Case number: 1:24-bk-01346 - Venem LLC - Michigan Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Docket Header
Repeat-MIW, SmBus, DsclsDue, PlnDue, Aw341Mtg, KZ

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of Michigan (Grand Rapids)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 24-01346-swd

Assigned to: Scott W. Dales
Chapter 11

Date filed:  05/21/2024


Venem LLC

7017 S. Westnedge Ave.
Portage, MI 49002
Tax ID / EIN: 00-0000000

represented by
James R. Oppenhuizen

Oppenhuizen Law Firm, PLC
125 Ottawa Ave NW
Suite 237
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

U.S. Trustee

Kenneth G Lau

125 Ottawa Avenue NW
Suite 200r
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
11/22/202475Trustee's Report of First Meeting of Creditors. Please note that if the first meeting of creditors has been adjourned to allow the debtor additional time to submit documentation to the trustee and the requested documents are received prior to the adjourned date, the debtor is not required to attend. Adjourned First Meeting to be held on 12/18/2024 at 08:30 AM at via Zoom - Meoli: Meeting ID 728 062 6499, Passcode 2069721608, Phone 1 513 547 2693. Debtor absent. (Meoli, Marcia)
11/20/2024Hearing Held. (RE: related document(s) 58 Petition for Allowance of Fees for Attorney (Pursuant to Local Bankruptcy Rule 9013)) Trustee's objection withdrawn - counsel to submit Certificate of no Objection. (ADI)
11/19/202474Certificate of Service (RE: related document(s)[73] Order on Amended Application for Compensation) Filed by Debtor Venem LLC (Oppenhuizen, James)
11/19/202473Order Approving Application For Attorney Fees and Costs Advanced (Related Doc # [63]) for James R. Oppenhuizen, fees awarded: $15930.00, expenses awarded: $95.19 Signed on 11/19/2024. (klb)
11/18/202472Affidavit/Certificate of No Response or Objection (RE: related document(s)[58] Application for Compensation for James R. Oppenhuizen, Debtor's Attorney, Fees: $16,145.00, Expenses: $95.19.) (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) Filed by Debtor Venem LLC (Oppenhuizen, James)
11/15/202471Notice of Withdrawal (related document(s):[62] Objection) Filed by Trustee Marcia R. Meoli (Meoli, Marcia)
11/13/202470Trustee's Report of First Meeting of Creditors. Please note that if the first meeting of creditors has been adjourned to allow the debtor additional time to submit documentation to the trustee and the requested documents are received prior to the adjourned date, the debtor is not required to attend. Adjourned First Meeting to be held on 11/22/2024 at 08:30 AM at via Zoom - Meoli: Meeting ID 728 062 6499, Passcode 2069721608, Phone 1 513 547 2693. Debtor absent. (Meoli, Marcia)
11/06/202469Trustee Certification of Services Rendered Under 11 U.S.C. Section 330(e). I rendered the following service in the case and am eligible for payment under 11 U.S.C. Section 330(e): Conducted or filed a document required by rule or statute related to a meeting of creditors required by 11 U.S.C. Section 341. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. (Executed on 11/6/2024). Filed by Trustee Marcia R. Meoli (RE: related document(s)[51] Meeting of Creditors Chapter 7 Business No Asset). (Meoli, Marcia)
11/04/202468Application to Employ Keller & Almassian, PLC as Counsel Filed by Trustee Marcia R. Meoli (Attachments: # (1) Sworn Statement of Proposed Attorney # (2) Proposed Order # (3) Certificate of Service (Interested Parties)) (Almassian, A.)
11/01/202467Notice of Appearance on behalf of Trustee Marcia R. Meoli. (Almassian, A.)