Case number: 3:23-bk-30493 - Jakob Express, LLC - Texas Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Jakob Express, LLC

  • Court

    Texas Western (txwbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Christopher G Bradley

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of Texas (El Paso)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 23-30493-cgb

Assigned to: Bankruptcy Judge Christopher G Bradley
Chapter 7

Date filed:  05/12/2023
341 meeting:  06/26/2023
Deadline for filing claims:  11/09/2023


Jakob Express, LLC

12186 Rathmore Drive
El Paso, TX 79928
Tax ID / EIN: 84-2758535

represented by
Corey Haugland

James & Haugland, P.C.
609 Montana Avenue
El Paso, TX 79902-5303
(915) 532-3911
Fax : (915)541-6440


Ronald E Ingalls

PO Box 2867
Fredericksburg, TX 78624-1927
(830) 321-0878 X 102
represented by
Ronald E Ingalls

PO Box 2867
Fredericksburg, TX 78624-1927
(830) 321-0878 X 102
Fax : 8303210913

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
08/19/202461Order Regarding (related document(s): 58 Application to Employ Broker, Max Prestridge of NAI El Paso (21 Day Objection Language) filed by Ronald E Ingalls for Trustee Ronald E Ingalls (Attachments: # 1 Listing Agreement # 2 Mailing List # 3 Proposed Order)) (Party Max Prestridge has been added to the case.) (Order entered on 8/19/2024) (Yarbrough, Bobby)
08/19/202460Order Regarding (related document(s): 59 Motion to Sell Property Free and Clear of Liens 11 USC 363(f), 8264 Courtland, (21 Day Objection Language) ( Filing Fee: $ 199.00 ) filed by Ronald E Ingalls for Trustee Ronald E Ingalls (Attachments: # 1 Contract # 2 Mailing List # 3 Proposed Order)) (Order entered on 8/19/2024) (Yarbrough, Bobby)
07/22/2024Receipt of Sell Property Free of Liens Filing Fee - $199.00 by BY. Receipt Number 305087. (admin)
07/15/202459Motion to Sell Property Free and Clear of Liens 11 USC 363(f), 8264 Courtland, (21 Day Objection Language) ( Filing Fee: $ 199.00 ) filed by Ronald E Ingalls for Trustee Ronald E Ingalls (Attachments: # 1 Contract # 2 Mailing List # 3 Proposed Order)(Ingalls, Ronald)
07/15/202458Application to Employ Broker, Max Prestridge of NAI El Paso (21 Day Objection Language) filed by Ronald E Ingalls for Trustee Ronald E Ingalls (Attachments: # 1 Listing Agreement # 2 Mailing List # 3 Proposed Order)(Ingalls, Ronald)
10/14/202357BNC Certificate of Mailing (Related Document(s): 55 Order Regarding (related document(s): 51 Motion for Relief from Stay (14 Day Objection Language) ( Filing Fee: $ 188.00 ) filed by Erin E. Jones for Creditor Advanced Business Capital LLC d/b/a Triumph Business Capital (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C # 4 Exhibit D # 5 Proposed Order)) (Order entered on 10/11/2023))
Notice Date 10/14/2023. (Admin.)
10/12/202356BNC Certificate of Mailing (Related Document(s): 54 Order Abandoning Property (related document(s): 48 Trustee's Notice of Intent to Abandon 2017 Kenworth VIN *7205 (21 Day Objection Language) (Attachments: # 1 Mailing List # 2 Proposed Order)) (Order entered on 10/10/2023))
Notice Date 10/12/2023. (Admin.)
10/11/202355Order Regarding (related document(s): 51 Motion for Relief from Stay (14 Day Objection Language) ( Filing Fee: $ 188.00 ) filed by Erin E. Jones for Creditor Advanced Business Capital LLC d/b/a Triumph Business Capital (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C # 4 Exhibit D # 5 Proposed Order)) (Order entered on 10/11/2023) (Yarbrough, Bobby)
10/10/202354Order Abandoning Property (related document(s): 48 Trustee's Notice of Intent to Abandon 2017 Kenworth VIN *7205 (21 Day Objection Language) (Attachments: # 1 Mailing List # 2 Proposed Order)) (Order entered on 10/10/2023) (Yarbrough, Bobby)
09/23/202353BNC Certificate of Mailing (Related Document(s): 52
Hearing to Consider and Act Upon the Following:
(Related Document(s): 51 Motion for Relief from Stay (14 Day Objection Language) ( Filing Fee: $ 188.00 ) filed by Erin E. Jones for Creditor Advanced Business Capital LLC d/b/a Triumph Business Capital.
Hearing Scheduled For 10/25/2023 at 01:30 PM at El Paso Courtroom...Prior court approval through CM/ECF is required to appear by WebEx or phone for this hearing.
Any exhibits to be considered by the Court can be presented at the hearing or mailed (2 copies) to the Courtroom Deputy at Ronda Farrar, R.E. Thomason Federal Building and United States Courthouse 511 E. San Antonio Ave. Room 444, El Paso, TX 79901.)
Notice Date 09/23/2023. (Admin.)