Case number: 1:20-bk-12062 - Springdale Land LLC - Ohio Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Springdale Land LLC

  • Court

    Ohio Southern (ohsbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Guy R Humphrey

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of Ohio (Cincinnati)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 1:20-bk-12062

Assigned to: Guy R Humphrey
Chapter 11
AP Case: No

Date filed:  07/22/2020

Debtor In Possession

Springdale Land LLC

c/o Hopedale Mining LLC
86391 Mine Rd.
Hopedale, OH 43976

represented by
Douglas L Lutz

3300 Great American Tower
301 E. Fourth Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
(513) 651-6800

U.S. Trustee

Asst US Trustee (Cin)

Office of the US Trustee
J.W. Peck Federal Building
550 Main Street, Suite 4-812
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
08/09/2021BANKRUPTCY CASE CLOSED: It appearing that the bankruptcy estate has been fully administered, the trustee is therefore discharged, and the case is closed by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Ohio Closed pursuant to Section 6.05 of the Debtor's confirmed plan in Case No. 20-12043 (doc.580) (the "Main Case"). The Main Case will remain open. (3cw)
08/10/20205Schedules A-J and Statement of Financial Affairs Filed by Debtor In Possession Springdale Land LLC. (Lutz, Douglas)
07/27/2020An order has been entered in this case directing the procedural consolidation and joint administration of the Chapter 11 cases commenced by Rhino GP LLC, Rhino Resource Partners LP, Rhino Energy LLC, Rhino Trucking LLC, Rhino Exploration LLC, Triad Roof Support Systems LLC, Springdale Land LLC, McClane Canyon Mining LLC, Rhino Northern Holdings LLC, CAM-Ohio Real Estate LLC, CAM-Colorado LLC, Taylorville Mining LLC,CAM Coal Trading LLC, Castle Valley Mining LLC, Jewel Valley Mining LLC, Rhino Services LLC, Rhino Oilfield Services LLC,Rhino Technologies LLC, CAM Mining LLC, Rhino Coalfield Services LLC, Hopedale Mining LLC, CAM-Kentucky Real Estate LLC, CAM-BB LLC, Leesville Land LLC, CAM Aircraft LLC,Pennyrile Energy LLC, Rhino Eastern LLC, Rockhouse Land LLC. The docket in Case No. 20-12043 should be consulted for all matters affecting the above listed cases (3mc)
07/24/20204Order Pursuant to Rule 1015(b) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure Directing Joint Administration of the Debtors' Chapter 11 Cases. Lead Case 1:20-bk-12043 with Member Case 1:2020-bk-12062-grh (Related Doc # [3]) (3mc)
07/23/2020Receipt of Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)(1:20-bk-12062) [misc,volp11] (1717.00) Filing Fee. Receipt Number 38637189, amount $1717.00. (Re: Doc# 1) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 07/23/2020)
07/22/20203Debtors' Motion for Entry of an Order Pursuant to Rule 1015(b) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure Directing the Joint Administration of the Debtors' Chapter 11 Cases Filed by Debtor In Possession Springdale Land LLC (3mc) Re-docketed document [2] using the correct Docketing event
07/22/20202Motion Regarding Chapter 11 First Day Motions Debtors' Motion for Entry of an Order Pursuant to Rule 1015(b) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure Directing the Joint Administration of the Debtors' Chapter 11 Cases Filed by Debtor In Possession Springdale Land LLC (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Lutz, Douglas) (Entered: 07/22/2020)
07/22/20201Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition Non-Individual Fee Paid $1717 - Filing fee amount required is $1717.00 Filed by Springdale Land LLC. (Lutz, Douglas) (Entered: 07/22/2020)