Case number: 1:23-bk-43471 - 2510 Ocean LLC - New York Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    2510 Ocean LLC

  • Court

    New York Eastern (nyebke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Jil Mazer-Marino

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 1-23-43471-jmm

Assigned to: Jil Mazer-Marino
Chapter 11

Date filed:  09/27/2023
Plan confirmed:  05/22/2024
341 meeting:  11/06/2023
Deadline for filing claims:  12/21/2023
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  03/25/2024


2510 Ocean LLC

3523 Farrington Street
Flushing, NY 11354
Tax ID / EIN: 84-2662599

represented by
John Lehr

John Lehr, P.C.
1979 Marcus Avenue Ste 210
New Hyde Park, NY 11042

U.S. Trustee

Office of the United States Trustee

Eastern District of NY (Brooklyn)
Alexander Hamilton Custom House
One Bowling Green
Room 510
New York, NY 10004-1408
(212) 206-2580

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
07/12/202458Affidavit/Certificate of Service Filed by John Lehr on behalf of 2510 Ocean LLC (RE: related document(s)56 Application for Compensation filed by Debtor 2510 Ocean LLC, 57 Application for Writ filed by Debtor 2510 Ocean LLC) (Lehr, John) (Entered: 07/12/2024)
07/10/202457Application for Writ Final Decree Filed by John Lehr on behalf of 2510 Ocean LLC. Hearing scheduled for 8/14/2024 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 3529 (Judge Mazer-Marino), Brooklyn, NY. (Lehr, John) (Entered: 07/10/2024)
07/10/202456Application for Compensation. for John Lehr, P.C. as Attorney for Debtor; Fees: $ $18,600.00 Expenses: $ 0.00 Filed by John Lehr on behalf of 2510 Ocean LLC. Hearing scheduled for 8/14/2024 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 3529 (Judge Mazer-Marino), Brooklyn, NY. (Lehr, John) (Entered: 07/10/2024)
07/10/202455Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 05/31/2024 Filed by John Lehr on behalf of 2510 Ocean LLC (Lehr, John) (Entered: 07/10/2024)
07/10/202454Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 04/30/2024 Filed by John Lehr on behalf of 2510 Ocean LLC (Lehr, John) (Entered: 07/10/2024)
07/10/202453Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 03/31/2024 Filed by John Lehr on behalf of 2510 Ocean LLC (Lehr, John) (Entered: 07/10/2024)
07/10/202452Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 02/29/2024 Filed by John Lehr on behalf of 2510 Ocean LLC (Lehr, John) (Entered: 07/10/2024)
07/10/202451Notice of Occurrence of Effective Date Filed by John Lehr on behalf of 2510 Ocean LLC (RE: related document(s)49 Order Confirming Chapter 11 Plan) (Lehr, John) Modified on 7/11/2024 corrected description (jag). (Entered: 07/10/2024)
07/10/2024Hearing Held and Adjourned; Appearances: John Lehr Representing Debtor, Nazar Khodorovsky from the Office of the United States Trustee - Status hearing to be held on 08/14/2024 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 3529 (Judge Mazer-Marino), Brooklyn, NY. (RE: related document(s)9 Order Scheduling Initial Case Management Conference) (tml) (Entered: 07/10/2024)
05/24/202450BNC Certificate of Mailing with Notice of Order Confirming Ch 11 Plan Notice Date 05/24/2024. (Admin.) (Entered: 05/25/2024)