Case number: 1:20-bk-12128 - 210 Joralemon Bakery, LLC - New York Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    210 Joralemon Bakery, LLC

  • Court

    New York Southern (nysbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Michael E. Wiles

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of New York (Manhattan)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 20-12128-mew

Assigned to: Judge Michael E. Wiles
Chapter 11

Date filed:  09/10/2020


210 Joralemon Bakery, LLC

921 Broadway
New York, NY 10010
Tax ID / EIN: 47-4044779

represented by
Andrew R. Gottesman

Mintz & Gold, LLP
600 Third Avenue
25th Floor
New York, NY 10016

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

Office of the United States Trustee - NY
Alexander Hamilton Custom House
One Bowling Green, Room 534
New York, NY 10004-1408
(212) 510-0500

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
10/26/20209Schedules filed: Schedule A/B - Non-Individual, Schedule D - Non-Individual, Schedule E/F - Non-Individual, Schedule G - Non-Individual, Schedule H - Non-Individual Filed by Andrew R. Gottesman on behalf of 210 Joralemon Bakery, LLC. (Gottesman, Andrew) (Entered: 10/26/2020)
10/26/20208Statement of Financial Affairs - Non-Individual Filed by Andrew R. Gottesman on behalf of 210 Joralemon Bakery, LLC. (Gottesman, Andrew) (Entered: 10/26/2020)
10/16/20207Order signed on 9/16/2020 extending time to file schedules of assets and liabilities, schedules of income and expenditures, schedules of executory contracts and unexpired leases, and statement of financial affairs, authorizing the Debtors to file consolidated schedules and statements, and authorizing Debtors to file consolidated monthly operating reports (Related Doc # 4). (DePierola, Jacqueline) (Entered: 10/16/2020)
09/23/20206Withdrawal of Claim(s): filed by American Express National Bank c/o Zwicker & Associates, P.C..(Ballard, Lisa) (Entered: 09/23/2020)
09/14/2020Case Joint Administration. The docket in Case No.20-12117 should be consulted for all matters affecting this case. (Cantrell, Deirdra) (Entered: 09/14/2020)
09/11/20205Order signed on 9/11/2020 directing the joint administration of the chapter 11 cases 20-12117, 20-12118, 20-12119, 20-12120, 20-12121, 20-12122, 20-12123, 20-12124, 20-12125, 20-12126, 20-12127, 20-12128, 20-12129, 20-12130, 20-12131, 20-12132, 20-12133, 20-12134, 20-12135, 20-12136 and 20-12137 for procedural purposes only under 20-12117 (Cosmoledo LLC) as the lead case (Related Doc # 3). (DePierola, Jacqueline) (Entered: 09/11/2020)
09/11/2020Deficiencies Set: Schedule A/B due 9/24/2020. Schedule D due 9/24/2020. Schedule E/F due 9/24/2020. Schedule G due 9/24/2020. Schedule H due 9/24/2020. Summary of Assets and Liabilities due 9/24/2020. Statement of Financial Affairs due 9/24/2020. List of all creditors Due at Time of Filing. List of All Creditors Required on Case Docket in PDF Format Due at Time of Filing. Incomplete Filings due by 9/24/2020, (Porter, Minnie). (Entered: 09/11/2020)
09/11/2020Judge Michael E. Wiles added to the case. (Porter, Minnie). (Entered: 09/11/2020)
09/10/20204Motion to Extend Time filed by Andrew R. Gottesman on behalf of 210 Joralemon Bakery, LLC. (Gottesman, Andrew) (Entered: 09/10/2020)
09/10/20203Motion for Joint Administration filed by Andrew R. Gottesman on behalf of 210 Joralemon Bakery, LLC. (Gottesman, Andrew) (Entered: 09/10/2020)