Case number: 4:17-bk-36714 - Cobalt GOM #2 LLC Jointly Administered under Case #17-36709 - Texas Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Cobalt GOM #2 LLC Jointly Administered under Case #17-36709

  • Court

    Texas Southern (txsbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Marvin Isgur

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of Texas (Houston)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 17-36714

Assigned to: Marvin Isgur
Chapter 11
No asset

Date filed:  12/14/2017


Cobalt GOM #2 LLC

920 Memorial City Way
Suite 100
Houston, TX 77024
Tax ID / EIN: 26-3137316

represented by
Zack A Clement

Zack A. Clement PLLC
3753 Drummond
Houston, TX 77025

U.S. Trustee

US Trustee

Office of the US Trustee
515 Rusk Ave
Ste 3516
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 718-4650

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
12/14/20174An order has been entered in accordance with Rule 1015(b) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and Rule 1015-1 of the Local Rules of Bankruptcy Practice and Procedure of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas directing joint administration of the chapter 11 cases of: Cobalt International Energy, Inc., Case No. 17-36709; Cobalt International Energy GP, LLC, Case No. 17-36710; Cobalt International Energy, L.P., Case No. 17-36711; Cobalt GOM LLC, Case No. 17-36712; Cobalt GOM # 1 LLC, Case No. 17-36713; and Cobalt GOM #2 LLC, Case No. 17-36714. All further Pleadings and other papers shall be filed in, and all further docket entries shall be made in Case No. 17-36709(MI). (ShoshanaArnow) (Entered: 12/14/2017)
12/14/20173Order Granting Motion For Joint Administration (Related Doc # 2) Signed on 12/14/2017. (ShoshanaArnow) (Entered: 12/14/2017)
12/14/2017Judge Marvin Isgur added to case (RobbieWestmoreland) (Entered: 12/14/2017)
12/14/20172Motion for Joint Administration Filed by Debtor Cobalt GOM #2 LLC (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Clement, Zack) (Entered: 12/14/2017)
12/14/2017Receipt of Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)(17-36714) [misc,volp11] (1717.00) Filing Fee. Receipt number 19605138. Fee amount $1717.00. (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 12/14/2017)
12/14/20171Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition Non-Individual Fee Amount $1717 Filed by Cobalt GOM #2 LLC. (Clement, Zack) (Entered: 12/14/2017)