Case number: 1:21-bk-41309 - Goldmaker Inc. - New York Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Goldmaker Inc.

  • Court

    New York Eastern (nyebke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Jil Mazer-Marino

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 1-21-41309-jmm

Assigned to: Jil Mazer-Marino
Chapter 11

Date filed:  05/14/2021
341 meeting:  06/28/2021
Deadline for filing claims:  08/12/2021
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  11/10/2021


Goldmaker Inc.

1824 Avenue U
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tax ID / EIN: 11-3510717

represented by
Alla Kachan

Law Offices of Alla Kachan P.C.
2799 Coney Island Avenue
Ste Unit 202
Brooklyn, NY 11235

U.S. Trustee

Office of the United States Trustee

Eastern District of NY (Brooklyn Office)
U.S. Federal Office Building
201 Varick Street, Suite 1006
New York, NY 10014
(212) 510-0500

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
12/23/2022112Small Business Monthly Operating Report for Filing Period November, 2022 Filed by Alla Kachan on behalf of Goldmaker Inc. (Kachan, Alla) (Entered: 12/23/2022)
12/04/2022111BNC Certificate of Mailing with Application/Notice/Order Notice Date 12/04/2022. (Admin.) (Entered: 12/05/2022)
12/01/2022110Order Granting Debtor's Motion to extend time to confirm a Plan of Reorganization and obtain approval of a Disclosure Statement hough and including March 2, 2023 (RE: related document(s)104 Motion to Extend Time filed by Debtor Goldmaker Inc.). Signed on 12/1/2022 (ads) (Entered: 12/02/2022)
11/30/2022Hearing Held and Adjourned; Appearances: Nazar Khodorovsky from the Office of the United States Trustee, Alla Kachan Representing Debtor, Howard Levine Representing Ming Chen - Hearing scheduled for 01/18/2023 at 11:45 AM at Courtroom 3529 (Judge Mazer-Marino), Brooklyn, NY.(RE: related document(s) 21 Motion Relief from Stay regarding premises known as and located at 1824 Avenue U, Brooklyn NY.) (tml) (Entered: 12/01/2022)
11/30/2022Hearing Held and Adjourned; Appearances: Nazar Khodorovsky from the Office of the United States Trustee, Alla Kachan Representing Debtor, Howard Levine Representing Ming Chen - Status hearing to be held on 01/18/2023 at 11:45 AM at Courtroom 3529 (Judge Mazer-Marino), Brooklyn, NY. (RE: related document(s) 12 Order Scheduling Initial Case Management Conference.) (tml) (Entered: 12/01/2022)
11/30/2022Hearing Held and Adjourned; Appearances: Nazar Khodorovsky from the Office of the United States Trustee, Alla Kachan Representing Debtor, Howard Levine Representing Ming Chen - Hearing scheduled for 01/18/2023 at 11:45 AM at Courtroom 3529 (Judge Mazer-Marino), Brooklyn, NY.(RE: related document(s) 96 Notice of Hearing on Disclosure Statement Filed by Alla Kachan on behalf of Goldmaker Inc. (RE: related document(s) 95 Disclosure Statement for Chapter 11 Small Bus filed by Debtor Goldmaker Inc.) (tml) (Entered: 12/01/2022)
11/30/2022Hearing Held; Appearances: Nazar Khodorovsky from the Office of the United States Trustee, Alla Kachan Representing Debtor, Howard Levine Representing Ming Chen - (RE: related document(s) 104 Motion to Extend Time to confirm plan and disclosure statement Filed by Alla Kachan on behalf of Goldmaker Inc.) - No Opposition - Granted; Submit Order (tml) (Entered: 12/01/2022)
11/21/2022109Small Business Monthly Operating Report for Filing Period October, 2022 Filed by Alla Kachan on behalf of Goldmaker Inc. (Kachan, Alla) (Entered: 11/21/2022)
11/09/2022Hearing Held and Adjourned; Appearances: Reema Lateef from the Office of the United States Trustee, Alla Kachan Representing Debtor -Hearing scheduled for 11/30/2022 at 11:00 AM at Courtroom 3529 (Judge Mazer-Marino), Brooklyn, NY.(RE: related document(s) 21 Motion Relief from Stay regarding premises known as and located at 1824 Avenue U, Brooklyn NY.) (tml) (Entered: 11/09/2022)
11/09/2022Hearing Held and Adjourned; Appearances: Reema Lateef from the Office of the United States Trustee, Alla Kachan Representing Debtor - Status hearing to be held on 11/30/2022 at 11:00 AM at Courtroom 3529 (Judge Mazer-Marino), Brooklyn, NY. (RE: related document(s) 12 Order Scheduling Initial Case Management Conference.) (tml) (Entered: 11/09/2022)