Case number: 1:23-bk-44306 - CoWorkrs 3rd Street LLC - New York Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    CoWorkrs 3rd Street LLC

  • Court

    New York Eastern (nyebke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Elizabeth S. Stong

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 1-23-44306-ess

Assigned to: Elizabeth S. Stong
Chapter 11

Date filed:  11/27/2023
Plan confirmed:  08/08/2024
341 meeting:  01/08/2024
Deadline for filing claims:  03/11/2024
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  05/27/2024


CoWorkrs 3rd Street LLC

55 Broadway
3rd Floor
New York, NY 10006
Tax ID / EIN: 32-0449276
Bond Gowanus

represented by
Nico G. Pizzo

Law Offices of Avrum J. Rosen, PLLC
38 New street
Huntington, NY 11743

Avrum J Rosen

Law Offices of Avrum J. Rosen, PLLC
38 New Street
Huntington, NY 11743

Alex E. Tsionis

Law Offices of Avrum J. Rosen, PLLC
38 New Street
Huntington, NY 11743
Fax : 631-423-4536

U.S. Trustee

Office of the United States Trustee

Eastern District of NY (Brooklyn)
Alexander Hamilton Custom House
One Bowling Green
Room 510
New York, NY 10004-1408
(212) 206-2580

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
11/25/2024117Final Decree Chapter 11. Ordered; that pursuant to section 350(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, Bankruptcy Rule 3022 and E.D.N.Y. LBR 3022-1, the above-captioned Chapter 11 case is hereby closed; provided, that the Court may retain jurisdiction as provided in Article IX of the Reorganized Debtors Amended Plan of Reorganization [Dkt. No. 94], and the entry of this Final Decree is without prejudice to the rights of any party in interest to seek to reopen the above-captioned Chapter 11 case for cause shown; and that not later than ten (10) days from the entry of this Order, the Reorganized Debtor shall file with the Court the appropriate post confirmation reports and shall pay the United States Trustee the appropriate sums required pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1930(a)(6) (and any applicable interest thereon). Signed on 11/25/2024 (alh) (Entered: 11/26/2024)
11/01/2024Hearing Held; (RE: related document(s)115 Motion to Authorize/Direct Filed by Debtor CoWorkrs 3rd Street LLC) Appearances: Debtor, Office of the United States Trustee. No opposition - Granted - Submit order on consent as to form of UST. (sej) (Entered: 11/04/2024)
11/01/2024Hearing Held; - Appearances: Debtor, Office of the United States Trustee. (RE: related document(s)19 Order Scheduling Initial Case Management Conference) MARKED OFF, IT IS SO ORDERED BY s/Elizabeth S. Stong. Endorsed on Calendar dated 11/01/2024 (This is a text Order, no document is attached) (sej) (Entered: 11/04/2024)
10/31/2024Adversary Case 1:23-ap-1113 Closed (nop) (Entered: 10/31/2024)
10/11/2024116Affidavit/Certificate of Service Filed by Avrum J Rosen on behalf of CoWorkrs 3rd Street LLC (RE: related document(s)114 Notice of Entry filed by Debtor CoWorkrs 3rd Street LLC, 115 Motion to Authorize/Direct filed by Debtor CoWorkrs 3rd Street LLC) (Rosen, Avrum) (Entered: 10/11/2024)
10/11/2024115Motion to Authorize/Direct /Motion for Entry of a Final Decree. Objections to be filed on 10/25/2024. Filed by Alex E. Tsionis on behalf of CoWorkrs 3rd Street LLC. Hearing scheduled for 11/1/2024 at 10:30 AM at Courtroom 3585 (Judge Stong), Brooklyn, NY. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A (Certification) # 2 Proposed Order # 3 Notice of Motion) (Tsionis, Alex) (Entered: 10/11/2024)
10/11/2024114Notice of Entry /Notice of Effective Date Filed by Nico G. Pizzo on behalf of CoWorkrs 3rd Street LLC (RE: related document(s)109 Order Confirming Chapter 11 Plan) (Pizzo, Nico) (Entered: 10/11/2024)
10/10/2024Adjourned Without Hearing - 'Hearing scheduled for 11/01/2024 at 10:30 AM at Courtroom 3585 (Judge Stong), Brooklyn, NY.(RE: related document(s)19 Order Scheduling Initial Case Management Conference, 113 Letter of Adjournment Filed by Debtor CoWorkrs 3rd Street LLC) (sej) (Entered: 10/10/2024)
10/04/2024113Letter of Adjournment: Hearing rescheduled from October 10, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. to November 1, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. Filed by Nico G. Pizzo on behalf of CoWorkrs 3rd Street LLC (RE: related document(s)19 Order Scheduling Initial Case Management Conference) (Pizzo, Nico) (Entered: 10/04/2024)
09/20/2024112Order for Compensation for Law Offices of Avrum J. Rosen, PLLC, fees awarded: $139,536.50, expenses awarded: $7,562.36. Ordered; that the Law Offices of Avrum J. Rosen, PLLC may apply the amount of $20,707.97 representing the unused pre-petition retainer being held in Avrum J. Rosens New York State IOLA to the awarded sum, leaving a balance of $126,390.89; and that the Debtor is authorized and directed to pay the sum of $126,390.89 to the Law Offices of Avrum J. Rosen, PLLC. (RE: related document(s)106 Application for Compensation filed by Debtor CoWorkrs 3rd Street LLC). Signed on 9/20/2024 (alh) (Entered: 09/20/2024)