Case number: 3:15-bk-31356 - Jimmy Cummings Incorporated - Texas Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Jimmy Cummings Incorporated

  • Court

    Texas Northern (txnbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Barbara J. Houser

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of Texas (Dallas)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 15-31356-bjh11

Assigned to: Barbara J. Houser
Chapter 11

Debtor disposition:  Discharge Not Applicable
Date filed:  04/01/2015
Date Plan Confirmed:  11/13/2015
Date terminated:  06/07/2016
Plan confirmed:  11/13/2015
341 meeting:  04/30/2015
Deadline for filing claims:  07/29/2015


Jimmy Cummings Incorporated

P.O. Box 8097
Greenville, TX 75404
Tax ID / EIN: 75-1647421
Ecomony Builders Supply

represented by
Eric A. Liepins

Eric A. Liepins, P.C.
12770 Coit Rd., Suite 1100
Dallas, TX 75251
(972) 991-5591

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

1100 Commerce Street
Room 976
Dallas, TX 75242

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
06/09/2016POST CONFIRMATION STATUS CONFERENCE Hearing NOT held on 6/7/2016. (RE: related document(s)[63] Order finally approving Debtor's disclosure statement and confirming chapter 11 plan Entered on 11/13/2015 (RE: related document(s)[61] Chapter 11 small business plan filed by Debtor Jimmy Cummings Incorporated), [65] Post confirmation order Entered on 11/17/2015. Application for Compensation due by 1/19/2016. Objection to Claim due by 1/19/2016. Final Decree due 5/16/2016. Status Conference to be held on 6/7/2016 at 09:00 AM at Dallas Judge Houser Ctrm. (Dugan, S.)) (ORDER GRANTING MOTION FOR FINAL DECREE ENTERED ON 6/6/16 PER DOCKET #90.) (Whittington, Nicole)
06/07/2016POST CONFIRMATION STATUS CONFERENCE Hearing NOT held on 6/7/2016. (RE: related document(s)63 Order finally approving Debtor's disclosure statement and confirming chapter 11 plan Entered on 11/13/2015 (RE: related document(s)61 Chapter 11 small business plan filed by Debtor Jimmy Cummings Incorporated), 65 Post confirmation order Entered on 11/17/2015. Application for Compensation due by 1/19/2016. Objection to Claim due by 1/19/2016. Final Decree due 5/16/2016. Status Conference to be held on 6/7/2016 at 09:00 AM at Dallas Judge Houser Ctrm. (Dugan, S.)) (ORDER GRANTING MOTION FOR FINAL DECREE ENTERED ON 6/6/16 PER DOCKET #90.) (Whittington, Nicole) (Entered: 06/09/2016)
06/07/2016Bankruptcy case closed. Pursuant to LBR 9070-1, any exhibits that were admitted by the Court may be claimed and removed from the Clerks Office during the 60-day period following final disposition of a case by the attorney or party who introduced the exhibits. Any exhibit not removed within the 60-day period may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the Bankruptcy Clerk. (Hyden, Kara)
06/06/201690(2 pgs) Order granting motion for final decree (related document # 88) Entered on 6/6/2016. (Harden, D.)
05/25/201689Certificate no objection filed by Debtor Jimmy Cummings Incorporated (RE: related document(s)[88] Motion for final decree ). (Liepins, Eric)
04/27/2016Hearing held on 4/26/2016. (RE: related document(s)[73] Objection to claim(s) 11 of Creditor(s) Bridgewell Resources.. Filed by Debtor Jimmy Cummings Incorporated.) (GRANTED, ORDER TO BE SUBMITTED.) (Whittington, Nicole)
04/27/201688Motion for final decree Filed by Debtor Jimmy Cummings Incorporated Objections due by 5/23/2016. (Liepins, Eric)
04/26/2016Hearing held on 4/26/2016. (RE: related document(s)[73] Objection to claim(s) 11 of Creditor(s) Bridgewell Resources.. Filed by Debtor Jimmy Cummings Incorporated.) (GRANTED, ORDER TO BE SUBMITTED.) (Whittington, Nicole)
04/26/201687Debtor-in-possession quarterly operating report (post-confirmation) for filing period 01/01/2016 to 3/31/2016 filed by Debtor Jimmy Cummings Incorporated. (Liepins, Eric)
03/15/201686Notice of hearing filed by Debtor Jimmy Cummings Incorporated (RE: related document(s)[73] Objection to claim(s) 11 of Creditor(s) Bridgewell Resources.. Filed by Debtor Jimmy Cummings Incorporated. Responses due by 2/1/2016.). Hearing to be held on 4/26/2016 at 01:45 PM Dallas Judge Houser Ctrm for [73], (Liepins, Eric)