Case number: 1:24-bk-01571 - Michigan Pain Consultants, P.C. - Michigan Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Michigan Pain Consultants, P.C.

  • Court

    Michigan Western (miwbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Scott W. Dales

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
Subchapter_V, SmBus, PlnDue, GR

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of Michigan (Grand Rapids)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 24-01571-swd

Assigned to: Scott W. Dales
Chapter 11

Date filed:  06/12/2024
341 meeting:  07/22/2024


Michigan Pain Consultants, P.C.

250 Monroe Ave NW.
Ste. 400
PMB 17089
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Tax ID / EIN: 38-2561725

represented by
Charles D. Bullock

Stevenson & Bullock, P.L.C.
26100 American Drive, Suite 500
Southfield, MI 48034

Kimberly Ross Clayson

Taft Stettinius & Hollister, LLP
27777 Franklin Rd. Suite 2500
Southfield, MI 48034

Elliot G. Crowder

Stevenson & Bullock, P.L.C.
26100 American Drive
Suite 500
Southfield, MI 48034


Steven L Rayman

CBH Attorneys & Counselors, PLLC
141 E. Michigan Avenue
Suite 301
Kalamazoo, MI 49007

U.S. Trustee

Michael V. Maggio

Trial Attorney
Office of the US Trustee
The Ledyard Building, 2nd Floor
125 Ottawa NW, Suite 200R
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 456-2002

U.S. Trustee

Kenneth G Lau, Trial Attorney for the United States Trustee

125 Ottawa Avenue NW
Suite 200r
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
06/28/202462Certificate of Service (RE: related document(s)61 Order (Generic/Motion)) Filed by Debtor Michigan Pain Consultants, P.C. (Crowder, Elliot) (Entered: 06/28/2024)
06/27/202461Order Authorizing Continued Use of Debtor's Prepetition Cash Management System, Bank Accounts, and Business FOrms (RE: related document(s)53 Chapter 11 First Day Motion - Stipulation for Entry of Order Authorizing Continued Use of Debtor's Prepetition Cash Management System, Bank Accounts, and Business Forms filed by Debtor Michigan Pain Consultants, P.C.). Hearing to be held on 7/19/2024 at 11:00 AM Judge Dales Courtroom (Courtroom A) Signed on 6/27/2024 (lmj) (Entered: 06/28/2024)
06/27/2024Hearing Held. (RE: related document(s) 43 Debtor's First Omnibus Motion for Entry of Order Authorizing Debtor to Reject Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases) Granted as modified on the record - Elliot Crowder to submit Order. (ADI) (Entered: 06/27/2024)
06/27/202460Response to Debtor's First Omnibus Motion for Entry of Order Authorizing Debtor to Reject Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases (related document(s): 43 Motion to Assume/Reject Leases or Executory Contracts) Filed by Creditor 6896 Greenville, LLC (Hills, Mark) Modified on 6/27/2024 (dr.). (Entered: 06/27/2024)
06/27/202459Notice of Appearance on behalf of Creditor 6896 Greenville, LLC. (Hills, Mark) (Entered: 06/27/2024)
06/26/202458Objection to Debtor's First Omnibus Motion for Entry of Order Authorizing Debtor to Reject Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases (related document(s): 43 Motion to Assume/Reject Leases or Executory Contracts) Filed by U.S. Trustee Michael V. Maggio (Maggio, Michael) Modified on 6/27/2024 (dr.). (Entered: 06/26/2024)
06/26/202457Schedules A-H, Summary of Assets and Liabilities, Statement of Financial Affairs,for Non-Individual. Filed by Debtor Michigan Pain Consultants, P.C. (Bullock, Charles) (Entered: 06/26/2024)
06/26/202456Certificate of Service (RE: related document(s)55 Response) Filed by Interested Party 2147 Health Drive, LLC (Carlton, Jacob) (Entered: 06/26/2024)
06/26/202455Response to Debtor's First Omnibus Motion for Entry of Order Authorizing Debtor to Reject Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases (related document(s): 43 Motion to Assume/Reject Leases or Executory Contracts) Filed by Interested Party 2147 Health Drive, LLC (Carlton, Jacob) Modified on 6/27/2024 (dr.). (Entered: 06/26/2024)
06/26/202454BR 2016 Disclosure of Compensation. (RE: related document(s)10 Notice of Filing(s) Due) Filed by Charles D. Bullock (Bullock, Charles) (Entered: 06/26/2024)