Case number: 1:19-bk-10317 - Bon Worth, Inc. - North Carolina Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of North Carolina (Asheville)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 19-10317

Assigned to: George R. Hodges
Chapter 11

Debtor disposition:  Dismissed for Other Reason
Date filed:  08/16/2019
Date terminated:  04/29/2021
Debtor dismissed:  04/09/2021
341 meeting:  10/30/2019


Bon Worth, Inc.

707 Brooklyn Avenue
Hendersonville, NC 28792
Tax ID / EIN: 56-0963664

represented by
Paul R. Baynard

Offit Kurman
301 S. College Street
Suite 2600
Charlotte, NC 28202

Amy Purwin Hunt

Horack, Talley, Pharr & Lowndes, P.A.
301 South College Street
Suite 2600
Charlotte, NC 28202-6006
Fax : 704-372-2619

Offit Kurman, P.A.

U.S. Trustee

U.S. Bankruptcy Administrator Office

402 W. Trade Street
Suite 200
Charlotte, NC 28202-1669

Interested Party

Bon Worth Holdings, Inc.
represented by
Melanie D. Johnson Raubach

Hamilton Stephens Steele Martin PLLC
525 N. Tryon Street
Suite 1400
Charlotte, NC 28202
Fax : 704-344-1483

Glenn C. Thompson

Hamilton Stephens Steele & Martin
525 North Tryon Street
Suite 1400
Charlotte, NC 28202
(704) 227-1067
Fax : (704) 344-1483

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
05/01/2021447BNC Certificate of Mailing (RE: related document(s)446 Final Decree/Case Closed). No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 05/01/2021. (Admin.) (Entered: 05/02/2021)
04/29/2021446Final Decree Closing Case. (krt) (Entered: 04/29/2021)
04/11/2021445BNC Certificate of Mailing (RE: related document(s) 444 Order of Dismissal). No. of Notices: 848. Notice Date 04/11/2021. (Admin.) (Entered: 04/12/2021)
04/09/2021444Order of Dismissal of Bankruptcy Case and Authorizing the Debtor to Make Distributions to Holders of Allowed Claims. (RE: related document(s) 418 Amended Document filed by U.S. Trustee U.S. Bankruptcy Administrator Office) (krt) (Entered: 04/09/2021)
04/08/2021443Order Granting Motion To Restrict Public Access (Related Doc # 435) (krt) (Entered: 04/08/2021)
04/07/2021Receipt of Quarterly Fees - Receipt Number 41344 - Amount Paid: $ 650.00 (autodocket) (Entered: 04/07/2021)
04/06/2021441Application for Compensation to:Offit Kurman, P.A., Fee:$79,280.00, Expenses:0.00. filed by Paul R. Baynard on behalf of Bon Worth, Inc.. (Baynard, Paul) Modified on 4/6/2021 (krt). CORRECTIVE ENTRY: Refiled to redact personal identifiers. (Entered: 04/06/2021)
04/06/2021440Application for Compensation to:Horack,Talley, Pharr & Lowndes, P.A., Fee:48,210.00, Expenses:2,145.08. filed by Paul R. Baynard on behalf of Bon Worth, Inc.. (Baynard, Paul) Modified on 4/6/2021 (krt). CORRECTIVE ENTRY: Refiled to redact personal identifiers. (Entered: 04/06/2021)
04/06/2021439Chapter 11 Quarterly Fee Statement ending March 2021 (Fee Amount $650.00) filed by Paul R. Baynard on behalf of Bon Worth, Inc.. (Baynard, Paul) (Entered: 04/06/2021)
04/06/2021438Monthly Status/Operating Report for the Month of March filed by Paul R. Baynard on behalf of Bon Worth, Inc.. (Baynard, Paul) (Entered: 04/06/2021)