Case number: 7:18-bk-22192 - Cenveo Omemee, LLC - New York Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Cenveo Omemee, LLC

  • Court

    New York Southern (nysbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Robert D. Drain

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of New York (White Plains)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 18-22192-rdd

Assigned to: Judge Robert D. Drain
Chapter 11

Date filed:  02/02/2018


Cenveo Omemee, LLC

777 Westchester Avenue
Suite 111
White Plains, NY 10604

represented by
Jonathan S. Henes

Kirkland & Ellis LLP
601 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10022-4675
(212) 446-4927
Fax : (212) 446-4900

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

Office of the United States Trustee
U.S. Federal Office Building
201 Varick Street, Room 1006
New York, NY 10014
(212) 510-0500

Claims and Noticing Agent

Prime Clerk LLC Claims Agent

Attn: Shai Y. Waisman
830 3rd Avenue, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 257-5450

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
03/19/20185Statement of Financial Affairs - Non-Individual Filed by Jonathan S. Henes on behalf of Cenveo Omemee, LLC. (Henes, Jonathan) (Entered: 03/19/2018)
03/19/20184Schedules filed: Schedule A/B - Non-Individual, Schedule D - Non-Individual, Schedule E/F - Non-Individual, Schedule G - Non-Individual, Schedule H - Non-Individual Filed by Jonathan S. Henes on behalf of Cenveo Omemee, LLC. (Henes, Jonathan) (Entered: 03/19/2018)
Case Joint Administration
An order has been entered in accordance with Rule 1015(b) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure directing the jointadministration of the chapter 11 cases of: Commercial Envelope Manufacturing Co., Inc., Case No. 18-22177; Cenveo, Inc., Case No. 18-22178; Cadmus Delaware, Inc., Case No. 18-22179; Cadmus Financial Distribution, Inc., Case No. 18-22180; Cadmus International Holdings, Inc., Case No. 18-22181; Cadmus Journal Services, Inc., Case No. 18-22182; Cadmus Marketing Group, Inc., Case No. 18-22183; Cadmus Marketing, Inc., Case No. 18-22184; Cadmus Printing Group, Inc., Case No. 18-22185; Cadmus UK, Inc., Case No. 18-22186; Cadmus/OKeefe Marketing, Inc., Case No. 18-22187; CDMS Management, LLC, Case No. 18-22888; Cenveo CEM, Inc., Case No. 18-22189; Cenveo CEM, LLC,Case No. 18-22190; Cenveo Corporation, Case No. 18-22191; Cenveo Omemee, LLC, Case No. 18-22192; Cenveo Services, LLC, Case No. 18-22193; CNMW Investments, Inc., Case No. 18-22194; Colorhouse China, Inc., Case No. 18-22195; CRX Holding, Inc., Case No. 18-22196; CRX JV, LLC, Case No. 18-22197; Discount Labels, LLC, Case No. 18-22198; Envelope Product Group, LLC, Case No. 18-22199; Expert Graphics, Inc., Case No. 18-22200; Garamond/Pridemark Press, Inc., Case No. 18-22201; Lightning Labels, LLC, Case No. 18-22202; Madison/Graham Colorgraphics Interstate Services, Inc., Case No. 18-22203; Madison/Graham Colorgraphics, Inc., Case No. 18-22204; Nashua Corporation, Case No. 18-22205; Nashua International, Inc., Case No. 18-22206; Old TSI, Inc., Case No. 18-22207; Port City Press, Inc., Case No. 18-22208; RX JV Holding, Inc., Case No. 18-22209; RX Technology Corp., Case No. 18-22210; Vaughan Printers Incorporated, Case No. 18-22211; VSUB Holding Company, Case No. 18-22212.
All further pleadings and other papers shall be filed in and all further docket entries shall be made in Case No. 18-22178 (RDD)
. (Entered: 02/06/2018)
02/06/20183Order signed on 2/5/2018 Directing Joint Administration of Chapter 11 Cases (Related Doc # 2). (Rai, Narotam) (Entered: 02/06/2018)
02/02/2018Deficiencies Set: Section 521(i) Incomplete Filing Date: 3/19/2018. Chapter 11 Statement of Current Monthly Income Form 122B Due 2/16/2018. Schedule A/B due 2/16/2018. Schedule D due 2/16/2018. Schedule E/F due 2/16/2018. Schedule G due 2/16/2018. Schedule H due 2/16/2018. Summary of Assets and Liabilities due 2/16/2018. Statement of Financial Affairs due 2/16/2018. Atty Disclosure State. due 2/16/2018. Declaration of Schedules due 2/16/2018. Incomplete Filings due by 2/16/2018. (Rai, Narotam) (Entered: 02/02/2018)
02/02/20182Motion for Joint Administration filed by Jonathan S. Henes on behalf of Cenveo Omemee, LLC. (Henes, Jonathan) (Entered: 02/02/2018)
02/02/2018Receipt of Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)(18-22192) [misc,824] (1717.00) Filing Fee. Receipt number 12414698. Fee amount 1717.00. (Re: Doc # 1) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 02/02/2018)
02/02/20181Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition for Non-Individual. Order for Relief Entered. Filed by Jonathan S. Henes of Kirkland & Ellis LLP on behalf of Cenveo Omemee, LLC. (Henes, Jonathan) (Entered: 02/02/2018)