Dunlow and Dunlow
Joseph N. Callaway
Assigned to: Judge Joseph N. Callaway Chapter 12 Voluntary Asset |
Debtor Dunlow and Dunlow
P.O. Box 117 Gaston, NC 27832 NORTHAMPTON-NC Tax ID / EIN: 56-1975383 |
represented by |
Laurie B. Biggs
Biggs Law Firm PLLC 9208 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27615 919-375-8040 Fax : 919-341-9942 Email: lbiggs@biggslawnc.com TERMINATED: 11/13/2024 Biggs Law Firm, PLLC
9208 Falls of Neuse Rd, Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27615 TERMINATED: 11/13/2024 David J Haidt
Ayers & Haidt, P.A. PO Box 1544 307 Metcalf Street New Bern, NC 28563 (252) 638-2955 Fax : 252 638-3293 Email: david@ayershaidt.com |
Trustee John C Bircher, III
John C. Bircher III, Trustee 209 Pollock Street New Bern, NC 28560 252-514-2828 |
represented by |
John C Bircher, III
John C. Bircher III, Trustee 209 Pollock Street New Bern, NC 28560 252-514-2828 Fax : 252-514-9878 Email: jcb@dhwlegal.com John C. Bircher, III
Davis Hartman Wright LLP 209 Pollock Street New Bern, NC 28560 252-514-2828 Fax : 252-514-9878 Email: jcb@dhwlegal.com |
Date Filed | # | Docket Text |
03/10/2025 | Receipt Of Filing Fee For Motion for Relief from Stay( 24-01080-5-JNC) [motion,mrlfsty] ( 199.00), Receipt Number A18405160, Amount $ 199.00. (U.S. Treasury) | |
03/10/2025 | 201 | Motion for Relief from Stay (Fee 199) (Fee Paid), Motion for Relief from Co-Debtor Stay, Or In The Alternative Motion for Adequate Protection filed by Landon Glenn Van Winkle on behalf of CNH Industrial Capital America LLC (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Van Winkle, Landon) |
03/05/2025 | Note to Courtroom Deputy - Reschedule Hearing Date - Other- Order Entered Extending Time to File Amended Plans (related document no.[182] Hearing Continued (related document(s): [88] Amended Chapter 12 Plan filed by Debtor Dunlow and Dunlow) Hearing scheduled for 4/8/2025 at 10:00 AM at Greenville Courtroom (New)) (Gibson, Aileen) | |
03/05/2025 | 200 | Order Granting Motion to Extend Time (Related Doc [199]) Amended Plan Due by 4/17/2025. (Gibson, Aileen) |
03/03/2025 | 199 | Second Motion to Extend Time to File Chapter 11 Plan & Disclosure StatementTime for Amended Plans filed by George M. Oliver, David J Haidt on behalf of Dunlow and Dunlow (related document no.[195] Order on Motion to Extend Time) (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Draft order) (Haidt, David) |
02/25/2025 | 198 | Certificate of Service filed by Trustee John C Bircher III. (RE: related document(s)[197] Report of Sale, Motion for Confirmation & Application for Compensation filed by Auctioneer Mike Gurkins, Trustee John C Bircher, Motion for Disbursement) (Bircher, John) |
02/25/2025 | 197 | Report of Sale, Motion for Confirmation & Application for Compensation for John C Bircher III, Trustee Chapter 12, Fee:$38682.50, Expenses:$, for Mike Gurkins, Auctioneer, Fee:$34346.00, Expenses:$. Recommendation due 3/11/2025, Motion for Disbursement Recommendation due 3/11/2025 filed by John C Bircher III (Attachments: # (1) Deed Of Trust EXHIBIT A # (2) Exhibit EXHIBIT A - CONTINUED # (3) Deed Of Trust EXHIBIT B # (4) PROPOSED ORDER) (Bircher, John) |
01/31/2025 | 196 | Quarterly Disbursement Report filed by Trustee John C Bircher III. (Bircher, John) |
01/27/2025 | 195 | Order Granting Motion to Extend Time (Related Doc [194]) Amended Plan Due by 3/3/2025. (Gibson, Aileen) |
01/23/2025 | 194 | Joint Motion to Extend Time for File Amended Plans filed by David J Haidt, George M. Oliver on behalf of David M. Dunlow, Debra B. Dunlow, Dunlow and Dunlow (Oliver, George) |