Case number: 4:20-bk-42789 - BM318, LLC - Texas Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    BM318, LLC

  • Court

    Texas Northern (txnbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Mark X. Mullin

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of Texas (Ft. Worth)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 20-42789-mxm11

Assigned to: Mark X. Mullin
Chapter 11

Date filed:  09/01/2020
Date Plan Confirmed:  08/02/2021
Plan confirmed:  08/02/2021
341 meeting:  10/02/2020
Deadline for filing claims:  12/31/2020
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  03/31/2021


BM318, LLC

13901 Midway Road
Suite 102
Dallas, TX 75244
Tax ID / EIN: 85-0835862

represented by
Joyce W. Lindauer

Joyce W. Lindauer Attorney, PLLC
1412 Main Street
Suite 500
Dallas, TX 75202
(972) 503-4033
Fax : (972) 503-4034

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

1100 Commerce Street
Room 976
Dallas, TX 75202

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
01/03/2025186Notice of firm name change from Forshey & Prostok LLP to Vartabedian Hester & Haynes LLP. (Forshey, J.)
01/03/2025185Transcript regarding Hearing Held 11/20/2024 RE: Partial Transcript of Bench Ruling. THIS TRANSCRIPT WILL BE MADE ELECTRONICALLY AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC 90 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF FILING. TRANSCRIPT RELEASE DATE IS 04/3/2025. Until that time the transcript may be viewed at the Clerk's Office or a copy may be obtained from the official court transcriber. Court Reporter/Transcriber Dipti Patel/Liberty Transcripts, Telephone number (847) 848-4907. (RE: related document(s) [180] Hearing held on 11/20/2024 ***GRANTED***. (RE: related document(s)[166] Motion to enforce Settlement and to Dissolve and Expunge Second Lis Pendens Filed by Timothy Barton (related document(s): [164] Order on motion to compromise controversy) Filed by Interested Party Lumar Land & Cattle, LLC (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C # 4 Exhibit D # 5 Exhibit E # 6 Service List) (Forshey, J.))). Transcript to be made available to the public on 04/3/2025. (Patel, Dipti)
01/03/2025184Transcript regarding Hearing Held 11/20/2024 RE: PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT OF HEARING ON MOTION TO ENFORCE SETTLEMENT AND TO DISSOLVE AND EXPUNGE SECOND LIS PENDENS FILED BY TIMOTHY BARTON FILED BY INTERESTED PARTY LUMAR LAND & CATTLE, LLC (166) AND MOTION TO ENFORCE SETTLEMENT AND TO DISSOLVE AND EXPUNGE SECOND LIS PENDENS FILED BY TIMOTHY BARTON FILED BY INTERVENOR-PLAINTIFF LUMAR LAND & CATTLE, LLC (163). THIS TRANSCRIPT WILL BE MADE ELECTRONICALLY AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC 90 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF FILING. TRANSCRIPT RELEASE DATE IS 04/3/2025. Until that time the transcript may be viewed at the Clerk's Office or a copy may be obtained from the official court transcriber. Court Reporter/Transcriber Dipti Patel/Liberty Transcripts, Telephone number (847) 848-4907. (RE: related document(s) [180] Hearing held on 11/20/2024 ***GRANTED***. (RE: related document(s)[166] Motion to enforce Settlement and to Dissolve and Expunge Second Lis Pendens Filed by Timothy Barton (related document(s): [164] Order on motion to compromise controversy) Filed by Interested Party Lumar Land & Cattle, LLC (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C # 4 Exhibit D # 5 Exhibit E # 6 Service List) (Forshey, J.))). Transcript to be made available to the public on 04/3/2025. (Patel, Dipti)
01/03/2025183Transcript regarding Hearing Held 11/12/2024 RE: HEARING ON MOTION TO ENFORCE SETTLEMENT AND TO DISSOLVE AND EXPUNGE SECOND LIS PENDENS FILED BY TIMOTHY BARTON FILED BY INTERESTED PARTY LUMAR LAND & CATTLE, LLC (166) AND MOTION TO ENFORCE SETTLEMENT AND TO DISSOLVE AND EXPUNGE SECOND LIS PENDENS FILED BY TIMOTHY BARTON FILED BY INTERVENOR-PLAINTIFF LUMAR LAND & CATTLE, LLC (163). THIS TRANSCRIPT WILL BE MADE ELECTRONICALLY AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC 90 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF FILING. TRANSCRIPT RELEASE DATE IS 04/3/2025. Until that time the transcript may be viewed at the Clerk's Office or a copy may be obtained from the official court transcriber. Court Reporter/Transcriber Dipti Patel/Liberty Transcripts, Telephone number (847) 848-4907. (RE: related document(s) [174] Hearing held on 11/12/2024 ***MATTER UNDER ADVISEMENT***. (RE: related document(s)[166] Motion to enforce Settlement and to Dissolve and Expunge Second Lis Pendens Filed by Timothy Barton (related document(s): [164] Order on motion to compromise controversy) Filed by Interested Party Lumar Land & Cattle, LLC (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C # 4 Exhibit D # 5 Exhibit E # 6 Service List) (Forshey, J.)), [176] Hearing set - RENDER ORAL RULING (RE: related document(s)[166] Motion to enforce Settlement and to Dissolve and Expunge Second Lis Pendens Filed by Timothy Barton (related document(s): [164] Order on motion to compromise controversy) Filed by Interested Party Lumar Land & Cattle, LLC (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C # 4 Exhibit D # 5 Exhibit E # 6 Service List) (Forshey, J.)) Hearing to be held on 11/20/2024 at 01:30 PM at for [166],). Transcript to be made available to the public on 04/3/2025. (Patel, Dipti)
11/26/2024182Order granting motion to enforce(Related Doc # [166]) Entered on 11/26/2024. (Chambers, Deanna)
11/20/2024181Request for transcript (ruling only) regarding a hearing held on 11/20/2024. The requested turn-around time is daily (Almaraz, Jeanette)
11/20/2024180Hearing held on 11/20/2024 ***GRANTED***. (RE: related document(s)[166] Motion to enforce Settlement and to Dissolve and Expunge Second Lis Pendens Filed by Timothy Barton (related document(s): [164] Order on motion to compromise controversy) Filed by Interested Party Lumar Land & Cattle, LLC (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C # 4 Exhibit D # 5 Exhibit E # 6 Service List) (Forshey, J.)) (Almaraz, Jeanette)
11/20/2024179Affidavit filed by Interested Party mp Timothy Barton (RE: related document(s)[176] Hearing set/continued). (Wright Jr., Timothy)
11/20/2024178Notice of Release of Lis Pendens filed by Interested Party mp Timothy Barton (RE: related document(s)[166] Motion to enforce Settlement and to Dissolve and Expunge Second Lis Pendens Filed by Timothy Barton (related document(s): [164] Order on motion to compromise controversy) Filed by Interested Party Lumar Land & Cattle, LLC (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C # 4 Exhibit D # 5 Exhibit E # 6 Service List) (Forshey, J.)). (Coker, Kaitlyn)
11/15/2024177Request for transcript regarding a hearing held on 11/12/2024. The requested turn-around time is ordinary 30 day (Almaraz, Jeanette)