Case number: 1:24-bk-43449 - 2281 Church Avenue LLC - New York Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    2281 Church Avenue LLC

  • Court

    New York Eastern (nyebke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Jil Mazer-Marino

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
SubChapterV, SmBus

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 1-24-43449-jmm

Assigned to: Jil Mazer-Marino
Chapter 11

Date filed:  08/19/2024
341 meeting:  09/23/2024
Deadline for filing claims:  12/23/2024
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  02/17/2025


2281 Church Avenue LLC

2281 Church Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Tax ID / EIN: 82-1453850

represented by
Kamini Fox

Kamini Fox, PLLC
825 East Gate Blvd.
Suite 308
Garden City, NY 11530


Gerard R Luckman, Esq.

Subchapter V Trustee
Forcelli Deegan Terrana, LLP
333 Earle Ovington Blvd., Suite 1010
Uniondale, NY 11553

U.S. Trustee

Office of the United States Trustee

Eastern District of NY (Brooklyn)
Alexander Hamilton Custom House
One Bowling Green
Room 510
New York, NY 10004-1408
(212) 206-2580

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
11/15/202447Chapter 11 Plan Subchapter V dated November 15, 2024. Percentage to be paid to General Unsecured Creditors 100%. Filed by Kamini Fox on behalf of 2281 Church Avenue LLC (RE: related document(s)1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) filed by Debtor 2281 Church Avenue LLC). (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Liquidation Analysis # 2 Exhibit B - Financial Projections) (Fox, Kamini) (Entered: 11/15/2024)
11/14/202446BNC Certificate of Mailing with Notice/Order Notice Date 11/14/2024. (Admin.) (Entered: 11/15/2024)
11/13/202445Affidavit/Certificate of Service Filed by Kamini Fox on behalf of 2281 Church Avenue LLC (RE: related document(s)44 Order Establishing Deadline for Filing Proofs of Claim) (Fox, Kamini) (Entered: 11/13/2024)
11/08/202444Order Establishing Deadline for Filing Proofs of Claim and Approving the Form and Manner of Notice Thereof. Signed on 11/8/2024. Proofs of Claims due by 12/23/2024. Government Proof of Claim due by 2/17/2025. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit) (ylr) (Entered: 11/12/2024)
10/29/2024Receipt of Motion for Relief From Stay( 1-24-43449-jmm) [motion,mrlfsty] ( 199.00) Filing Fee. Receipt number A23066830. Fee amount 199.00. (re: Doc# 43) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 10/29/2024)
10/29/202443Motion for Relief from Stay to Pursue Appeal by Debtor. Objections to be filed on November 27, 2024. Fee Amount $199. Filed by Kamini Fox on behalf of 2281 Church Avenue LLC. Hearing scheduled for 12/4/2024 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 3529 (Judge Mazer-Marino), Brooklyn, NY. (Attachments: # 1 Motion For Relief # 2 Exhibit A - Notice of Appeal # 3 Proposed Order # 4 Affidavit of Service) (Fox, Kamini) (Entered: 10/29/2024)
10/28/202442Stipulation and Order Authorizing Final Use Cash and Other Collateral and Grant of Adequate Protection to Flushing Bank. (RE: related document(s)20 Motion to Use Cash Collateral filed by Debtor 2281 Church Avenue LLC). Signed on 10/28/2024 (ylr) (Entered: 10/28/2024)
10/25/202441Withdrawal of Claim Nos. 2 (Flushing Bank) (webclaimusr) (Entered: 10/25/2024)
10/23/202440Order Authorizing Employment and Retention of Kamini Fox, PLLC as General Bankruptcy Counsel to the Debtor. (Related Doc # 15) Signed on 10/23/2024. (ylr) (Entered: 10/24/2024)
10/22/202439Application to Employ Schwartz, Conroy & Hack, PC as Special Litigation Counsel to the Debtor Filed by Kamini Fox on behalf of 2281 Church Avenue LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Declaration of Evan Schwartz # 2 Exhibit B - Proposed Order of Retention) (Fox, Kamini) (Entered: 10/22/2024)