Case number: 5:16-bk-01767 - Nosilla, Inc - North Carolina Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of North Carolina
Bankruptcy Petition #: 16-01767-5-JNC

Assigned to: Judge Joseph N. Callaway
Chapter 11

Date filed:  04/04/2016
341 meeting:  05/10/2016
Deadline for filing claims:  08/08/2016
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  10/03/2016
Deadline for objecting to discharge:  07/11/2016


Nosilla, Inc

341 Mills Road
Oriental, NC 28571
Tax ID / EIN: 56-1937496
Gina's Pizza
represented by
Clayton W. Cheek

The Law Offices of Oliver & Cheek, PLLC
PO Box 1548
218-C South Front Street
New Bern, NC 28563
252 633-1930
Fax : 252 633-1950

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
03/09/2018Fees paid to the trustee in the amount of $60.00. (McKeel, Terry)
02/21/2018175Final Decree. The trustee is discharged as trustee of the estate, the bond is cancelled, and this case is closed. SO ORDERED by s/U. S. Bankruptcy Judge.This Notice of Electronic Filing is the Official ORDER for this entry. No document is attached. . (Bissette, Amy)
02/20/2018174Ch. 7 Trustee's Final Account and Distribution Report, Certification That the Estate Has Been Fully Administered and Application to be Discharged filed by Trustee John C. Bircher III. (Bircher, John)
11/24/2017173BNC Certificate Of Mailing - Order Notice Date 11/23/2017. (Related Doc [172]) (Admin.)
11/21/2017Payment of Quarterly Fees in the amount of $2275.00 filed by John C. Bircher III on behalf of John C. Bircher III. (Bircher, John)
11/21/2017Receipt Of Filing Fee For Payment of Quarterly Fees(16-01767-5-JNC) [misc,payqf] (2275.00), Receipt Number 13386005, Amount $2275.00. (U.S. Treasury)
11/21/2017172Order Granting Application for Compensation (Related Doc [165]) for John C. Bircher, fees awarded: $3021.78, expenses awarded: $0.00, Granting Application for Compensation (Related Doc [166]) for John C. Bircher, fees awarded: $5014.00, expenses awarded: $753.73, Granting Application for Compensation (Related Doc [167]) for Edward A. Golden, CPA, fees awarded: $7061.00, expenses awarded: $0.00 (Bissette, Amy)
10/24/2017Deadline(s) Terminated. Amendment To Trustee's Final Report Was Filed. (related document no.[170] Deficiency Notice - Document (BK)) (Gibson, Aileen)
10/23/2017171Amended/Amendment to Motion/Application filed by John C. Bircher III on behalf of John C. Bircher III(related document no.[164] Chapter 7 Trustee's Final Report) (Bircher, John)
10/19/2017170DEFICIENCY NOTICE to John C. Bircher III. The referenced document has been filed; however, it is deficient as follows: The Final Report contains incorrect information and there is a blank for insertion of text. Failure to correct the deficiencies by the date indicated may result in the court assuming you no longer desire the relief requested and entering an order denying or dismissing the requested relief, or in the matter being forwarded to the judge for appropriate action. (related document no.[164] Chapter 7 Trustee's Final Report filed by Trustee John C. Bircher III. filed by John C. Bircher) Due by 11/13/2017. (Gurgone, Christy)