Case number: 2:19-bk-50810 - SJW Farms LLC - Ohio Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    SJW Farms LLC

  • Court

    Ohio Southern (ohsbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    John E. Hoffman Jr.

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of Ohio (Columbus)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 2:19-bk-50810

Assigned to: C. Kathryn Preston
Chapter 12
AP Case: No

Date filed:  02/13/2019
341 meeting:  03/20/2019
Deadline for filing claims:  04/24/2019
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  08/12/2019



7690 County Road 53
Lewistown, OH 43333
Tax ID / EIN: 81-1394865
SJW Trucking LLC

represented by
Nick V Cavalieri

Bailey Cavalieri
10 W Broad St
Suite 2100
Columbus, OH 43215-3418
(614) 229-3252
Fax : 614-221-0479

Matthew T Schaeffer

10 West Broad St
Suite 2100
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 229-3289


Frank M Pees

130 East Wilson Bridge Road
Suite 200
Worthington, OH 43085
(614) 436-6700

U.S. Trustee

Asst US Trustee (Col)

Office of the US Trustee
170 North High Street
Suite 200
Columbus, OH 43215
represented by
Mary Anne Wilsbacher

USDOJ - Office of the U.S. Trustee
170 North High Street
Suite 200
Columbus, OH 43215
614-469-7411 x212
Fax : (614) 469-7448

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
02/20/2025114BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document (RE: related documents(s)[113] Order on Motion for Relief from Stay) Notice Date 02/20/2025. (Admin.)
02/18/2025113Agreed Order of Allied Bank Granting Provisional Relief from Stay (Property: 2018 Kia Optima VIN: 5XXGW4L29JG232145) (Related Doc # [99]) (kam)
01/08/2025112Proceeding Memo: 1/7/2025 - Hearing not held regarding related document [99] Motion for Relief From Stay filed by Creditor Ally Bank. Agreed order forthcoming. (dap)
12/21/2024111BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document (RE: related documents(s)[110] Order on Motion for More Definite Statement) Notice Date 12/21/2024. (Admin.)
12/19/2024110Agreed Order Resolving the Chapter 12 Trustee's Request for Clarification and Motion for Interpretation of Confirmed Plan of Reorganization (Related Doc # [102]) (tak)
12/16/2024109Motion to Modify Plan. Debtors' Second Motion to Modify Chapter 12 Plan Filed by Debtor SJW Farms LLC (Schaeffer, Matthew)
11/22/2024Proceeding memo: 11/19/2024 Hearing held on Chapter 12 Trustee Fansler's motion for a more definite statement [102] and the Debtors' response [106]. Trustee Fansler reported that he had over $51,000 in payments from the Debtors over the life of their plan, but found the plan unclear as to how those funds should be distributed and what the minimum dividend to unsecured creditors should be. While the plan refers to a minimum dividend of 3% to unsecured creditors, it also refers to a 10% estimated dividend and says that this would have been a no-asset case in Chapter 7 liquidation. Debtor's counsel was unsure of the reason behind that apparent inconsistency, but did report some success in getting unsecured creditors to reduce or eliminate their claims altogether. He also set forth two viable paths the Debtors could take toward completing their plan and receiving a discharge: the Debtors can either file (1) a motion to modify the plan, or (2) a motion for a hardship discharge. The Court stated that establishing the right to a hardship discharge would require either evidence or a stipulation by Mr. Fansler establishing that § 1228(b)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code is satisfied. Trustee Fansler reported that the $51,000 he currently had would be enough to make a 3% minimum distribution to unsecured creditors, especially since the Debtors will continue to make plan payments in the future on account of a prior order [84] deferring plan payments for several months during the pandemic. Counsel to upload an agreed order providing that by December 16, 2024, the Debtors will file either a motion to modify the plan or a motion for a hardship discharge. Appearances: Matthew Schaeffer for Debtors; Steven Fansler, Chapter 12 Trustee. (JWR)
11/20/2024Proceeding Memo: 11/19/2024 - Hearing regarding related document [99] Motion for Relief From Stay filed by Creditor Ally Bank continued by joint request to 12/17/2024 at 09:30 AM Columbus Courtroom A for [99], (kcv)
11/19/2024108Document Notice of Withdrawal of Claim No. 24 Filed by Creditor Beck's Superior Hybrids Inc.. (Hughes, Kimberly)
11/19/2024107Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice by Kimberly Roeder Hughes Filed by Creditor Beck's Superior Hybrids Inc.. (Hughes, Kimberly)