Case number: 4:16-bk-36079 - Plesa Steel, Inc. - Texas Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Plesa Steel, Inc.

  • Court

    Texas Southern (txsbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Eduardo V Rodriguez

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of Texas (Houston)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 16-36079

Assigned to: Jeff Bohm
Chapter 7
No asset

Date filed:  12/05/2016
341 meeting:  02/09/2017


Plesa Steel, Inc.

5100 Westheimer Rd., Suite 200
Houston, TX 77056
Tax ID / EIN: 80-0744325

represented by
Marc J Magids

Zukowski, Bresenhan & Sinex, L.L.P.
1177 West Loop South
Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77027
Fax : 713-963-9169


Janet S Casciato-Northrup

Hughes Watters and Askanase
1201 Louisiana
28th Floor
Houston, TX 77002

represented by
Timothy L. Wentworth

Cage, Hill & Niehaus, LLP
5851 San Felipe, Suite 950
Houston, TX 77057
Fax : 713-974-0344

U.S. Trustee

US Trustee

Office of the US Trustee
515 Rusk Ave
Ste 3516
Houston, TX 77002

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
02/13/201722Order Authorizing Employment of Auctioneer and Payment of Auctioneer (Related Doc # 12). Signed on 2/13/2017. (vatt) (Entered: 02/14/2017)
02/13/201721Order Authorizing the Sale of the Personal Property Assets of the Estate Free and Clear of Liens, Claims and Encumbrances (Related Doc # 13). Signed on 2/13/2017. (vatt) (Entered: 02/14/2017)
02/13/201720Notice of Abandonment of Office Furnishings Filed by Janet S Casciato-Northrup (Wentworth, Timothy) (Entered: 02/13/2017)
02/09/2017Meeting of creditors held and concluded. Debtor appeared. Potential assets. within 15 days the final tax returns. Debtor appeared. (Casciato-Northrup, Janet) (Entered: 02/09/2017)
02/03/201719Notice of Rule 2004 Examination. Filed by JSW Steel (USA), Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B) (Seely, Charles) (Entered: 02/03/2017)
02/03/201718Application to Employ David E. Bott and KenWood & Associates, P.C. as Accountant. Objections/Request for Hearing Due in 21 days. Filed by Trustee Janet S Casciato-Northrup (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order # 2 Exhibit A.1-Hourly Rates # 3 Exhibit A.2-Affidavit) (Casciato-Northrup, Janet) (Entered: 02/03/2017)
01/18/201717Application to Employ Cage, Hill & Niehaus, LLP as General Counsel. Objections/Request for Hearing Due in 7 days. Filed by Trustee Janet S Casciato-Northrup (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Resume # 2 Exhibit B - Rates # 3 Exhibit C - Affidavit of Tim Wentworth # 4 Proposed Order) (Wentworth, Timothy) (Entered: 01/18/2017)
01/17/201716Notice of Secured Lien of Harris County on Sale Proceeds. (Related document(s): 13 Motion to Sell) Filed by Harris County (Grundemeier, Tara) (Entered: 01/17/2017)
01/16/201715Certificate of Service (Filed By Janet S Casciato-Northrup ).(Related document(s): 12 Application to Employ, 13 Motion to Sell, 14 Notice) (Casciato-Northrup, Janet) (Entered: 01/16/2017)
01/16/201714Notice of Sale at Public Auction. (Related document(s): 13 Motion to Sell) Filed by Janet S Casciato-Northrup (Casciato-Northrup, Janet) (Entered: 01/16/2017)