Case number: 2:22-bk-22617 - Construction Material Recycling, Inc. - Utah Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Construction Material Recycling, Inc.

  • Court

    Utah (utbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Peggy Hunt

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
District of Utah (Salt Lake City)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 22-22617

Assigned to: R. Kimball Mosier
Chapter 7

Date filed:  07/12/2022
341 meeting:  08/10/2022 09:00 AM
Original Deadline for filing claims:  12/15/2022


Construction Material Recycling, Inc.

35 N 50 E
Coalville, UT 84017
Tax ID / EIN: 20-0947029

represented by
Jeffrey L. Trousdale

Cohne Kinghorn
111 E. Broadway, 11th Floor
Salt Lake City, UT 84111


Steven R. Bailey tr

Steven R. Bailey, Attorney at Law
P.O. Box 1828
Layton, UT 84041

represented by
George B. Hofmann

Cohne Kinghorn PC
111 East Broadway
11th Floor
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
(801) 363-4300
Fax : (801) 363-4378

Jeffrey L. Trousdale

(See above for address)

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

Washington Federal Bank Bldg.
405 South Main Street
Suite 300
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
represented by
Matthew James Burne

Office of the United States Trustee
405 South Main Street
Suite 300
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Fax : 801-524-5628

Debtor(s) email addresses used for BNC noticing ONLY

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
12/09/2022Creditor Request for Notices. Creditor Added: WCF Mutual Insurance Company. Filed by WCF Mutual Insurance Company. (Shields, Jeffrey) (EOD: 12/09/2022)
11/10/2022Creditor(s) uploaded (77 creditors). (Hofmann, George) (EOD: 11/10/2022)
11/10/202220Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-individual, Statement of Financial Affairs and Schedules Verification of Creditor Matrix Filed by Steven R. Bailey tr. (Hofmann, George) (EOD: 11/10/2022)
09/22/202219Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice. Filed by Jory Trease, Stacy H Kelley. (Trease, Jory) (EOD: 09/22/2022)
09/22/2022Withdrawal of Claim Re: Claim Number(s): 3 Filed by Wheeler Machinery. (Bridge, Scott) (EOD: 09/22/2022)
09/16/202218BNC Certificate of Service Re: Notice (related document(s):17 Trustee's Request for Creditors to File Claims) Notice Date 09/16/2022. (Admin.) (EOD: 09/16/2022)
09/14/202217Trustee's Request for Creditors to File Claims filed by Trustee. Proofs of Claims due by 12/15/2022. (Bailey tr, Steven) (EOD: 09/14/2022)
09/13/202216Original Signing of the Order was August 12, 2022. Order Granting Motion For Joint Administration. Case 2:2022-bk-21299-RKM is designated the Lead Case and will be Jointly Administered with Cases 22-22617 and 22-22618 (related document(s):6 Motion for Joint Administration) (jtt) (EOD: 09/13/2022)
09/09/202215Pending Order Re: 6 Motion for Joint Administration. (Hofmann, George) [Order# 428726] (EOD: 09/09/2022)
09/08/202214George B. Hofmann, attorney, having failed to submit an order on its Motion for Joint Administration the following cases:22-21299, 22-22617, 22-22618 (Trustee's Motion for Order Directing Joint Administration and Motion to Designate Stacy Kelley as Person Responsible for Preparing Statement of Financial Affairs and Schedules) accordingly that on or before 9/22/2022, George B. Hofmann, attorney shall submit an order disposing of the Motion for Joint Administration the following cases:22-21299, 22-22617, 22-22618 (Trustee's Motion for Order Directing Joint Administration and Motion to Designate Stacy Kelley as Person Responsible for Preparing Statement of Financial Affairs and Schedules), or show cause why the Motion for Joint Administration the following cases:22-21299, 22-22617, 22-22618 (Trustee's Motion for Order Directing Joint Administration and Motion to Designate Stacy Kelley as Person Responsible for Preparing Statement of Financial Affairs and Schedules) should not be denied; and that the clerk shall enter an order denying the Motion for Joint Administration the following cases:22-21299, 22-22617, 22-22618 (Trustee's Motion for Order Directing Joint Administration and Motion to Designate Stacy Kelley as Person Responsible for Preparing Statement of Financial Affairs and Schedules) if George B. Hofmann, attorney fail(s) to comply with terms of this Order. SO ORDERED, /s/ R. Kimball Mosier, United States Bankruptcy Judge.

The official order in this matter is set forth in the Notice of Electronic Filing created by this entry. No document is attached.Attorney Response due: 9/22/2022. (sjl) (EOD: 09/08/2022)