Fairfield Auto Sales LLC
Elisabetta G.M. Gasparini
DeBN |
Assigned to: Judge Elisabetta G.M. Gasparini Chapter 7 Voluntary No asset |
Debtor Fairfield Auto Sales LLC
1107 Kincaid Bridge Road Winnsboro, SC 29180 FAIRFIELD-SC Tax ID / EIN: 38-3909924 |
represented by |
Jason T. Moss
Moss & Associates, Attorneys, P.A. 816 Elmwood Avenue Columbia, SC 29201 (803)933-0202 Fax : (803)933-9941 Email: Lindsey@mossattorneys.com |
Trustee Kevin Campbell
PO Box 684 Mount Pleasant, SC 29465 (843) 884-6874 |
| |
U.S. Trustee US Trustee's Office
Strom Thurmond Federal Building 1835 Assembly St. Suite 953 Columbia, SC 29201 |
Date Filed | # | Docket Text |
12/16/2024 | Receipt of Filing Fee for Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (atty)( 24-04467) [misc,volp7ac] ( 338.00). Receipt Number A14179471, amount 338.00. (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 12/16/2024) | |
12/16/2024 | 4 | Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case, Meeting of Creditors & Notice of Appointment of Interim Trustee with a 341(a) meeting to be held on 1/17/2025 at 09:00 AM via Zoom Campbell: Meeting ID: 687 333 9584 Passcode: 0101661459 Telephone: 1-854-230-2481. (Entered: 12/16/2024) |
12/16/2024 | 3 | Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor In the Amount of 4,661.00 Filed by Jason T. Moss of Moss & Associates, Attorneys, P.A. on behalf of Fairfield Auto Sales LLC. (Moss, Jason) (Entered: 12/16/2024) |
12/16/2024 | 2 | Debtor's Request to Activate Electronic Noticing. DOCUMENT IMAGE AVAILABLE ONLY TO COURT USERS AND THE TRUSTEE/US TRUSTEE. Filed by Jason T. Moss of Moss & Associates, Attorneys, P.A. on behalf of Fairfield Auto Sales LLC. (Moss, Jason) (Entered: 12/16/2024) |
12/16/2024 | 1 | Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition, Schedules and Statements - Non-Individual Filed by Jason T. Moss of Moss & Associates, Attorneys, P.A. on behalf of Fairfield Auto Sales LLC. (Moss, Jason) (Entered: 12/16/2024) |