Flexible Funding, Ltd. Liability Co.
Mark X. Mullin
Assigned to: Mark X. Mullin Chapter 11 Voluntary Asset |
Debtor Flexible Funding, Ltd. Liability Co.
121 San Anselmo Avenue Box 2604 San Anselmo, CA 94979 TARRANT-TX Tax ID / EIN: 94-3234495 |
represented by |
Troy Aramburu
Snell & Wilmer LLP 15 W. South Temple Suite 1200 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 801-257-1900 Fax : 801-257-1800 Email: taramburu@swlaw.com Roxanne N. Bahadurji
456 Montgomery Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94104 415-691-4518 Email: rdahadurji@sullivanblackburn.com Ori Blumenfeld
Levinson Arshonsky Kurtz & Komsky, LLP 15303 Ventura Blvd Suite 1650 91403 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818-382-3434 Email: oblumenfeld@lakklawyers.com Emily S. Chou
Forshey & Prostok, LLP 777 Main St., Suite 1550 Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-877-8855 Email: echou@forsheyprostok.com Lori E. Eropkin
Levinson Arshonsky & Kurtz LLP 15303 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 1650 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 (818) 382-3434 Fax : (818) 382-3433 Forshey & Prostok, L.L.P.
777 Main St. Ste. 1550 Fort Worth, TX 76102 Adam Joseph Greenup, I
Snell & Wilmer 2501 N. Harwood St. Suite 1850 Dallas, TX 75201 214-305-7303 Email: agreenup@swlaw.com Steven Neil Kurtz
Levinson Arshonsky Kurtz & Komsky, LLP 15303 Ventura Blvd Suite 1650 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818-382-3434 Email: skurtz@lakklawyers.com Lynda L. Lankford
Forshey & Prostok, LLP 777 Main Street, Ste. 1550 Fort Worth, TX 76102 (817) 878-2022 Fax : (817) 877-4151 Email: llankford@forsheyprostok.com Lance P. Martin
Ward and Smith, P.A. Post Office Box 2020 Asheville, NC 28802-2020 828-348-6070 Email: lpm@wardandsmith.com Tait Meskey
Snell & Wilmer LLP 15 West South Temple Suite 1200 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 801-257-1900 Email: tmeskey@swlaw.com Jeff P. Prostok
Forshey & Prostok, LLP 777 Main St., Suite 1550 Ft. Worth, TX 76102 817-877-8855 Email: jprostok@forsheyprostok.com Catherine Scholomann Robertson
Spencer Fane 225 W. Santa Clara St. 15th Floor San Jose, CA 95113 408-286-5100 Email: crobertson@spencerfane.com Christopher Sullivan
Sullivan Blackburn Pratt LLP 456 Montgomery Street Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94104 415-691-4518 Email: csullivan@sullivanblackburn.com |
U.S. Trustee United States Trustee
1100 Commerce Street Room 976 Dallas, TX 75202 214-767-8967 |
represented by |
Erin Marie Schmidt
United States Trustee 1100 Commerce St., Room 976 Dallas, TX 75242-1496 (214) 767-1075 Fax : (214) 767-8971 Email: ustpregion06.da.ecf@usdoj.gov Elizabeth Ziegler Young
U.S. Trustee Office 1100 Commerce Street, Room 976 Dallas, TX 75242 (214) 767-8967 Fax : (214) 767-8971 Email: elizabeth.a.young@usdoj.gov |
Date Filed | # | Docket Text |
03/21/2025 | 544 | Motion to extend time to object to claims Filed by Debtor Flexible Funding, Ltd. Liability Co., Jointly Administered Party/Debtor Instapay Flexible, LLC Objections due by 4/14/2025. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Lankford, Lynda) |
03/12/2025 | 543 | Notice of Abandonment of Property of the Liquidating Debtor filed by Debtor Flexible Funding, Ltd. Liability Co.. (Sullivan, Christopher) |
01/17/2025 | Adversary case 4:24-ap-4026 closed (Billings, Emma) | |
01/17/2025 | 542 | Chapter 11 Post-Confirmation Report for the Quarter Ending: 12/31/2024 filed by Debtor Flexible Funding, Ltd. Liability Co.. (Lankford, Lynda) |
01/13/2025 | Adversary case 4:23-ap-4009 closed (Billings, Emma) | |
01/07/2025 | 541 | Notice of firm name change from Forshey & Prostok LLP to Vartabedian Hester & Haynes LLP. (Lankford, Lynda) |
12/26/2024 | Adversary case 4:24-ap-4025 closed (Warren, Shelley) | |
12/11/2024 | Adversary case 4:23-ap-4080 closed (Almaraz, Jeanette) | |
10/25/2024 | Adversary case 4:23-ap-4079 closed (Billings, Emma) | |
10/24/2024 | 540 | Chapter 11 Post-Confirmation Report for the Quarter Ending: 09/30/2024 filed by Debtor Flexible Funding, Ltd. Liability Co.. (Lankford, Lynda) |