Pegaso Energy Services, LLC
Mark X. Mullin
Assigned to: Mark X. Mullin Chapter 7 Previous chapter 11 Original chapter 11 Voluntary Asset |
Debtor Pegaso Energy Services, LLC
P.O. Box 301209 Austin, TX 78703 TRAVIS-TX Tax ID / EIN: 84-3048175 |
represented by |
Davor Rukavina
Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C. 500 N. Akard St. Ste. 4000 Dallas, TX 75201 214-855-7587 Email: Julian Preston Vasek
Munsch Hardt Kopf and Harr 500 N. Akard Street Suite 4000 Dallas, TX 75201 214-855-7528 Email: |
Trustee Behrooz P. Vida
3000 Central Drive Bedford, TX 76021 817-358-9977 TERMINATED: 10/18/2024 |
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Trustee John D. Spicer
c/o John S. Brannon 1722 Routh Street Suite 1500 Dallas, TX 75201 214-969-1700 TERMINATED: 10/30/2024 |
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Trustee John Dee Spicer
TERMINATED: 10/30/2024 |
represented by |
Charles Brackett Hendricks
Cavazos Hendricks Poirot, P.C. 900 Jackson St., Suite 570 Dallas, TX 75202 (214) 573-7302 Fax : (214) 573-7399 Email: |
Trustee John Dee Spicer
Suite 560, Founders Square 900 Jackson Street Dallas, TX 75202-4425 (214) 573-7331 |
| |
U.S. Trustee United States Trustee
1100 Commerce Street Room 976 Dallas, TX 75202 214-767-8967 |
Date Filed | # | Docket Text |
03/31/2025 | 203 | Certificate of no objection filed by Attorney Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C. (RE: related document(s)[196] Application for compensation (First and Final) for Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C., Debtor's Attorney, Period: 7/15/2024 to 10/17/2024, Fee: $162,149.50, Expenses: $8,248.46.). (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Vasek, Julian) |
03/28/2025 | 202 | Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice by Clayton David Ketter filed by Sand Separation Solutions LLC, Equity Bank. (Ketter, Clayton) |
03/21/2025 | 201 | Joint Response opposed to (related document(s): [198] Motion for relief from stay (as to Capital Asset Resources, Lubbock National Bank and First State Bank Spearman equipment) Fee amount $199, filed by Creditor Wilson Scott, LLC) filed by Creditor Midland Taxing Entities. (Cordova, Alysia) |
03/07/2025 | 200 | (2 pgs) Notice of hearing filed by Creditor Wilson Scott, LLC (RE: related document(s)198 Motion for relief from stay (as to Capital Asset Resources, Lubbock National Bank and First State Bank Spearman equipment) Fee amount $199, Filed by Creditor Wilson Scott, LLC Objections due by 3/21/2025.). Preliminary hearing to be held on 4/1/2025 at 09:30 AM at (Grant, Richard) |
03/07/2025 | 199 | (87 pgs) Declaration re: in Support of Motion to Lift Stay filed by Creditor Wilson Scott, LLC (RE: related document(s)198 Motion for relief from stay (as to Capital Asset Resources, Lubbock National Bank and First State Bank Spearman equipment) Fee amount $199,). (Grant, Richard) |
03/07/2025 | Receipt of filing fee for Motion for relief from stay( 24-42429-mxm7) [motion,mrlfsty] ( 199.00). Receipt number A32305932, amount $ 199.00 (re: Doc# 198). (U.S. Treasury) | |
03/07/2025 | 198 | (94 pgs) Motion for relief from stay (as to Capital Asset Resources, Lubbock National Bank and First State Bank Spearman equipment) Fee amount $199, Filed by Creditor Wilson Scott, LLC Objections due by 3/21/2025. (Grant, Richard) |
03/06/2025 | 197 | (14 pgs; 2 docs) Notice of hearing filed by Attorney Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C. (RE: related document(s)196 Application for compensation (First and Final) for Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C., Debtor's Attorney, Period: 7/15/2024 to 10/17/2024, Fee: $162,149.50, Expenses: $8,248.46. Filed by Attorney Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C. Objections due by 3/27/2025. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Proposed Order)). Hearing to be held on 4/1/2025 at 01:30 PM at for 196, (Attachments: # 1 Service List) (Vasek, Julian) |
03/06/2025 | 196 | (46 pgs; 3 docs) Application for compensation (First and Final) for Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C., Debtor's Attorney, Period: 7/15/2024 to 10/17/2024, Fee: $162,149.50, Expenses: $8,248.46. Filed by Attorney Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C. Objections due by 3/27/2025. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Proposed Order) (Vasek, Julian) |
02/20/2025 | 195 | Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice by Michael Wayne Zientz filed by Creditor Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. (Zientz, Michael) |