Case number: 6:23-bk-60680 - Laminin Farms, LLC (JOINTLY ADMINISTERED - All docketing to be done in 23-60679. Each Case will maintain a separate Claims Register) - Missouri Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Laminin Farms, LLC (JOINTLY ADMINISTERED - All docketing to be done in 23-60679. Each Case will maintain a separate Claims Register)

  • Court

    Missouri Western (mowbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Brian T. Fenimore

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of Missouri (Springfield)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 23-60680-btf12

Assigned to: Bankruptcy Judge Brian T. Fenimore
Chapter 12

Date filed:  12/01/2023
341 meeting:  03/29/2024
Deadline for objecting to discharge:  03/12/2024

Debtor 1

Laminin Farms, LLC

7364 Newkirk Road
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
Tax ID / EIN: 87-3174965

represented by
Erlene W. Krigel

Krigel Nugent Moore, P.C.
4520 Main St., Ste. 700
Kansas City, MO 64111


Richard Fink

Suite 1200
2345 Grand Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64108-2663

U.S. Trustee

U.S. Trustee

Room 3440
400 East 9th Street
Kansas City, MO 64106-1910
represented by
Adam E. Miller

Office of the United States Trustee
400 E. 9th St., Ste. 3440
Kansas City, MO 64106
Fax : 816-512-1967

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
01/17/202556Chapter 12 Monthly Operating Report Summary for Filing Period December 2024 (Krigel, Erlene (aty))
01/15/202555Hearing Called and Continued re: Objection to Claim Number 3 by Claimant WBL SPO I, LLC. ERO - KA Parties wishing to participate in the phone conference need to use the conference line. The toll free number for Judge Fenimore is 833-435-1820. When prompted, enter Meeting ID 161 5466 2224. Dawn Meador can be emailed at to confirm your intent to participate Hearing scheduled for 2/25/2025 at 02:00 PM at Telephone Conference. (related document(s)[43]) (Meador, Dawn)
12/18/202454Hearing Called and Continued re: Objection to Claim Number 3 by Claimant WBL SPO I, LLC filed by Laminin Farms, LLC. Parties are trying to work out a settlement. ERO - KA Parties wishing to participate in the phone conference need to use the conference line. The toll free number for Judge Fenimore is 833-435-1820. When prompted, enter Meeting ID 161 5466 2224. Dawn Meador can be emailed at to confirm your intent to participate Hearing scheduled for 1/15/2025 at 11:00 AM at Telephone Conference. (related document(s)[43]) (Meador, Dawn)
12/10/202453Hearing Called and Continued re:Objection to Claim Number 3 by Claimant WBL SPO I, LLC filed by Laminin Farms, LLC. ERO - PM Parties wishing to participate in the phone conference need to use the conference line. The toll free number for Judge Fenimore is 833-435-1820. When prompted, enter Meeting ID 161 5466 2224. Dawn Meador can be emailed at to confirm your intent to participate Hearing scheduled for 12/18/2024 at 01:30 PM at Telephone Conference. (related document(s)[43]) (Meador, Dawn)
11/26/202452Status Hearing Called and Continued re: Objection to Claim Number 3 by Claimant WBL SPO I, LLC filed by Laminin Farms, LLC. ERO - PM Parties wishing to participate in the phone conference need to use the conference line. The toll free number for Judge Fenimore is 833-435-1820. When prompted, enter Meeting ID 161 5466 2224. Dawn Meador can be emailed at to confirm your intent to participate Status hearing to be held on 12/10/2024 at 10:30 AM at Telephone Conference. (related document(s)[43]) (Meador, Dawn)
11/21/202451Chapter 12 Monthly Operating Report Summary for Filing Period October 2024 (Krigel, Erlene (aty))
10/21/202450Chapter 12 Monthly Operating Report Summary for Filing Period September 2024 (Krigel, Erlene (aty))
10/09/202449Hearing Called and Continued re: Objection to Claim Number 3 by Claimant WBL SPO I, LLC filed by Laminin Farms, LLC. ERO - KA Parties wishing to participate in the phone conference need to use the conference line. The toll free number for Judge Fenimore is 888-251-2909. When prompted enter access code 2332127. Dawn Meador can be emailed at to confirm your intent to participate. Status hearing to be held on 11/26/2024 at 10:30 AM at Telephone Conference. (related document(s)[43]) (Wilkinson, Christy)
09/20/202448Chapter 12 Monthly Operating Report Summary for Filing Period August 2024 (Krigel, Erlene (aty))
09/10/202447Hearing Called and Continued re: Objection to Claim Number 3 by Claimant WBL SPO I, LLC. ERO - PM Parties wishing to participate in the phone conference need to use the conference line. The toll free number for Judge Fenimore is 888-251-2909. When prompted enter access code 2332127. Dawn Meador can be emailed at to confirm your intent to participate Status hearing to be held on 10/9/2024 at 11:00 AM at Telephone Conference. (related document(s)[43]) (Meador, Dawn)