Case number: 5:21-bk-12313 - Ganesh and Maruti LLC - Oklahoma Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Ganesh and Maruti LLC

  • Court

    Oklahoma Western (okwbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Sarah A. Hall

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of Oklahoma (Oklahoma City)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 21-12313

Assigned to: Chief Judge Sarah A. Hall
Chapter 7
Previous chapter 11
Original chapter 11

Date filed:  08/25/2021
Date converted:  02/17/2022
341 meeting:  03/15/2022
Deadline for filing claims:  06/30/2022
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  02/21/2022
Deadline for objecting to discharge:  11/26/2021


Ganesh and Maruti LLC

2423 Belle Crossing
Enid, OK 73703
Tax ID / EIN: 81-0725884

represented by
Thomas A. Creekmore, III

Hall Estill Hardwick Gable
Golden & Nelson PC
320 S. Boston Ave, Ste 200
Tulsa, OK 74103-3708
918-594-0467 918-594-0400
Fax : (918) 594-0505

Hall Estill Hardwick Gable Golden & Nelson PC

320 South Boston Ave Ste 200
Tulsa, OK 74103-3706
(918) 594-0400


Stephen J. Moriarty

Fellers Snider
100 N. Broadway Ave., Suite 1700
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-8820
(405) 232-0621
TERMINATED: 02/17/2022

represented by
Stephen J. Moriarty

Fellers Snider
100 N. Broadway Ave., Suite 1700
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-8820
(405) 232-0621
Fax : (405) 232-9659


Douglas N. Gould

5500 N. Western Ave., Ste 150
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
(405) 286-3338

represented by
Jerry D. Brown

Jerry D. Brown, P.C.
5500 N. Western Ave.
Suite 150
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
Fax : 405-841-1001

Douglas N. Gould

5500 N. Western Ave., Ste, 150
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
(405) 286-3338
Fax : (405) 848-0492

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

United States Trustee
215 Dean A. McGee Ave., 4th Floor
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
(405) 231-5951
represented by
Jeffrey E Tate

Department of Justice, US Trustee
215 Dean A McGee Room 408
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
(405) 231-5961
Fax : (405) 231-5958

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
Trustee's Interim Report
for period ending 03/31/2023 . (Gould1, tra, goud1) (Entered: 04/18/2023)
04/07/2023161BNC Certificate of Mailing. (RE: related document(s)160 Order on Trustees Motion to Employ Professional) No. of Notices: 3. Notice Date 04/07/2023. (Admin.) (Entered: 04/07/2023)
04/05/2023160Order Granting Trustee's Motion to Employ Professional (Related Doc # 159) Involvement of Steve M. Rutherford added to case as Accountant Signed by Judge Hall. Time signed: 8:58 cc: Debtor, Debtor's Attorney and Trustee Service by dmcge Date: 04/05/2023 (dmcge, ca) (Entered: 04/05/2023)
03/20/2023159Trustee's Motion to Employ Steve M. Rutherford as Accountant with Affividat With Notice and Opportunity for Hearing. (Gould1, tra, goud1) (Entered: 03/20/2023)
12/09/2022158Trustee Certification of Services Rendered Under 11 U.S.C. Section 330(e). I rendered the following service in the case and am eligible for payment under 11 U.S.C. Section 330(e): Conducted or filed a document required by rule or statute related to a meeting of creditors required by 11 U.S.C. Section 341. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. (Executed on 12/9/2022). (RE: related document(s)134 Notice Appointing Trustee Douglas N. Gould . 341(a) meeting to be held on 3/15/2022 at 09:30 AM Telephonically., Chapter 7 Trustee's Initial Report.
Meeting of Creditors was Held. Debtor(s) appeared, was examined and the meeting was concluded.
Debtor appeared.). (Gould, Douglas) (Entered: 12/09/2022)
05/09/2022157Chapter 11 Subchapter V Trustees Report of No Distribution. Funds Collected: $0. Key information about thiscase as reported in schedules filed by the debtor(s) or otherwise found in the case record:This case was pending for 3 months. Assets Abandoned (without deducting any secured claims): Not Applicable, Assets Exempt: Not Applicable, Claims Scheduled: $4572034.10, Claims Asserted: Not Available, Claims scheduled to be discharged without payment (without deducting the value of collateral or debts excepted from discharge): Not Applicable.. (Moriarty, Stephen) (Entered: 05/09/2022)
Trustee's Interim Report
for period ending 03/31/2022 . (Gould1, tra, goud1) (Entered: 04/13/2022)
04/03/2022155BNC Certificate of Mailing. (RE: related document(s)154 Notice to File Claims) No. of Notices: 25. Notice Date 04/03/2022. (Admin.) (Entered: 04/03/2022)
04/01/2022154Notice to File Proof of Claims. Proofs of Claims due 6/30/2022. (dmcge, ca) (Entered: 04/01/2022)
03/31/2022153Trustees First Request for Notice to File Claims - Comes now the duly appointed, qualified and acting Trustee in the above case, and pursuant to Bankruptcy rule 3002(c)(5), hereby notifies the Court Clerk that the payment of a dividend to creditors appears possible in this case, and further requests the Court Clerk to notify creditors that they may file a proof of claim within 90 days after the mailing of the Court Clerk's notice. . Notice due 03/31/2022. (Gould1, tra, goud1) (Entered: 03/31/2022)