Ashley Austin Edwards
Assigned to: J. Craig Whitley Chapter 11 Voluntary Asset |
20 Moores Road Malvern, PA 19355 CHESTER-PA Tax ID / EIN: 84-3458817 |
represented by |
Danielle Barav-Johnson
Jones Day 1420 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 800 Atlanta, GA 30309 (404) 581-3939 Fax : (404) 581-8330 Email: dbarav@jonesday.com TERMINATED: 03/01/2021 Demi Lorant Bostian
Robinson, Bradshaw and Hinson 1450 Raleigh Road Chapel Hill, NC 27517 919-328-8800 Fax : 919-328-8790 Email: dbostian@robinsonbradshaw.com Garland S. Cassada
Robinson Bradshaw & Hinson 101 N. Tryon St. Suite 1900 Charlotte, NC 28246 (704) 377-2536 Email: gcassada@robinsonbradshaw.com Kevin Raymond Crandall
Robinson Bradshaw 101 North Tryon St. Suite 1900 NC Charlotte, NC 28246 7043778129 Fax : 7043393429 Email: kcrandall@robinsonbradshaw.com Jeffrey Brian Ellman
Jones Day 1420 Peachtree Street. N.E. Suite 800 GA Atlanta, GA 30309 (404)-581-3939 Fax : (404)-581-8330 Email: jbellman@jonesday.com Kelly E. Farnan
Richards Layton & Finger One Rodney Square 920 North Kings Street Wilmington, DE 19801 TERMINATED: 11/15/2022 Sid Garabato
Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC 777 Third Avenue Ste 12th Floor New York, NY 10017 646-282-2538 Email: sgarabato@epiqglobal.com Elizabeth Runyan Geise
Schiff Hardin 901 K Street NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20001 (202) 778-6451 Fax : (202) 778-6400 Email: egeise@schiffhardin.com Gregory M. Gordon
2727 North Harwood Street Suite 500 Dallas, TX 75201 214-220-3939 Fax : 214-969-5100 Email: gmgordon@jonesday.com Kevin Gross
Richards Layton & Finger One Rodney Square 920 North King Street Wilmington, DE 19801 (302) 651-7815. Email: gross@rlf.com James M. Jones
Jones Day 250 Vesey Street New York, NY 10281 (212) 326-3939 Fax : (212) 755-7306 Email: jmjones@jonesday.com Jones Day
2727 North Harwood Street Suite 500 Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 220-3939 Fax : 214-969-5100 Daniel M. Long
Quarles & Brady LLP 135 N Pennsylvania St Ste 2400 Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-957-5000 Fax : 317-957-5016 Email: dan.long@quarles.com Timothy P. Misner
Robinson, Bradshaw and Hinson 101 N. Tryon Street, Suite 1900 Charlotte, NC 28246 704-377-8315 Email: tmisner@robinsonbradshaw.com Isel M. Perez
Jones Day 600 Brickell Avenue, Suite 3300 Brickell World Plaza Miami, FL 33131 305-714-9700 Preetha Suresh Rini
Robinson, Bradshaw and Hinson 434 Fayetteville Street Suite 1600 Raleigh, NC 27601 919-328-8820 Fax : 919-328-8790 Email: prini@robinsonbradshaw.com Valerie E. Ross
Schiff Hardin 901 K Street NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20001 (202) 778-6453 Fax : (202) 778-6400 Email: vross@schiffhardin.com Amanda Rush
Jones Day 2727 North Harwood Suite 500 Dallas, TX 75201 214.220.3939 Fax : 214.969.5100 Email: asrush@jonesday.com David M. Schilli
Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A. 101 N. Tryon St., Suite 1900 Charlotte, NC 28246 704.377.8346 Fax : 704.378.4000 Email: dschilli@rbh.com Mark R. Seiden
Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A. 250 Vesey Street New York, NY 10281 212-326-3939 Fax : 212-755-7306 Email: mrseiden@jonesday.com Jeffrey D. Skinner
Schiff Hardin LLP 901 K Street NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20001 (202) 778-6427 Fax : (202) 778-6400 Email: jskinner@schiffhardin.com. Jesssica A. Sprovtsoff
ArentFox Schiff 350 South Main Street Suite 210 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734) 222-1518 Fax : (734) 222-1501 Andrew W.J. Tarr
Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, PA 101 N. Tryon St. Suite 1900 Charlotte, NC 28246 704-377-8107 Fax : 704-339-3407 Email: atarr@rbh.com David S. Torborg
Jones Day 51 Louisiana Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001 202-879-3939 Fax : 202-626-1700 Email: dstorborg@jonesday.com Richard C Worf
Robinson Bradshaw Hinson P.A. 101 N. Tryon Street Suite 1900 Charlotte, NC 28246 704-377-8135 Fax : 704-339-3435 Email: rworf@rbh.com M. Bennett Wright
Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A. 101 N. Tryon Street, Suite 1900 Charlotte, NC 28246 704-377-8157 Email: bwright@robinsonbradshaw.com Elise H. Yu
ArentFox Schiff 350 South Main Street Suite 210 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734) 222-1556 Fax : (734) 222-1501 |
U.S. Trustee U.S. Bankruptcy Administrator Office
401 W. Trade Street Suite 2400 Charlotte, NC 28202 (704)350-7587 |
| |
Interested Party CertainTeed LLC |
represented by |
Jordan C. Benson
Goodwin Procter LLP 100 Northern Avenue Boston, MA 02210 (617) 570-1682 Roberto M. Braceras
100 Northern Avenue Boston, MA 02210 617-570-1895 TERMINATED: 03/24/2022 Rachel M Buck
Troutman Pepper 301 S. College Street Ste 34th Floor Charlotte, NC 28202 704-998-4050 Email: rachel.buck@troutman.com TERMINATED: 12/03/2020 Jennifer Chunias
Goodwin Procter LLP 100 Northern Avenue Boston, MA 02210 (617) 570-8239 Stacy Dasaro
Goodwin Procter LLP 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018 (212) 459-7194 Email: SDasaro@goodwinlaw.com Douglas H. Flaum
Goodwin Procter LLP 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018 (212) 813-8884 Michael H. Goldstein
Goodwin Procter LLP 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018 (212) 813-8840 Gabrielle L. Gould
Goodwin Procter LLP 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018 (212) 813-8855 John R. Miller, Jr.
RAYBURN COOPER & DURHAM, P.A. 1200 The Carillon 227 West Trade Street Charlotte, NC 28202 704-334-0891 Email: jmiller@rcdlaw.net Ashley Oldfield
Rayburn Cooper & Durham, P.A. 227 West Trade Street, Suite 1200 Charlotte, NC 28202 704-334-0891 Email: aoldfield@rcdlaw.net C. Richard Rayburn, Jr.
Rayburn Cooper Durham P.A. Ste. 1200 227 West Trade Street Charlotte, NC 28202 (704) 334-0891 Email: rrayburn@rcdlaw.net Artem Skorostensky
Goodwin Procter LLP 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018 (212) 813-8989 Howard S Steel
Goodwin Procter LLP The New York Times Building 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018 212-459-7412 Fax : 212-937-2156 Email: hsteel@goodwinlaw.com Matthew L Tomsic
Rayburn Cooper Durham P.A. 227 West Trade St. Suite 1200 Charlotte, NC 28202 704-334-0891 Fax : 704-337-1897 Email: mtomsic@rcdlaw.net Catherine A. Tremble
Goodwin Procter LLP 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018 (212) 459-7122 Richard M. Wyner
Goodwin Procter LLP 1900 N Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 202-346-4000 Email: rwyner@goodwinlaw.com TERMINATED: 12/28/2021 |
Interested Party Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood, PLC
55 Harrison St #400 Oakland, CA 94607 |
represented by |
Linda Wright Simpson
JD Thompson Law 7714 Quail Hill Road Charlotte, NC 28210 704-641-4359 Email: LWS@jdthompsonlaw.com |
Interested Party A Group of Certain Asbestos Claimants, A Group of Certain Asbestos Claimants
c/o Winston & Strawn LLP 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166 212-294-5391 |
represented by |
James David Butler
Richardson, Patrick, Westbrick and Brickman LLC. 1730 Jackson Street P. O. Box 1368 Barnwell, SC 29812 803-541-7850 Fax : 803-259-4403 Email: dbutler@rpwb.com Bill Graham
Wallace and Graham P.A. 525 North Main Street Salisbury, NC 28144 704-633-5244 Fax : 704-738-2711 Email: bgraham@wallacegraham.com Christopher R. Guinn
Simmons Hanly Conroy One Court Street Alton, IL 62002 618-259-2222 Fax : 618-259-2251 Email: cquinn@simmonsfirm.com Carrie V. Hardman
Winston & Strawn LLP 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166 212-294-6700 Fax : 212-294-4700 Email: chardman@winston.com Kevin C. Maclay
Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered One Thomas Circle, N.W. Washington, DC 20005 Jeff A. McCurdy
Foster Sear LLP. 817 Greenview Dr. Grand Prairie, TX 75050 817-633-3355 Fax : 817-633-5507 Email: jmccurdy@fostersear.com David Neier
Winston & Strawn LLP 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 101664193 212-294-5318 Fax : 212-294-4700 Email: dneier@winston.com Katherine A. Preston
Winston & Strawn/Chicago 800 Capitol St., Suite 2400 Houston, TX 77002-2925 713-651-2600 Email: kpreston@winston.com Natalie D. Ramsey
Robinson & Cole LLP 1201 North Market Street, Suite 1406 Wilmington, DE 19801 302-516-1702 Fax : 302-516-1699 Email: nramsey@rc.com Glenn C. Thompson
Hamilton Stephens Steele & Martin 525 North Tryon Street Suite 1400 Charlotte, NC 28202 (704) 227-1067 Fax : (704) 344-1483 Email: gthompson@lawhssm.com |
Interested Party The Gori Law Firm, The Asbestos Claimants Represented by The Gori Law Firm
156 N. Main Street Edwardsville, IL 62025 |
represented by |
Linda Wright Simpson
(See above for address) Thomas W. Waldrep, Jr.
Waldrep Wall Babcock & Bailey PLLC 370 Knollwood Street Suite 600 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 336-717-1280 Fax : 336-722-1993 Email: notice@waldrepwall.com |
Interested Party Honeywell International Inc. |
represented by |
Honeywell International Inc.
PRO SE Jason L. Walters
Davis Hamrick LLP P.O.Drawer 20039 Winston-Salem, NC 27120 336-725-8385 Fax : 336-723-8838 Email: jwalters@davisandhamrick.com TERMINATED: 12/06/2021 |
Interested Party Bestwall LLC
100 Peachtree Street, N.W. Atlanta, GA 30303 Tax ID / EIN: 37-1865815 |
represented by |
Garland S. Cassada
(See above for address) Chelsea Corey
King & Spalding 300 South Tryon Street, Suite 1700 Charlotte, NC 28202 704-503-2575 Email: ccorey@kslaw.com Kevin Raymond Crandall
(See above for address) Richard A. Schneider
King & Spalding LLP 1180 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta, GA 30309 404-572-4889 Fax : 404-572-5100 Email: dschneider@kslaw.com Richard C Worf
(See above for address) |
Interested Party Sander Esserman |
represented by |
Alexander Ricks PLLC
1420 E. 7th Street Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28204 Miller Freeman Capps
Alexander Ricks PLLC 1420 E 7th St., Ste. 100 Charlotte, NC 28204 704-365-3656 Email: miller.capps@alexanderricks.com Felton Parrish
Alexander Ricks PLLC 1420 E. 7th Street, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28204 980-334-2001 Email: felton.parrish@alexanderricks.com John Madison Spencer
McDonald Hopkins LLC 300 N La Salle Dr Ste 1400 Chicago, IL 60654 312-280-0111 Email: jack.spencer@alexanderricks.com TERMINATED: 03/22/2023 Travis G. buchanan
Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP Rodney Square 1000 North King Street Wilmington, DE 19801 |
Interested Party Delaware Claims Processing Facility |
represented by |
B. Chad Ewing
Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP 301 South College Street, Suite 3500 Charlotte, NC 28202-6037 704-331-4996 Fax : 704-338-7854 Email: chad.ewing@wbd-us.com |
Interested Party Manville Personal Injury Settlement Trust |
represented by |
David Ira Bledsoe
600 Cameron St Ste 203 Alexandria, VA 22314 703-725-3647 B. Chad Ewing
(See above for address) Timothy M. Haggerty
Friedman Kaplan Seiler & Adelman LLP 1 Gateway Center Newark, NJ 07102-5311 973-877-6411 Email: thaggerty@fklaw.com. Michael S. Palmieri
Friedman Kaplan Seiler Adelman & Robbins LLP 7 Times Square Ste 28th Floor New York, NY 10036 212-833-1100 Email: mpalmieri@fklaw.com Jason C. Rubinstein
Friedman Kaplan Seiler Adelman & Robbins LLP 7 Times Square Ste 28th Floor New York, NY 10036 212-833-1100 Email: jrubinstein@fklaw.com |
Interested Party USA |
represented by |
Gill Beck
U.S. Attorneys Office 100 Otis Street Room 233, US Courthouse Asheville, NC 28801 828-259-0645 Fax : 828-271-4327 Email: gill.beck@usdoj.gov |
Interested Party Saint-Gobain Corporation |
represented by |
John R. Miller, Jr.
(See above for address) Howard S Steel
(See above for address) Richard M. Wyner
(See above for address) TERMINATED: 12/28/2021 |
Interested Party Joseph W Grier, III
Grier Wright Martinez, PA 521 E MOREHEAD ST STE 440 Suite 440 Charlotte, NC 28202 704-375-3720 |
represented by |
Debra L. Felder
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP Columbia Center, 1152 15th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20005 (202) 339-8400 Fax : (202) 339-8500 Email: dfelder@orrick.com Joseph W. Grier, III
Grier Wright Martinez, PA 521 E. Morehead St. Suite 440 Charlotte, NC 28202 704-375-3720 Fax : 704-332-0215 Email: jgrier@grierlaw.com Jonathan P. Guy
Orrick Herrington Sutcliffe LLP Columbia Center 1152 15th Street N.W. Washington, DC 20005 202-339-8516 Fax : 202-339-8500 Email: jguy@orrick.com Anna Cotten Wright
Grier Wright Martinez, PA 521 E Morehead Street Suite 440 Charlotte, NC 28202 704-332-0207 Email: cwright@grierlaw.com |
Interested Party A Group of Certain Asbestos Claimants
c/o Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwoo 55 Harrison Street Suite 400 Oakland, CA 94607 |
represented by |
Steven Kazan
Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood 55 Harrison Street Suite 400 Oakland, CA 94607 510-302-1000 Fax : 510-835-4913 Email: skazan@kazanlaw.com Michael Shepard
Shepard Law 160 Federal Street Boston MA Boston, MA 02110 6174519191 Fax : 6174519292 Email: mshepard@shepardlawfirm.com |
Interested Party Clients of Brayton, Purcell, LLP |
represented by |
Bryn Gallagher Letsch
Brayton Purcell LLP 222 Rush Landing Road Novato CA Novato, CA 94945 415-898-1555 Fax : 415-898-1247 Email: bletsch@braytonlaw.com |
Interested Party Clients of Peter G. Angelos, P.C. |
represented by |
Armand J. Volta, Jr.
Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos, P.C. 100 North Charles Street 22nd Floor Baltimore, MD 21201 |
Interested Party Clients of Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood, PLC |
represented by |
Steven Kazan
(See above for address) |
Interested Party Ferguson Enterprises, LLC |
represented by |
Ferguson Enterprises, LLC
PRO SE Byron L. Saintsing
Smith Debnam Narron Drake Saintsing & Myers, LLP 4601 Six Forks Road, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 250-2000 Email: bsaintsing@smithdebnamlaw.com TERMINATED: 01/03/2023 |
Creditor Committee The Official Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants |
represented by |
Suzanne Jaffe Bloom
Winston & Strawn LLP 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166-4193 212-294-4604 Cristina I. Calvar
Winston & Strawn/Chicago 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166 212-294-5331 Email: ccalvar@winston.com Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered
One Thomas Circle Washington, DC 20005 Joseph L. Clasen
Robinson & Cole LLP 666 Third Avenue 20th Floor New York, NY 10017 212-451-2910 Email: jclasen@rc.com Serafina Concannon
Caplin & Drysdale One Thomas Circle, N.W. Washington, DC 20005 202-862-5022 Robert A. Cox, Jr.
Hamilton Stephens Steele & Martin, PLLC 525 N. Tryon Street Suite 1400 Charlotte, NC 28202 704-227-1069 Fax : 704-344-1483 Email: rcox@lawhssm.com Benjamin M. Daniels
Robinson & Cole LLP 280 Trumbull Street Hartford, CT 06103 860-275-8223 Email: bdaniels@rc.com Kenneth Brian Dantinne
Hamilton Stephens Steele & Martin, PLLC 525 North Tryon Street Suite 1400 Charlotte, NC 28202 704-344-1117 Fax : 704-344-1483 Email: kdantinne@commercialcreditgroup.com TERMINATED: 04/18/2023 Jeremy L. Doyle
Reynolds Frizzell LLP 1100 Louisiana Suite 3500 Houston, TX 77002 713-485-7200 Fax : 713-485-7250 Email: doyle@reynoldsfrizzell.com Katherine M. Fix
The Law Firm of Robinson & Cole LLP 1650 Market Street Suite 3030 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-398-0555 Stephen E Goldman
Robinson & Cole LLP 280 Trumbull Street Hartford, CT 06103-3597 860-275-8255 Fax : 860-275-8299 Email: sgoldman@rc.com Carrie V. Hardman
(See above for address) Elizabeth Ireland
Winston & Strawn LLP 300 S Tryon St Suite 1600 Charlotte, NC 28202 704-609-7211 Email: eireland@winston.com Jeanna Rickards Koski
Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered One Thomas Circle, NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 202-862-5069 Laurie A. Krepto
Robinson & Cole LLP 1650 Mark Street Suite 3600 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-398-0554 Ann Weber Langley
Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered One Thomas Circle N.W. Washington, DC 20005 (202) 862-5038 Email: alangley@capdale.com Jeffrey A. Liesemer
Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered One Thomas Circle, N.W. Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 202-862-5007 Fax : 202-429-3301 Email: jal@capdale.com Kevin C. Maclay
Caplin Drysdale Chartered One Thomas Circle NW 11th floor Washington, DC 20005 202-862-7841 Email: kmaclay@capdale.com George E Mastoris
Winston & Strawn, LLP 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166 212-294-6700 Fax : 212-294-4700 Email: gmastoris@winston.com Ryan Michael Messina, I
Robinson & Cole LLP 1201 N. Market Street Suite 1406 Wilmington, DE 19801 302-516-1717 Fax : 302-516-1699 Email: rmessina@rc.com Nathaniel R Miller
Caplin & Drysdale One Thomas Circle, N.W Washignton, DC 20005 202-862-7829 Email: nmiller@capdale.com David Neier
(See above for address) Todd E. Phillips
Caplin Drysdale Chartered One Thomas Circle NW 11th floor Washington, DC 20005 202-862-7850 Email: tphillips@capdale.com Katherine A. Preston
(See above for address) Natalie D. Ramsey
(See above for address) Jordan C. Roberts
Shrader & Associates, LLP 9 Greenway Plaza Suite 2300 Houston, TX 77046 713-782-0000 Fax : 713-571-9605 Email: jordan@shraderlaw.com Robinson & Cole, LLP Nathan M. Smith
Reynolds Frizzell, LLP 1100 Louisiana Suite 3500 Houston, TX 77002 713-485-7200 Fax : 713-485-7250 Email: nsmith@reynoldsfrizzell.com Benjamin Sokoly
Winston & Strawn, LLP 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166 (212) 294-4636 Email: bsokoly@winston.com Glenn C. Thompson
(See above for address) James P. Wehner
Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered One Thomas Circle, NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 862-5075 Email: jwehner@capdale.com Brian J. Wheelin
1055 Washington Boulevard Stamford, CT 06901 203-462-7536 Email: bwheelin@rc.com Winston & Strawn LLP
200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166 Davis Lee Wright
Robinson & Cole LLP 1201 North Market Street Suite 1406 Wilmington, DE 19801 302-516-1703 Fax : 302-516-1699 Email: dwright@rc.com Katelin C. Zendeh
Caplin & Drysdale One Thomas Circle, N.W. Washington, DC 202-862-5031 Email: kzendeh@capdale.com |
Date Filed | # | Docket Text |
03/13/2025 | 3087 | Certificate of Service by Angela Chachoff (RE: related document(s)[3075] Order on Application for Compensation, [3076] Order on Application for Compensation) filed by Sid Garabato on behalf of EPIQ Corporate Restructuring, LLC. (Garabato, Sid) |
03/13/2025 | 3086 | Periodic Report on Related Entities Regarding Value, Operations and Profitability of Entities in Which the Estate Holds a Substantial or Controlling Interest. Report as of: December 31, 2024 filed by Garland S. Cassada on behalf of DBMP LLC. (Cassada, Garland) |
03/12/2025 | 3083 | Certificate of Service by Panagiota Manatakis (RE: related document(s)[3080] Other Document filed by Debtor DBMP LLC) filed by Sid Garabato on behalf of EPIQ Corporate Restructuring, LLC. (Garabato, Sid) |
03/07/2025 | 3082 | Certificate of Service of Angela Chachoff (RE: related document(s)[3071] Order Awarding Compensation) filed by Sid Garabato on behalf of EPIQ Corporate Restructuring, LLC. (Garabato, Sid) |
03/07/2025 | 3081 | Certificate of Service of Angela Chachoff (RE: related document(s)[3063] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor DBMP LLC, [3064] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor DBMP LLC, [3065] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor DBMP LLC, [3066] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor DBMP LLC, [3070] Notice of Opportunity for Hearing filed by Debtor DBMP LLC) filed by Sid Garabato on behalf of EPIQ Corporate Restructuring, LLC. (Garabato, Sid) |
03/07/2025 | 3080 | Notice of Cancellation of Omnibus Hearing Scheduled for March 13, 2025 at 9:30 a.m. (Eastern Time) filed by Garland S. Cassada on behalf of DBMP LLC. (Cassada, Garland) |
03/05/2025 | 3079 | Certificate of Service by Angela Chachoff (RE: related document(s)[3067] Application for Compensation filed by Creditor Committee The Official Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants, [3068] Application for Compensation filed by Creditor Committee The Official Committee of Asbestos Personal Injury Claimants) filed by Sid Garabato on behalf of EPIQ Corporate Restructuring, LLC. (Garabato, Sid) |
03/05/2025 | 3078 | Certificate of Service by Angela Chachoff (RE: related document(s)[3075] Order on Application for Compensation, [3076] Order on Application for Compensation) filed by Sid Garabato on behalf of EPIQ Corporate Restructuring, LLC. (Garabato, Sid) |
03/04/2025 | 3077 | Sixth Supplemental Declaration of Jeffrey B. Ellman in Support of the Ex Parte Application of the Debtor for an Order Authorizing It to Retain and Employ Jones Day as Counsel as of the Petition Date (RE: related document(s)[16] Application to Employ filed by Debtor DBMP LLC) filed by Garland S. Cassada on behalf of DBMP LLC. (Cassada, Garland) |
03/03/2025 | 3076 | Order Granting the Ninth Interim Application for Compensation to: Winston & Strawn LLP, Fee: $722,759.00, Expenses: $29,393.09. (Related Doc # [3051]) (cet) |