Case number: 4:13-bk-44820 - Smiley Dental Shepherd PLLC - Texas Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Smiley Dental Shepherd PLLC

  • Court

    Texas Northern (txnbke)

  • Chapter


  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


Docket Header
REFORM, DsclsDue

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of Texas (Ft. Worth)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 13-44820-dml11

Assigned to: D. Michael Lynn
Chapter 11

Date filed:  10/24/2013


Smiley Dental Shepherd PLLC

P.O. box 451177
Garland, TX 75045
Tax ID / EIN: 80-0569261

represented by
Eric A. Liepins

Eric A. Liepins, P.C.
12770 Coit Rd., Suite 1100
Dallas, TX 75251
(972) 991-5591

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

1100 Commerce Street
Room 976
Dallas, TX 75242

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
10/24/20135(3 pgs; 2 docs)Notice of hearingfiled by Debtor Smiley Dental Shepherd PLLC (RE: related document(s) 2Motion for joint administration of cases 13-44805, 13-44806, 13-44807, 13-44808, 13-44809, 13-44810, 13-44811, 13-44812, 13-44813, 13-44814, 13-44815, 13-44816, 13-44817, 13-44818, 13-44819, 13-44820, 13-44821, 13-44822, 13-44823, 13-44824, 13-44825Filed by Debtor Smiley Dental Shepherd PLLC, 3Motion for expedited hearing(related documents 2Motion for joint administration)Filed by Debtor Smiley Dental Shepherd PLLC). Hearing to be held on 10/29/2013 at 09:30 AM Ft. Worth, Judge Lynn's Ctrm. for 2and for 3, (Attachments: # 1Exhibit Service List) (Liepins, Eric)
10/24/20134(2 pgs)Creditor matrix. Filed by Debtor Smiley Dental Shepherd PLLC. (Liepins, Eric)
10/24/20133(5 pgs)Motion for expedited hearing(related documents 2Motion for joint administration)Filed by Debtor Smiley Dental Shepherd PLLC (Liepins, Eric)
10/24/20132(7 pgs)Motion for joint administration of cases 13-44805, 13-44806, 13-44807, 13-44808, 13-44809, 13-44810, 13-44811, 13-44812, 13-44813, 13-44814, 13-44815, 13-44816, 13-44817, 13-44818, 13-44819, 13-44820, 13-44821, 13-44822, 13-44823, 13-44824, 13-44825Filed by Debtor Smiley Dental Shepherd PLLC (Liepins, Eric)
10/24/2013Receipt of filing fee for Voluntary petition (chapter 11)(13-44820-11) [misc,volp11a] (1213.00). Receipt number 18081597, amount $1213.00 (re: Doc# 1). (U.S. Treasury)
10/24/20131(8 pgs; 2 docs)Chapter 11 voluntary petition. Fee Amount $1213 Filed by Smiley Dental Shepherd PLLC (Attachments: # 1Exhibit affilaited cases) (Liepins, Eric)