Case number: 7:20-bk-70310 - Jody Wade Enterprises, LLC - Texas Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Jody Wade Enterprises, LLC

  • Court

    Texas Northern (txnbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Scott W Everett

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of Texas (Wichita Falls)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 20-70310-swe7

Assigned to: Bankruptcy Judge Scott W Everett
Chapter 7
Previous chapter 11

Date filed:  11/30/2020
Date converted:  08/13/2021
341 meeting:  11/17/2021
Deadline for filing claims:  09/06/2022
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  05/29/2021


Jody Wade Enterprises, LLC

P.O. Drawer 1350
Wichita Falls, TX 76302
Tax ID / EIN: 26-3913147

represented by
R. Byrn Bass, Jr.

R. Byrn Bass, Jr., Attorney at Law
Wells Fargo Center
1500 Broadway, Suite 505
Lubbock, TX 79401
(806) 785-1250
Fax : (806) 771-1260


Scott M. Seidel (SBRA V)

Seidel Law Firm
6505 West Park Blvd, Suite 306
Plano, TX 75093
(214) 234-2500
TERMINATED: 08/13/2021

represented by
Scott M. Seidel

Seidel Law Firm
6505 W. Park Blvd., Suite 306
Plano, TX 75093
(214) 234-2500
TERMINATED: 08/13/2021


Scott M. Seidel

Seidel Law Firm
6505 W. Park Blvd., Suite 306
Plano, TX 75093
(214) 234-2500

represented by
Scott M. Seidel

(See above for address)

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

1100 Commerce Street
Room 976
Dallas, TX 75202

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
05/22/2023106(5 pgs) Order granting amended motion for relief from stay by Creditor FirstCapital Bank of Texas, N.A. (related document # 103) Entered on 5/22/2023. (Rielly, Bill)
05/16/2023Announcement of DEFAULT ORDER regarding hearing scheduled for 5/18/2023. No response filed. Movant to upload default order per Hank Rugeley, filed by Creditor FirstCapital Bank of Texas, N.A. (RE: related document(s)103 Amended Motion for relief from stay (related document: 97) Filed by Creditor FirstCapital Bank of Texas, N.A.). (Rugeley, Hank)
05/16/2023105(3 pgs) Certificate of No Objection filed by Creditor FirstCapital Bank of Texas, N.A. (RE: related document(s)103 Amended Motion for relief from stay (related document: 97)). (Rugeley, Hank)
04/25/2023104(2 pgs) Amended Notice of hearing filed by Creditor FirstCapital Bank of Texas, N.A. (RE: related document(s)103 Amended Motion for relief from stay (related document: 97) Filed by Creditor FirstCapital Bank of Texas, N.A.). Hearing to be held on 5/18/2023 at 09:00 AM Wichita Falls Live Dkt, Rm 222 for 103, (Rugeley, Hank)
04/25/2023103(12 pgs) Amended Motion for relief from stay (related document: 97) Filed by Creditor FirstCapital Bank of Texas, N.A. (Rugeley, Hank)
04/18/2023102(1 pg) Clerk's correspondence requesting a notice of hearing from attorney for creditor. (RE: related document(s)97 Motion for relief from stay Fee amount $188, Filed by Creditor FirstCapital Bank of Texas, N.A. Objections due by 2/13/2023.) Responses due by 4/28/2023. (Hyden, Kara)
02/22/2023100(2 pgs) Trustee's interim report for the period ending: 12.31.2022. Projected date of filing final report: 8.13.2023 (Seidel, Scott)
02/16/2023101Hearing held on 2/16/2023. (RE: related document(s)97 Motion for relief from stay Fee amount $188, Filed by Creditor FirstCapital Bank of Texas, N.A. Objections due by 2/13/2023.) (AGREED RESET TO 3/23/23 PER H. RUGELEY) (Smith, C) (Entered: 02/22/2023)
02/13/202399(10 pgs; 3 docs) Joinder by Santander Bank, N.A. filed by Creditor Santander Bank, N.A. (RE: related document(s)97 Motion for relief from stay Fee amount $188,). (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit "A" # 2 Exhibit "B") (Gibbons, Brandon)
01/26/202398(2 pgs) Notice of hearing filed by Creditor FirstCapital Bank of Texas, N.A. (RE: related document(s)97 Motion for relief from stay Fee amount $188, Filed by Creditor FirstCapital Bank of Texas, N.A. Objections due by 2/13/2023.). Hearing to be held on 2/16/2023 at 09:00 AM Wichita Falls Live Dkt, Rm 222 for 97, (Rugeley, Hank)