 2 Part 3 # 3 Part 4) (Bassel, Robert) (Entered: 12/19/2024)
Order of the Court to Strike: This pleading is stricken from the record because a Cover Sheet for Amendments is not required as the original pleadings were stricken; the PDF does not match the docket text - docket indicates it is Corrected and that Schedule G was attached however the Cover Sheet does not indicate Schedule G is attached (related documents Cover Sheet for Amendments to Schedules and or Statements). So Ordered by /s/ Judge Maria L. Oxholm.(RE: related document(s)43 Cover Sheet for Amendments to Schedules and or Statements filed by Debtor In Possession Oakland Physicians Medical Center, L.L.C.) (jjm)

This Notice of Electronic Filing is the Official ORDER for this entry. No ORDER is attached.

(Entered: 12/18/2024)
12/17/202443THIS PLEADING HAS BEEN STRICKEN PER ORDER OF THE COURT DATED 12/18/2024. Corrected Cover Sheet for Amendments to Schedules and or Statements filed Re: Schedule A/B Assets - Real and Personal Property, Schedule E/F Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims, Schedule G Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases, Schedule H Codebtors, Summary of Assets and Liabilities for Non-Individual, Statement of Financial Affairs for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy, Filed by Debtor In Possession Oakland Physicians Medical Center, L.L.C.. (Attachments: # 1 Part 2 # 2 Part 3 # 3 Part 4) (Bassel, Robert). MODIFIED ON 12/18/2024 (admin). (Entered: 12/17/2024)
Order of the Court to Strike: These pleadings are stricken from the record because the case caption is incorrect as the SOFA includes another Court's information and subsequent pages are missing the full case caption of the Debtor's Name and Case Number; the pleadings attached to Docket No. 40 are missing the full case caption of the Debtor's name and case number on each page (related documents Statement of Financial Affairs, Declaration under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors, Summary of Assets and Liabilities, Schedule H, Schedule G, Schedule E/F, Schedule A/B:). So Ordered by /s/ Judge Maria L. Oxholm.(RE: related document(s)39 Statement of Financial Affairs filed by Debtor In Possession Oakland Physicians Medical Center, L.L.C., 40 Declaration under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors filed by Debtor In Possession Oakland Physicians Medical Center, L.L.C., Summary of Assets and Liabilities, Schedule H, Schedule G, Schedule E/F, Schedule A/B:) (jjm)

This Notice of Electronic Filing is the Official ORDER for this entry. No ORDER is attached.

(Entered: 12/17/2024)
12/16/202441Declaration Debtor's Statement Regarding Financial Statements], Statement of Operations for Small Business, Balance Sheet for Small Business, Cash Flow Statement for Small Business Filed by Debtor In Possession Oakland Physicians Medical Center, L.L.C. (RE: related document(s)1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11), 26 Order to Extend). (Bassel, Robert) (Entered: 12/16/2024)
12/16/202440THIS PLEADING HAS BEEN STRICKEN PER ORDER OF THE COURT DATED 12/17/2024. Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors , Summary of Assets and Liabilities Assets - Real and Personal Property for Non-Individual , Schedule H: Assets - Real and Personal Property , Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases , Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims , Schedule A/B: Assets - Real and Personal Property Filed by Debtor In Possession Oakland Physicians Medical Center, L.L.C.. (Bassel, Robert). MODIFIED ON 12/17/2024 (admin). (Entered: 12/16/2024)
12/16/202439THIS PLEADING HAS BEEN STRICKEN PER ORDER OF THE COURT DATED 12/17/2024. Statement of Financial Affairs for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy Filed by Debtor In Possession Oakland Physicians Medical Center, L.L.C.. (Bassel, Robert). MODIFIED ON 12/17/2024 (admin). (Entered: 12/16/2024)
12/16/202438Tax Documents for the Year for2023 Filed by Debtor In Possession Oakland Physicians Medical Center, L.L.C. (RE: related document(s)26 Order to Extend). (Bassel, Robert) (Entered: 12/16/2024)
12/16/202437Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property Filed by Debtor In Possession Oakland Physicians Medical Center, L.L.C.. (Bassel, Robert) (Entered: 12/16/2024)
12/16/202436List of Equity Security Holders Filed by Debtor In Possession Oakland Physicians Medical Center, L.L.C.. (Bassel, Robert) (Entered: 12/16/2024)