Case number: 2:23-bk-22573 - Paladin Law Offices, P.C. - Pennsylvania Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Paladin Law Offices, P.C.

  • Court

    Pennsylvania Western (pawbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Gregory L Taddonio

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
TrRptDue, DistDue, LEAD

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Bankruptcy Petition #: 23-22573-GLT

Assigned to: Chief Bankruptcy Jud Gregory L Taddonio
Chapter 7

Date filed:  11/30/2023
341 meeting:  01/22/2024
Deadline for filing claims:  02/08/2024
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  05/28/2024


Paladin Law Offices, P.C.

850 Walnut Street, #934
McKeesport, pa 15134-0934
Tax ID / EIN: 25-1854651

represented by
Francis E. Corbett

Francis E. Corbett
60 Hazel Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15228


Rosemary C. Crawford

Crawford McDonald, LLC.
P.O. Box 355
Allison Park, PA 15101

represented by
Rosemary C. Crawford

Crawford McDonald, LLC.
P.O. Box 355
Allison Park, PA 15101

U.S. Trustee

Office of the United States Trustee

1000 Liberty Avenue
Suite 1316
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
02/20/202536Clerk's Certificate of Costs Issued. Amount Due: $ 0.00 cm: Rosemary Crawford (msch)
02/19/202535Request for Clerk's Certificate of Costs Filed by Rosemary C. Crawford. (Crawford, Rosemary)
02/19/202534Default Amended Order to Determine Tax Liability Pursuant to Section 505(a) of the Bankruptcy Code (Related Doc [29]) Signed on 2/19/2025. (msch)
02/18/202533Certificate of No Objection to Trustee's Amended Motion to Determine Tax Liability Regarding the Hearing on 3/6/2025. Filed by Trustee Rosemary C. Crawford (RE: related document(s): [29] Motion to Determine Tax Liability filed by Trustee Rosemary C. Crawford, [30] Hearing on a Judge Taddonio Case Set by Attorney or Trustee filed by Trustee Rosemary C. Crawford). (Crawford, Rosemary)
01/28/202532Clerk's Certificate of Costs Issued. Amount Due: $ 0.00 cm: Rosemary Crawford (msch)
01/28/202531Certificate of Service OF NOTICE OF HEARING AND TRUSTEES AMENDED MOTION TO DETERMINE TAX LIABILITY Regarding the Hearing on 3/6/2025. Filed by Trustee Rosemary C. Crawford (RE: related document(s): [29] Motion to Determine Tax Liability filed by Trustee Rosemary C. Crawford, [30] Hearing on a Judge Taddonio Case Set by Attorney or Trustee filed by Trustee Rosemary C. Crawford). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit - Matrix) (Crawford, Rosemary)
01/28/202530Hearing on NOTICE OF HEARING AND RESPONSE DEADLINE REGARDING TRUSTEES AMENDED MOTION TO DETERMINE TAX LIABILITY Filed by Trustee Rosemary C. Crawford (RE: related document(s): [24] Motion to Determine Tax Liability filed by Trustee Rosemary C. Crawford, [27] Order Fixing Deadline to Deny a Motion, [29] Motion to Determine Tax Liability filed by Trustee Rosemary C. Crawford). Hearing scheduled for 3/6/2025 at 10:30 AM via p01 Courtroom A, 54th Floor, U.S. Steel Tower, Pittsburgh. Responses due by 2/14/2025. (Crawford, Rosemary)
01/28/202529Amended Motion to Determine Tax Liability Filed by Trustee Rosemary C. Crawford. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Proposed Order # (2) Exhibit Exhibit A) (Crawford, Rosemary)
01/28/202528Request for Clerk's Certificate of Costs Filed by Rosemary C. Crawford. (Crawford, Rosemary)
01/27/202527Text Order re: ([24] Motion to Determine Tax Liability, [25] Hearing on a Judge Taddonio Case Set by Attorney or Trustee, [26] Certificate of Service).. Without further notice or hearing, this pleading will be stricken without prejudice if the following action is not taken: It appears that the Movant is seeking relief against two separate entities but only one respondent is listed in the captions of the pleadings. Additionally, the first paragraph of the proposed order only references one respondent. Counsel shall file and serve an amended motion including exhibits and amended proposed order. Counsel shall refer to the Local Rules of this Court and Federal Rules regarding service on the named respondents. This text-only entry constitutes the Court's order and notice on this matter. Judge Taddonio Signed on 1/27/2025. (RE: related document(s): [24] Motion to Determine Tax Liability, [25] Hearing on a Judge Taddonio Case Set by Attorney or Trustee, [26] Certificate of Service). Required corrective action due on or before 2/4/2025. (hthu)