Case number: 1:12-bk-05618 - meSnarD, Inc. - Michigan Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Docket Header
DebtEd, PlnDue, DsclsDue, Aw341Mtg

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of Michigan (Grand Rapids)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 12-05618-jrh

Assigned to: Jeffrey R. Hughes
Chapter 11

Date filed:  06/13/2012


meSnarD, Inc.

3178 Mayberry Hill
Petoskey, MI 49770
Tax ID / EIN: 20-8784933
represented by
Rory Dixon Mortimer

Mortimer Law Firm, PLC
444 W. Baldwin Street
Alpena, MI 49707
(989) 358-2100
Fax : (989) 358-2103

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
06/13/2012Receipt of filing fee for Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)(12-05618) [misc,volp11a] (1046.00). Receipt number 8356053, amount $1046.00 (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 06/13/2012)
06/13/20121Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition. Fee Amount $1046 Filed by meSnarD, Inc. Schedule A due 06/27/2012. Schedule B due 06/27/2012. Schedule D due 06/27/2012. Schedule E due 06/27/2012. Schedule F due 06/27/2012. Schedule G due 06/27/2012. Schedule H due 06/27/2012. Summary of schedules due 06/27/2012. Statement of Financial Affairs due 06/27/2012. Atty Disclosure Statement due 06/27/2012. (Mortimer, Rory) (Entered: 06/13/2012)